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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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They've already changed my contract once ('Just some behind the scenes stuff, you won't notice a thing' - wage drops £15 a week) I'm not beyond thinking they've screwed me over again.

You're not with Hays, are you?

No. The situation with my job is a bit complex, 3 companies dealt with, I actually don't know who employs me - I work for one company, I get paid through another, and I deal with another for numerous bits and bobs. I sometimes think the situation is a bit like what I imagine you'd go through to launder money ;).

I got to the bottom of the money thing - income tax has taken an extra £40, for reasons beyond my knowledge. I'm fairly sure I haven't earnt enough to justify a hike like that (I'm actually bloody certain) so I guess thats a long phonecall waiting to happen...

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They've already changed my contract once ('Just some behind the scenes stuff, you won't notice a thing' - wage drops £15 a week) I'm not beyond thinking they've screwed me over again.

You're not with Hays, are you?

No. The situation with my job is a bit complex, 3 companies dealt with, I actually don't know who employs me - I work for one company, I get paid through another, and I deal with another for numerous bits and bobs. I sometimes think the situation is a bit like what I imagine you'd go through to launder money ;).

I got to the bottom of the money thing - income tax has taken an extra £40, for reasons beyond my knowledge. I'm fairly sure I haven't earnt enough to justify a hike like that (I'm actually bloody certain) so I guess thats a long phonecall waiting to happen...

You might be in for a nice rebate maybe?

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I just mean the man on the street. Right through society. It would take a long diatribe to explain but even simple things like road behaviour. Even using your car horn properly these days will probably get a few middle fingers and a barrage of abuse. Twenty years ago a street fight was usually over when one guy hit the deck. Now it's an invitation to dance on his head and that's presuming someone didn't have a knife. Society has become angrier from what I've seen and people are a lot less friendly. I dunno where it's going, but I hope it slows down.
This guy at work often tells stories which end with, "and I kicked his effing head in!" and I just think , there's no need. I bet you didn't, you're far too fat, and there's no need.

If he doesn't get his way as well, he likes to end meetings with I'll kick your head in, or I'll kick their head in, my word it's annoying.

I just smile and say you couldn't catch me if you tried.

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I just mean the man on the street. Right through society. It would take a long diatribe to explain but even simple things like road behaviour. Even using your car horn properly these days will probably get a few middle fingers and a barrage of abuse. Twenty years ago a street fight was usually over when one guy hit the deck. Now it's an invitation to dance on his head and that's presuming someone didn't have a knife. Society has become angrier from what I've seen and people are a lot less friendly. I dunno where it's going, but I hope it slows down.

I'm actually going to say things like this piss me off because it's usually just the perception of the person saying which has changed, not society. Most people seem to think the world is going to hell in a handbasket once they reach their mid thirties when the truth is it isn't. Maybe you feel less safe in the streets now because so many things have changed since you roamed them, or now you pay more attention to the news and see things you were oblivious to when you were eighteen or maybe you have things like children to worry about now, but violent crime has been falling year on year for as long as I can remember. People didnt not put the boot in if the person they were fighting twenty years ago fell to the ground, if anything it was more likely to happen in a lot of circumstances due to rampant football hooliganism at weekends and lack of CCTV coverage meaning getting evidence against offenders was much more difficult.

So sorry BOF, I disagree passionately with you on this one.

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I just mean the man on the street. Right through society. It would take a long diatribe to explain but even simple things like road behaviour. Even using your car horn properly these days will probably get a few middle fingers and a barrage of abuse. Twenty years ago a street fight was usually over when one guy hit the deck. Now it's an invitation to dance on his head and that's presuming someone didn't have a knife. Society has become angrier from what I've seen and people are a lot less friendly. I dunno where it's going, but I hope it slows down.

I'm actually going to say things like this piss me off because it's usually just the perception of the person saying which has changed, not society. Most people seem to think the world is going to hell in a handbasket once they reach their mid thirties when the truth is it isn't. Maybe you feel less safe in the streets now because so many things have changed since you roamed them, or now you pay more attention to the news and see things you were oblivious to when you were eighteen or maybe you have things like children to worry about now, but violent crime has been falling year on year for as long as I can remember. People didnt not put the boot in if the person they were fighting twenty years ago fell to the ground, if anything it was more likely to happen in a lot of circumstances due to rampant football hooliganism at weekends and lack of CCTV coverage meaning getting evidence against offenders was much more difficult.

