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Paul Lambert


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Richard, You were full of optimism when PL arrived and you posted that you felt he would be backed, so can we take it that you now believe what hairyhands/TrentVilla write is the truth, and therefore we have all been duped by the owner?

fair question.

I am still optimistic that we have the right manager. I believed at the time the message which was why would he come here if he wasn't going to be backed to do the job. I knew it would be a long term project, I had my doubts over Lerner as anyone who has read my posts for the last three years will know. I was one of the first to openly express my concerns and got dogs abuse for it, so I still had my doubts but given the huge regard I have for lambert was prepared to put those to one side . What doesn't change it seems is the unpredictability of our owner.

This window is a defining moment. I am not yet prepared for my previous criticism to resurface , and I accept this may have more to do with the fact that we have for me the right manager and the one of my choice , but the events of this window may change that. I will admit it is not looking to good so far and we do need players in key positions urgently but it's the tenth of January who knows what will happen in lerner's mind between now and the end of the window.

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I'm not going to go into what information I provide to prove myself nor is it that important to me. What I mean with the owner is he is unpredictable - his mind can be changed quickly. Right now he doesn't want to spend and he might not change his mind. All I'm saying is that later in the month he might realise he is making a huge blunder and try and sort it at the last minute!

By that time the players Lambert wanted might be gone. All I'm highlighting is the danger plans and that it isn't through the want of trying of the manager!

So whatever happens in the transfer window you're covered - if he doesn't spend you've predicted it, if he does, you mentioned he might!

It doesn't actually come as news to a lot of people that Lerner doesn't want to spend. It's been obvious for about three seasons.

This is why I think ITKers sometimes get a bit of a rough time on this site - the feeling that we are being told things we already know without needing any inside info.

Also the thought that we are only being told part of the story - serving someone's particular agenda.

Anyway, welcome to the site. I look forward to further revelations.

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this is the best post I have ever read on this site

It's not a bad post. But it doesn't address the points that were being discussed in posts that immediately preceded it - except to confirm there is reason to trust Hairy hands' information. There was no debate as to Lambert's ability. For what it's worth, I've personally not stopped backing him. Nor am I blind to the precarious financial position that the club is currently in (I continue to primarily blame MON). The issue that was being discussed was whether Lerner was refusing to 'back' Lambert during this transfer window. Hairy hands has suggested that Lambert had identified two players that he felt were required, but neither have been sanctioned by the club. This raises a number of questions: why is Lambert not clear about the parameters under which he is working? How wildly over-expensive were the players he identified? Hairy hands suggested that Lambert will not be able to sign £5m players - if the two players would have cost the club £10m it doesn't seem a huge amount to pay to avoid the far greater financial implication of relegation - particularly given the increased TV revenues. I will continue to support Lambert irrespective of how this month pans out, but without the couple of players we are crying out there's a good chance we'll go down'

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Sorry Hairyhands - you might be correct and 100% ITK but if I can't allow myself to believe any more negativity surrounding our club. Regardless of whether you are right or wrong, for the sake of my sanity I'm going to wait until the window has closed before I either thank Lerner for investing and saving us or go **** mental cos he has condemned us to relegation and not see the "bigger picture" from a financial perspective given the upcoming TV deal next season.

Very overly dramatic but you get my drift.

Thanks for posting your ITK info by the way.

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Working with club owners must present unique sets of challenges for each manager - you can imagine the blessings/pitfalls of working for the likes of Abrahamovich, Mansours or even a Whelan or Fernandes.

But to have an owner who is so quixotic that he might change his mind about spending plans during a transfer window strikes me as being particularly difficult to deal with.

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to have an owner who is so quixotic that he might change his mind about spending plans during a transfer window strikes me as being particularly difficult to deal with.

I'm quite surprised this has come as a revelation to anyone - we've seen this pattern throughout his ownership. For example, changing the goalposts over the money from Milner, panic buying of Bent under Houllier. His investment seems to have been all over the place since about year two of his time at the club.
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If true then it is the stupidest thing ever. How much more can we cut costs. Both Warnock and Dunne are out of contract at the end of the season. I am sure we can find buyers for Bent and N'Zogbia. Ireland maybe. They are our big earners.

However to risk the safety of our club and the financial implications that brings is ludicrous. Especially the money supposedly coming next season. It smacks of incompetence by the powers that be.

