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When someone has two different voices.

I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but there's a guy I work with and at times he will talk in a normal voice. A happy voice that I've heard him use when he's on lunch, having a laugh, or out of work having a drink.

THEN... There's another voice he occasionally uses, which appears to be when he's in 'professional mode'... It drops down to a lower tone, he sounds more serious. It sounds like the world is on his shoulders, maybe because his voicebox is temporarily being controlled by the spirit of Louis Armstrong.

It's a problem on my part, hence it being in this thread, but when he uses his professional voice, I just want to punch him in the face.

You don't work with my Dad do you? :?

Bloody annoying with him. He's all smiles and jokes when we're at home. When I call him in the office, it's serious time. Even when he acknowledges it's me he'll continue doing proffesional/office talk.

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When someone has two different voices.

I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but there's a guy I work with and at times he will talk in a normal voice. A happy voice that I've heard him use when he's on lunch, having a laugh, or out of work having a drink.

THEN... There's another voice he occasionally uses, which appears to be when he's in 'professional mode'... It drops down to a lower tone, he sounds more serious. It sounds like the world is on his shoulders, maybe because his voicebox is temporarily being controlled by the spirit of Louis Armstrong.

It's a problem on my part, hence it being in this thread, but when he uses his professional voice, I just want to punch him in the face.

There's a girl at work who is Scottish. She speaks perfectly well at work, on the phone etc, without any real Scottish accent.

Then when her Scottish cousin phones her, this thick Scottish brogue takes over. It's almost indecipherable.

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There's a girl at work who is Scottish. She speaks perfectly well at work, on the phone etc, without any real Scottish accent.

Then when her Scottish cousin phones her, this thick Scottish brogue takes over. It's almost indecipherable.

People mostly don't realise I'm from Birmingham until they hear me talking to another Brummie... :oops:

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I think the voice change thing is pretty common.

My Mom (who's Irish but has lived here for nearly 40 years) goes into a massively Irish accent when she's on the phone to someone in Ireland. She still has an Irish accent anyway, but it's accentuated when she's speaking to another Irish person.

On a tangent, but has anyone else had it where they're unaware of someone's accent?

I remember my mates doing an impression of my mom when I was about 15 and they put on an Irish accent. And my response was "My mom doesn't have an Irish accent"

She obviously does, but it was just her voice. In my head it had assumed some sort of accentless property.

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I used to work with a woman who could not identify accents at all. To her everything was "Yorkshire" (i.e. normal), "obviously British of some sort, but not Yorkshire", or "foreign".

She couldn't tell (say) a Spanish accent from a German, for example.

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I'm in Ireland so that's not an option. I'm currently swapping providers and there has been an unforeseen (on my part) delay in the broadband swapping over. The landline; on the otherhand; swapped over instantaneously :angry:

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On a tangent, but has anyone else had it where they're unaware of someone's accent?

I remember my mates doing an impression of my mom when I was about 15 and they put on an Irish accent. And my response was "My mom doesn't have an Irish accent"

She obviously does, but it was just her voice. In my head it had assumed some sort of accentless property.

I never used to really register English regional accents at all until I went to uni. I had teachers from Yorkshire, down South etc. but I didn't detect anything in the way they spoke.

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When someone has two different voices.

I don't know if anyone else experiences this, but there's a guy I work with and at times he will talk in a normal voice. A happy voice that I've heard him use when he's on lunch, having a laugh, or out of work having a drink.

THEN... There's another voice he occasionally uses, which appears to be when he's in 'professional mode'... It drops down to a lower tone, he sounds more serious. It sounds like the world is on his shoulders, maybe because his voicebox is temporarily being controlled by the spirit of Louis Armstrong.

It's a problem on my part, hence it being in this thread, but when he uses his professional voice, I just want to punch him in the face.

You don't work with my Dad do you? :?

Bloody annoying with him. He's all smiles and jokes when we're at home. When I call him in the office, it's serious time. Even when he acknowledges it's me he'll continue doing proffesional/office talk.

I don't think so, he's about 25!

The daft thing is, sometimes in work he will talk in his normal voice. I could just pass him in the office, say a daft joke, and he'd joke back in his normal voice. Then 5 minutes later, I'd hear him speaking to someone else and he'd turn into Bleeding Gums Murphy.

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