So sorry BOF, I disagree passionately with you on this one.

Oh yeah? You want a **** fight about it?

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I just mean the man on the street. Right through society. It would take a long diatribe to explain but even simple things like road behaviour. Even using your car horn properly these days will probably get a few middle fingers and a barrage of abuse. Twenty years ago a street fight was usually over when one guy hit the deck. Now it's an invitation to dance on his head and that's presuming someone didn't have a knife. Society has become angrier from what I've seen and people are a lot less friendly. I dunno where it's going, but I hope it slows down.

I'm actually going to say things like this piss me off because it's usually just the perception of the person saying which has changed, not society. Most people seem to think the world is going to hell in a handbasket once they reach their mid thirties when the truth is it isn't. Maybe you feel less safe in the streets now because so many things have changed since you roamed them, or now you pay more attention to the news and see things you were oblivious to when you were eighteen or maybe you have things like children to worry about now, but violent crime has been falling year on year for as long as I can remember. People didnt not put the boot in if the person they were fighting twenty years ago fell to the ground, if anything it was more likely to happen in a lot of circumstances due to rampant football hooliganism at weekends and lack of CCTV coverage meaning getting evidence against offenders was much more difficult.

So sorry BOF, I disagree passionately with you on this one.

Our 2 countries were very very different from each other from a social standpoint 20 years ago. A lot more than they are today. I actually think that's key in this particular discussion. That you disagree with me is probably because you are right from an English perspective.
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My boss. She's just come back from 2 weeks holiday and given me a massive bollocking for emailing her once last week when I knew she was checking her Blackberry and needed her approval for a project to stop it over-running and getting us (as a company) into massive trouble. Apparently it's not fair to contact her on holiday as she needed a break (to put it into context, she's General Counsel and Company Secretary of a FTSE 350 company and on a salary of £500k, so not exactly a 9-5 job). She then proceeded to tell me that when she's away, I must keep her updated and should copy her in on all emails.

So pretty much a no-win situation for me there then.

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My boss. She's just come back from 2 weeks holiday and given me a massive bollocking for emailing her once last week when I knew she was checking her Blackberry and needed her approval for a project to stop it over-running and getting us (as a company) into massive trouble. Apparently it's not fair to contact her on holiday as she needed a break (to put it into context, she's General Counsel and Company Secretary of a FTSE 350 company and on a salary of £500k, so not exactly a 9-5 job). She then proceeded to tell me that when she's away, I must keep her updated and should copy her in on all emails.

So pretty much a no-win situation for me there then.

Locate her wrong' un and do her up it.

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Is she the kind of person you could ask "how do I keep you up-to-date with emails while simultaneously not emailing you while you're away?" or is she just a word removed.

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People moaning about the rain. It's Britain ! It's how it is FFS.

'the mother in law'

she won't come out of her house when I park outside, she doesn't know if it's me apparently so she waits until I get out the car and walk half way down the garden path (not a euphemism I assure you). The fact i've had the same car for 3 years and have parked outside her house at the alloted time is irrelevant, she could accidentally get in the wrong car and be taken (!) lord knows where by a chav or a colonial or some such

So, I have to get out of the car and walk 5 or 6 paces. At which point, she will emerge from the house, stand still, zip up her coat, find her little hat / bonnet / clear plastic hood thing, put it on, tie it. Rummage in bag for umbrella, put down bags to operate umbrella with two hands, put up umbrella, collect bags, WALK ABOUT 8 YARDS to the car, open car door, put bags in, put down brolly, take off plastic hat device, get in car.

FFS, it's just rain and you're only wet because you've been stood there dicking about with hoods and brollies

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Is she the kind of person you could ask "how do I keep you up-to-date with emails while simultaneously not emailing you while you're away?" or is she just a word removed.

She is just a word removed.

And Brumerican, I don't have the right appendage for that (I'm a woman as well). Although she'd probably quite like it that way.

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