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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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1 hour ago, blandy said:

I saw a film on a plane recently, and all the swears, every one had not been blanked, or beeped, but instead had been overdubbed. It was so bad it was funny. "catch that mustard fudger", and such like.

I mean who are they afraid of upsetting? and are there more of them than people who are annoyed that a film is rendered comical by dubious overdubbing of what the murcans call cussing?

I really wanted to enjoy telly tubbies the movie but it was ruined by kowtowing to the, er, Po-faced.

Then there's VT. 

****, word removed, clearing in the woods, rocket polisher. 

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30 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Then there's VT. 

****, word removed, clearing in the woods, rocket polisher. 

If everyone paid VT the same as they spend on flights then we wouldn't have to pander to advertisers.

In fact just the price of a pint a month from the regular posters would probably cover it.

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1 hour ago, blandy said:

I saw a film on a plane recently, and all the swears, every one had not been blanked, or beeped, but instead had been overdubbed. It was so bad it was funny. "catch that mustard fudger", and such like.

I mean who are they afraid of upsetting? and are there more of them than people who are annoyed that a film is rendered comical by dubious overdubbing of what the murcans call cussing?

I really wanted to enjoy telly tubbies the movie but it was ruined by kowtowing to the, er, Po-faced.

On the other hand, it has given us the overdubbed snakes on a plane.

"I've have it with these monkey-fighting snakes on this monday to friday plane." It's just a work of art.

I wonder how long it'll be before clubs start having stewards slinging people out for bad language. 

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5 hours ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

'Snowflake' is used by people on the right as frequently as 'fascist' is used by people on the left to describe people who don't agree with them. I think the bottom line is that politics is in the toilet right now. Genuine debate seems to be impossible. 

Indeed, it also seems that you can ask someone about one thing and then be able to guess what they think about everything else as people just fall into the stereotypical left or right winger nowadays.  There hardly seems to be anything in between.

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Last week of work before I break up for christmas and no motivation whatsoever.

Loads to do and finish up for year end, but I'd happily go home now and deal with the fallout next year :D


Making it hard for myself, why am I like this? :D




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6 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

Not an original rant I know, but it IS Monday so please indulge me :

"champions" league draw. Dave, the Liverpool fan shout across the office to Andy. 

"we got bayern Munich. Gonna be tough for us, that one !" in his thick Nuneaton accent.

"we got PSG. Could make or break our season. Never wanted mourinho at my club anyway !" replied Andy in his thicker Tamworth accent.

"Villa dropped 2 points on Sat" I piped up. Cue blank expressions from Andy and Dave. 

words removed, the pair of them 🤬

I'd bet a grand that Dave hasn't seen Bayern Munich play since at least the Champions League final of 2012/13, if that.

And given PSG have never played Man Utd before, I'd guess Andy has literally never seen them play.

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18 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I'd bet a grand that Dave hasn't seen Bayern Munich play since at least the Champions League final of 2012/13, if that.

And given PSG have never played Man Utd before, I'd guess Andy has literally never seen them play.

You're not wrong there. Whenever Andy gets gobby about his beloved yanited, a pic of him wearing a Chelsea shirt circa 2005 is emailed to him by those of us who aren't glory hunters. He soon shuts up.

Hats off to another lad at our place who goes home and away to see his local team, Cov. He also takes his 8 yr old son who refused to be like his class mates and support whoever's the best at the moment. 

Poor lad though....I mean.....Cov !

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11 minutes ago, choffer said:

Unlike VT of course where everyone is an expert ;)


(I jest of course, I learn a fair amount from VT). 

I know very little about european teams these days to be fair. Since the champions league went to VT I see very little of them (I'd always watch a CL game or two in the week, back when they were on ITV and Sky)

I glean most stuff from podcasts and VT!

But then I never pretend to Joe Bloggs in the office that i know what I'm talking about either :) 

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On 16/12/2018 at 13:43, rodders0223 said:

Commentators nowadays apologising for language heard from chants in the crowd.

Almost as bad as them dubbing generic crowd noises whenever a song with a swear word in is sung in the stands. Completely ruins the atmosphere of a game when you are watching, happening over and over again as I'm watchig Derby vs Forest tonight.

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On 16/12/2018 at 13:43, rodders0223 said:

Commentators nowadays apologising for language heard from chants in the crowd.

Almost as bad as them dubbing generic crowd noises whenever a song with a swear word in is sung in the stands. Completely ruins the atmosphere of a game when you are watching, happening over and over again as I'm watching Derby vs Forest tonight.

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I've started listening to the back catalogue of a long running podcast, and it's good. Except the accent of one contributor winds me up no end. I'm not even sure why. He has this weird accent that's a bit Manc, a bit Brummie and a bit Scouse. He says the word 'game' like 'guy-muh'. It makes my teeth itch.

He also has Jo Wiley syndrome. Likes everything.

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11 hours ago, wilko154 said:

Almost as bad as them dubbing generic crowd noises whenever a song with a swear word in is sung in the stands. Completely ruins the atmosphere of a game when you are watching, happening over and over again as I'm watchig Derby vs Forest tonight.

It's not because they were swearing. They broadcast sweary chants all of the time, occasionally apologising.

They dubbed over the generic crowd noise when the fans kept singing "Sky TV is **** shit"

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