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Everything posted by mottaloo

  1. Clubs have official denim partners now ?!?! Game's gone
  2. Probably mentioned this before but Paul the nose from Northfield once said "at the end of the day" 26 times in one call.....I was stuck in traffic on my way to work and it actually helped with the boredom
  3. Has Erdo Pete not got his teeth in or is the phone under his chins ?? Mate.
  4. Just heard him. He used to phone the brmb one as well. Never takes a breath. Thank god he's gone off the air now; next door's dog has finally stopped howling !
  5. His missus fancied living in that London
  6. Think it was qpr's Loftus Road...but it was embarrassing all the same
  7. First mixed grill for a year. Red lion west brom; as good as ever. 2 large grills, lamb biryani, masala chips, garlic naans and a chicken tikka masala for the ladies :
  8. Mourinho said this at his first stint as chavski manager. Despite all their money, it didn't work as players seem to be too thin skinned and their egoes can't take being displaced from the first team.....so loads went out on loan or moved on.
  9. Or perhaps Targett has simply got the hump about Digne signing and chucked his toys out of his pram ?
  10. Fair play to the man in one way, but why would you want to resume playing - and at such a high level - 7 months after having a cardiac arrest ?! It can't be for money. Boredom ? I just don't understand.
  11. Moaning that the Derby goal was foot up....and then one of em gets a touch of the molly sudgen's bridesmaids and mentions "our jude" - again.
  12. Reminiscent of Gary Cahill's goal at the holte vs sha
  13. Didn't an argentinian miss 3 pens in one game for his country ?
  14. Didn't he do that cos his agent is a nose ? What a weapon !
  15. Am watching the responder on BBC iplayer - Martin Freeman in the lead role. Great programme - even his scouse accent is boss, lad !
  16. I often wonder who that girl is. Is it a clip from a film, TV or is it real life/normal kid thing ? I also wonder what her story is and what she's up to now ?
  17. Hope I'm wrong but....these protests the great unwashed are doing....the social media stuff....exposure on radio/TV seems....i dunno...not snowballing exactly but...I pray that sha owners stay strong and as elusive as ever and ride out this storm of inbred, frothing at the mouth bullshite which is starting to annoy me a little now. Mate.
  18. I remember reading a football magazine (think 442 or total football) and it had a player interview with Julian Dicks at home, photos and all. It was when he was at West ham.....one of the pics was him in his lounge. In the background there were two mini statues of pitbull or staffy terriers (apparently Dicks had a couple of that breed as pets)....anyway, on closer inspection the statues had full claret and blue kits on.....with AST computer sponsor logo on the front ! Yep, whoever gave them to him got his team colours slightly mixed up and there they were in full villa kits ! One for the boring thread I guess but made me laugh at the time
  19. I've always felt he wasn't a footballer, but a sprinter who played football....but that's just my opinion.
  20. Eddie will be doing his best spluttering R2D2 impression on the phone in tomorrow evening
  21. Pancake ? For a doorman ? That's like calling a savage rottweiler "lollipop". ...just read up on him....jeez, what a piece of work ! I take it back !
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