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The Randy Lerner thread


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Randy has done the right thing and the timing of it is superb. Clear message that last season was not acceptible. So fair play for that, I suspect that the fear of losing out on a managerial target as other vacancies become available may have prompted it as well.

Now lerner needs to go further. Approach the right man, regardless of whether that man is cuirrently employed or not. And then back him with cash, and lots of it as the squad needs major improvements considering the last two years of drift and mis management.

Appointing the right man is not good enough on its own, he needs time and money to set the place right again

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Randy has done the right thing and the timing of it is superb. Clear message that last season was not acceptible. So fair play for that, I suspect that the fear of losing out on a managerial target as other vacancies become available may have prompted it as well.

Now lerner needs to go further. Approach the right man, regardless of whether that man is cuirrently employed or not. And then back him with cash, and lots of it as the squad needs major improvements considering the last two years of drift and mis management.

Appointing the right man is not good enough on its own, he needs time and money to set the place right again

Agree with every word of that Richard.

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Randy dropped a clanger when he appointed McLeish but fair play to him for dealing with the situation so swiftly. I honestly thought it would take days, possibly weeks (if we were lucky).

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totally don't agree with those calling for randy to leave as well, not only because there has to be someone to come in, and who would be an improvement, but also because we are seeing signs of mistakes being made but also rectified and learned from. we are also seeing honesty and modesty (even if it is in a 'round-about' way).

I agree with Richard on the next step.

And also, if the answer is Lambert, who some call MON Mk II, i don't see a huge issue in that. we had some great times under MON, and surely after all this the same mistakes that led to his flaws seriously affecting us can be prevented under Lambert.

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Randy messed up but he has quickly repaired the damage so I so well done. Job not over yet because we need a good new manager and some inverstment but it is a step in the right direction. Thank You Mr Lerner!

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I suspect Randy is hurting as much as anyone right now, his pride will be hurt after getting another appointment wrong. I don't think it'll do any good hounding him, he's still our life line. If someone wanted to buy the club, there would have been an approach by now.

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Randy has done the right thing and the timing of it is superb. Clear message that last season was not acceptible. So fair play for that, I suspect that the fear of losing out on a managerial target as other vacancies become available may have prompted it as well.

Now lerner needs to go further. Approach the right man, regardless of whether that man is cuirrently employed or not. And then back him with cash, and lots of it as the squad needs major improvements considering the last two years of drift and mis management.

Appointing the right man is not good enough on its own, he needs time and money to set the place right again

Totally agree.

Randy made a huge mistake and one which could and should have been avoided, today he rectified it. I applaud his timing, I'm delighted he has moved swiftly to deal with the problem and I think the statement was pretty well worded in the circumstances.

As you say though Richard its just a start, Randy has a lot more work to do in order to improve my view of him. That starts with recruiting and backing the right manager or at least the right sort of manager.

The club has been badly run for at least 2 years perhaps longer at a far higher level than the manager and if we are to start moving in the right direction that also needs to be addressed.

The division between fans and owner/club is wider than I ever could have imaged it would be given where we were 3 years ago and in taking this swift action Randy has an opportunity, a singular opportunity to bridge the gap.

The decisions he makes now and over the course of this summer will be critical for both the club and his remaining tenure as our "custodian" to use his own term.

Get it wrong again and the consequences will be dire and fatal in terms of our position within the PL and his position with the fans.

The decision today to sack McLeish doesn't fix things, it doesn't put things right and it doesn't change my views or probably a lot of peoples views on Lerner but its a start and for the first time in 2 years he has got something right.

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Good timing and a very well worded statement. Good. That's the first bit done.

It's also the end of the only thing we all agreed on, now, please pick a manager that some of us like and some of us don't, it's what we want, it's all we ask.

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Randy, you made a huge mistake, you failed to listen to the fans and you failed to scrutinise McLeish's footballing CV before you appointed him.

Today you have made a decision that goes some way to repairing the damage that has been done, and believe me some significant damage has been done.

Villa fans are not heartless and they are not clueless and they will give a guy a chance so you now have an opportunity to make amends and get it right this time and prove to us that you have the best interests of AVFC at heart.

We know there are financial constraints to work within and we know we are not going to be another Chelsea or Man City and buy success but we also know what good football is and that is all we ask for.

This has to be your last chance though so please do not take us for fools and please make the right decision no matter how long it takes.

We will be supportive but we will be watching.

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Thankfully the statement didn't refer to it being due to the fact we never gave him a chance because of where he came from.

I think it's as close as you'll ever get to him admitting he **** up, but he can't say it outright

At least he can admit an error, unlike Venky's for instance

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Randy has done the right thing and the timing of it is superb. Clear message that last season was not acceptible. So fair play for that, I suspect that the fear of losing out on a managerial target as other vacancies become available may have prompted it as well.

