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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Right. Okay. Perhaps I'm referring more to the first game. Also, I've seen Lukaku have some anonymous games for club and Country....just not against us.
  2. But he also switched pulisic which was effective
  3. Just like in the reverse fixture, Tuchel's tactics at half time were the difference.
  4. The missus got it at Tesco (not online but in store)
  5. James Earl Jones Angela Lansbury Mel Brooks Dick van Dyke Sydney Poitier
  6. Have recently got in to spiced rum and this bad boy is a level above !
  7. I remember reading on VT a while ago that there might be a turkey shortage so I immediately panicked and logged on to m&s and ordered one. Only, in my haste I'd reserved a turkey crown and not the whole bird.....not only that but it cost me £55.....feeds 8-10. I couldn't be arsed to change it and saw it as a lesson to myself to take my time and not rush. Picked it up, feeds 8-10 my arse ! So, am even more annoyed with myself. Anyway, roasted it yesterday and bugger me if it wasn't the best tasting, moist bird I'd ever got my chops around !! However, next year I am going to take my time, not panic and not read any scaremongering stories on VT Happy Xmas VTers xxx
  8. Box ? A box ?!? You poor boy, you can't afford a tin ? In case you're hard up and in need of charity, I've just dropped a bag load of old jogging bottoms to St Giles hospice shop near sainsbury. Don't be shy or proud.....just go in and ask for Big John's bag - they know me well
  9. Seems like you CAN take Chelmsley Wood out of the boy
  10. I have my eye on an a/c unit to wheel around the house....can't find one less than £400 and it seems too expensive....however, every hot summer's night I lie awake sweating my spud off, I swear blind I'm gonna buy one....then I see the price.....and so on.
  11. Those three are proppa blooze mate and can be seen drinking in town mate. Actually, the one in the middle....you can almost hear his two brain cells fusing together as he tries to form a sentence in his head ! Mate.
  12. Think it's Ian Danter if I remember correctly. He's in a KISS tribute band too. Actually, for a nose he's quite articulate and he is quite a good impressionist
  13. I'm in 23rd, 24th (12 hr dayshift) and 25th, 26th (12 hrs nightshift)....then 31st/1st days then 2nd,3rd nights. It's just the way the shift pattern falls really. It could be a lot worse....working in a&e doing proper, important work and not just mucking about on a laptop in my box bedroom, supporting the world of logistics.
  14. Don't blame ya. That's insensitive to say the least. If you've already been paid ur redundancy money then I wouldn't even log on now. Hope you have another job lined up too ?
  15. What curry did you get ?
  16. Sorry Mr Bickster; as much as I respect you, I have to say that cheese footballs are pure evil (I presume you mean the semi solid cream cheese in a wafer coating ?)
  17. Nice to see Neil Taylor playing, even if it IS for boro
  18. And there it is ! I'm out !
  19. I bet you would've had that dish if it was brought to you by a serving wench with the mushy peas in a miniature watering can !
  20. There is no way 40k+ can all be checked; it would cause massive delays at the turnstiles. My mate stewards in the upper smug Ellis and thinks it might be a case of random or spot checks.
  21. This should be in a things that piss you off that SHOULD : Katie effing Price. 6th ban, 3rd time driving whilst under a ban. Under the influence of drink and/or drugs.....gets a suspended jail sentence
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