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How on earth have you come to that conclusion? Are you Aston Villa's contracted accountants or the business development manager?

Just some simple common sense.

Our wage bill was a lot higher a couple of years ago and the club did not go bankrupt. Income through sponsorship and merchandise has increased over the last couple of years while the wages continue to come down.

We have a higher income than most teams in the prem and at the end of the season the tv money will increase a lot.

I do not believe for one second that signing 2 or 3 quality players would financially ruin this club.

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Just some simple common sense.

Our wage bill was a lot higher a couple of years ago and the club did not go bankrupt. Income through sponsorship and merchandise has increased over the last couple of years while the wages continue to come down.

We have a higher income than most teams in the prem and at the end of the season the tv money will increase a lot.

I do not believe for one second that signing 2 or 3 quality players would financially ruin this club.

I completely agree.

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The first team as per o.s..



















El Ahmadi





















Worst Villa squad I think I have ever seen.

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At the end of the day you can all believe whatever you want.

You can believe that Lambert is a useless manager if you want, you can believe that he signed a load of cheap kids in the summer because (insert whatever theory you want), you can believe he is blind to what we need in January if you want and that he has done knob all about getting players in. These all seem like quite common views reading various threads.

Or you can believe that Lambert is a good manager, a manager who did his best in the summer with the resources available to him and with the players from his targets that the board secured for him. That knows exactly what we need this window and has already identified those players but doesn't have the financial backing to make them happen.

Believe what you wish to believe.

I know which I believe and where I believe the blame lies for the problems that we have and have had for almost 3 years now far longer than Lambert has been around. There is a reason our fans sang his name away at Norwich last season and that reason is he has proven himself to be a good manager and what is happening here shouldn't change peoples view of that. Not in my book.

That isn't to say he hasn't made mistakes in selections, in tactics or any other area of the job all managers make errors but he isn't a bad manager and neither is he the real problem here.

People can agree with me, disagree with I don't much care I'm tired of trying to convince people we couldn't go signing X or Y in the summer and tired of saying we aren't going to pay £10m for Lescott. You don't have to be ITK to work that out it is just common sense based on everything that has happened to/at this club in recent years.

I've been critical of Lambert at times and I will be in future no doubt but right now I wouldn't swap him for anyone else because given what he inherited, what he is working with in terms of the players and the restraints I believe he is under it is amazing we aren't already in the bottom three.

As for me being able to vouch for Hairyhands, yes I can.

I suppose we will have our answer as to whether 'Hairyhands' does have inside information when the transfer window closes. I have been very critical of him and will retract and apologize if what he says comes to fruition that in fact we can't even afford five million for a player and if that is the case then i simply can't see how we can stay up under those constraints.

Which leads me then to why would Lambert leave Norwich for a club in a worse position and under the same constraints? I mean it's career suicide to do that. We are a bigger club than Norwich due to past history but no better off financially or indeed positionally now in the Premier League.

So why did he come to us? He must have been promised funding which 'Richard' alluded to at the start of the season. Has Lerner and the board now back tracked that promise because we are doing so badly again? Are they actually sowing the seeds for relegation and life in the Championship at best?

Is that actually what O'Neill suspected and was it indeed the catyalst for O'Neill leaving?

Lerner has sold his other club so why the constraints on our transfer budget? Is there something in his closet that we haven't heard yet or, is it simply that relegation and Championship football is acceptable to him.

Too many questions and not nearly enough answers for me.

If Lambert is running the team without enough investment then why doesn't he come out and say it. Why doesn't he state that he has to use what he has as there is no money to spend. Other managers have come out and said this in their defence.

Something just doesn't add up for me and we'll know by the end of the month.

Edited by Morpheus
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10 days in and not a single recruit to help us, im getting to the point of Villa are making it less and less fun watching and supporting them more and more days are spent moaning and becoming even more disatisfied with what is happening with out beloved club. Experience is needed and needed NOW. what is wrong with the club the kids arent good enough take the bradford game we were poor defensively like we have been all season, Adress it Sissoko is cheap get him douglas would be cheapish get him why do we wait so god dam long to sign a player were need them. Lambert is so inept its untrue I seriously think Lerner is petrified to give him the money I seriously think Lerner would like to sack him but has no choice but to wait for Lambert to relegate us. The transfer window= Spend some money

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