Now lerner needs to go further. Approach the right man, regardless of whether that man is cuirrently employed or not. And then back him with cash, and lots of it as the squad needs major improvements considering the last two years of drift and mis management.

Appointing the right man is not good enough on its own, he needs time and money to set the place right again

I guess it is impossible to argue with the first paragraph. The next two; yes, we need investment but at the same time I think we all know, or at least should expect, that there will not be "lots of" cash available. The new manager will have to operate within the real world. Richard, who do you want as the new manager?

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Mr Lerner,before you make a final decision on our next manager,sign up on these boards with a user name along the lines of "top dog" drop a few hints on who you think you want as manager and then read the replies,youll get the best feedback on wether or not your picking the right man.We dont want anymore embarrassing misshaps like the last one do we?

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Randy has done the right thing and the timing of it is superb. Clear message that last season was not acceptible. So fair play for that, I suspect that the fear of losing out on a managerial target as other vacancies become available may have prompted it as well.

Now lerner needs to go further. Approach the right man, regardless of whether that man is cuirrently employed or not. And then back him with cash, and lots of it as the squad needs major improvements considering the last two years of drift and mis management.

Appointing the right man is not good enough on its own, he needs time and money to set the place right again

Money has to be spent, obviously. But giving another manager "lots of it" is the wrong way to go and would be a clear case of Lerner not learning from his previous mistakes.

A large part of the reason why we've been on such a huge downward spiral is because Lerner was spending unsustainably under O'Neill - finally realised how bad our finances were, and withdrew, for a large part, that level of support.

What we actually now need, and we've needed it for years, is a proper international scouting system which can pick out the best emerging talent before their price tag rockets. Think Newcastle, think Arsenal - forget wasting millions of pounds again, we need to learn from our mistakes and change our approach. Lerner simply hasn't got the financial clout to throw money at signings. So we need this scouting network in place - with the ability to actually purchase someone from outside the UK and Ireland - and a manager who is adept to taking calculated risks and spotting the best talent. If Pardew can do it, we can get a manager who can too. No excuses this time.

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^ This.

Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of fans who won't be satisfied unless Lerner throws "lots" of cash at a new manager. It's extraordinary that so many supporters still can't see that this was the cause of our downward spiral under MON. What's even more unfortunate is that I think a lot of fans would be willing to sacrifice long term stability for short-term glory - Chelsea and Man City are to blame for this. I was numb on Sunday when Aguero scored the winner in extra time. I want nothing more than for us to do things the right way, build the club up from bottom and have a crack at the CL spots...

VillaAndLoyal has outlined exactly what we need - a proper intenational scouting system and a manager that is able to spot and nuture talent. I'll be flayed for saying so but I still think that's what Lerner was hoping to develop under Houllier. Houllier was dammed by the situation he inherited and by a couple of PR disasters but, had he not been forced to resign, I think we'd be in a much better position now. Anyhow, here's hoping Randy makes a much better choice than last time...

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^ This.

Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of fans who won't be satisfied unless Lerner throws "lots" of cash at a new manager. It's extraordinary that so many supporters still can't see that this was the cause of our downward spiral under MON. What's even more unfortunate is that I think a lot of fans would be willing to sacrifice long term stability for short-term glory - Chelsea and Man City are to blame for this. I was numb on Sunday when Aguero scored the winner in extra time. I want nothing more than for us to do things the right way, build the club up from bottom and have a crack at the CL spots...

VillaAndLoyal has outlined exactly what we need - a proper intenational scouting system and a manager that is able to spot and nuture talent. I'll be flayed for saying so but I still think that's what Lerner was hoping to develop under Houllier. Houllier was dammed by the situation he inherited and by a couple of PR disasters but, had he not been forced to resign, I think we'd be in a much better position now. Anyhow, here's hoping Randy makes a much better choice than last time...

I agree, but I'm not sure if Randy recognises what we need. After Houllier he went out and got McLeish, a completely different manager with a completely different way of doing things. Right now I'm very confused as to what he wants to do with the club. His next appointment will be very telling.
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Agree with many on here who have been stating the Houllieresque aspect. Shame he had the dodgy heart, as his scouting for players was and possibly is really top stuff.

Not wanting to ìf only`about the whole thing, but we did get to the stage after half of the season that we actually looked like playing football. Someone with that mindframe would do just fine. Could certainly do something with our own younger players too.

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The sign of a good owner is not never making mistakes, but rectifying and learning from them.

Randy has rectified his mistake with McLeish. Who he appoints next will tell if he has learned from that mistake.

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