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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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This week went south pretty quickly.  I've been told the NHS are taking the contract I work on in-house, meaning likely redundancy (for the second time in 5 years) come September, then I had to rush home to console the missus who's best friend (with whom she grew up and was due to be her bridesmaid next year) has succumbed to the horrible **** cancer she's been fighting for the last year.  30 years old, really lovely person she was, always trying to make other people happy.  She'd been through the **** mill too, about a year before her diagnosis both her parents had passed away within a couple of months of each other, then after being told she had cancer she had to have her arm and most of her shoulder amputated to try and cut it out.  Last we saw her was a couple of months ago when she was between chemos and well enough to see people, all she wanted to talk about was how the wedding plans were going.  Taken some time off to be with the mIssus, she's devastated.

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Cancer is the **** devil. Really cannot stand that disease. It's taken so many good people I know. My fiancee's mother has it right now. Just when you think things are on the up, you get another kick in the shins. Would pay anything for a cure to be found for it.

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That's awful mate. Makes a lot of what's been moaned about on here seem trivial in comparison. Best of luck to your friend in battle against that word removed of an illness.

She's already passed , I read that as.

Awful stuff, sorry to hear all of that.

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Cancer can suck my sweaty balls.


Seriously, We can clone shit but we can't kill "mutated cells"?


What the **** is science playing at?


Should have been dead and buried 20 years ago.


More and more people appear to be getting it too, it's absolutely shit.

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Do you think in, like, 100 years, maybe even less, people will look back on all these people dying from cancer in the same way as we look back on people dying form infections and stuff.


As in, we look back now to the time before antibiotics and think "It must have been crazy to live in a world where you get an infection and there's a good chance you'll die".

Or the plague. You just have to hope you don't get the plague. And if you do, you're ****.


Will people be thinking, in 50 years "it must have been crazy to live in a world where you get cancer and there's a good chance you'll die"?

Edited by Stevo985
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I hope that the eventual inevitable cure for various types of cancer will be coupled with us dealing with quality of life issues and not just a simplistic cancer cure that just prolongs aged ill health thus resulting in us all dying aged 113 having been infirm for 25 / 30 years.

Not really the subject for today. 

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Yeah, shite news that RDR, all of it.


We all have to go sometime, from something, but the Big C is a right MoFo, and 30 really makes it incredibly sad.

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