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6 minutes ago, villakram said:

e.g., I wonder what the republican will do if they take the house in 2022.

Impeachment is final. Conviction is a separate but related process.

Yes but impeachment is just a word for a process, it means absolutely nothing.

The GOP taking the House is also somewhat improbable in 2022 given current trends


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16 minutes ago, villakram said:

Interesting goings on.

The de-listing from the NYSE of Tencent et al. is now off.

The highly offensive sending of the UN ambassador to Taiwan is off.

They have de-classified the US military strategy documents for the pacific region, i.e., China. This is unlikely to make the named allies of Japan/Aus happy and may annoy Modi's lot too. 


Although the declassification was strange I can’t help but think it was an effort to keep Biden ‘honest’ and not step back, but it’s been a bipartisan issue up to now. 

In terms of the substance of the strategy I was impressed, though it’s very ambitious. US allies in the region should definitely feel reassured - again, if there’s no course change. 

Russia is a regional problem, but China wants to flip the table and reorder the world according to CCP rules - an order of magnitude worse.

The business with Hunter B will be interesting, assuming DOJ/FBI don’t quietly shelve it once under new management. 

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9 minutes ago, bickster said:

Yes but impeachment is just a word for a process, it means absolutely nothing.

The GOP taking the House is also somewhat improbable in 2022 given current trends


Didn't they just gain seats after the 2020 election? going by that trend, they are likely to take the house in 2022

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16 minutes ago, maqroll said:

Well, as long as you're asking, I think Toby Keith is a redneck plastic patriot with disgusting far right politics and terrible music.

Right wing, yes. Far right paints a picture which I think isn’t true. The terrible music thing, yeah I would guess to pretty much everyone on here would think that. 

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10 minutes ago, AXD said:

Didn't they just gain seats after the 2020 election? going by that trend, they are likely to take the house in 2022

No not really. The Democrats currently have a larger percentage of the popular vote nationwide and it's growing. The House better represents the popular vote than the Senate which is skewed towards the GOP quite heavily, even if it is much closer now than previously, I'd still expect the Senate to be more vulnerable than the House to be taken by the GOP

It's not impossible obviously but that's just the way I see it.


But like I said, impeachment itself means nothing


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26 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

Right wing, yes. Far right paints a picture which I think isn’t true. The terrible music thing, yeah I would guess to pretty much everyone on here would think that. 

Sorry, I have a very hard time separating the message from the actual music. It's Ugly Americanism with amplifiers.

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3 minutes ago, maqroll said:

Sorry, I have a very hard time separating the message from the actual music. It's Ugly Americanism with amplifiers.

Don’t worry I’m not buttheart. I am ok if people hate him/his music. 

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4 hours ago, villakram said:

e.g., I wonder what the republican will do if they take the house in 2022.

Impeachment is final. Conviction is a separate but related process.

But nothing has changed. At all. So why do you say "now"? Clinton was impeached by 228 to 206, so don't make out the democrats are moving the goalposts or changing the rules to impeach Trump, it simply is not true.

Edited by Davkaus
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1 hour ago, Xann said:


That painting is hanging infuriatingly crooked. The pens on the desk are all perfectly lined up but the painting looks like it's been hanged up by a blind guy with Parkinson's. 

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49 minutes ago, sne said:

That painting is hanging infuriatingly crooked. The pens on the desk are all perfectly lined up but the painting looks like it's been hanged up by a blind guy with Parkinson's. 



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3 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

What's your opinion on the impeachment of Clinton @villakram?

The investigation that led to the impeachment was obviously politically motivated, though there was plenty shady about the Clintons back in Arkansas.

Lying under oath. No-one forced Clinton to do that. That was and is a federal crime, but see Clapper for a recent example where nobody cared.

From memory, I believe the overall process took many, many months.

The dems have opened a can of worms here. It would have cost nothing to at least pretend to be impartial and spend this week having hearings. Of course, Nancy doesn't care because she's out of there in 2022 regardless.  

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3 hours ago, bickster said:

No not really. The Democrats currently have a larger percentage of the popular vote nationwide and it's growing. The House better represents the popular vote than the Senate which is skewed towards the GOP quite heavily, even if it is much closer now than previously, I'd still expect the Senate to be more vulnerable than the House to be taken by the GOP

It's not impossible obviously but that's just the way I see it.


But like I said, impeachment itself means nothing


Think that's too optimistic. The presidential out-party nearly always gains in mid-terms, and Republicans only need a 6 seat swing to take the House. In addition, they will be able to optimise their gerrymandered congressional district lines through their control of state legislatures.

Time will tell, but I think they'll comfortably win the House back.

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3 hours ago, Awol said:

Although the declassification was strange I can’t help but think it was an effort to keep Biden ‘honest’ and not step back, but it’s been a bipartisan issue up to now. 

In terms of the substance of the strategy I was impressed, though it’s very ambitious. US allies in the region should definitely feel reassured - again, if there’s no course change. 

Russia is a regional problem, but China wants to flip the table and reorder the world according to CCP rules - an order of magnitude worse.

The business with Hunter B will be interesting, assuming DOJ/FBI don’t quietly shelve it once under new management. 

Yup, penning Biden in.

This is a large part of the reason they are trying to delete Trump from the history books, because they know he will not obey standard decorum and will sling missiles and more from the sidelines at the Biden admin.

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55 minutes ago, villakram said:

The investigation that led to the impeachment was obviously politically motivated, though there was plenty shady about the Clintons back in Arkansas.

Lying under oath. No-one forced Clinton to do that. That was and is a federal crime, but see Clapper for a recent example where nobody cared.

From memory, I believe the overall process took many, many months.

The dems have opened a can of worms here. It would have cost nothing to at least pretend to be impartial and spend this week having hearings. Of course, Nancy doesn't care because she's out of there in 2022 regardless.  

The Dems are calling for hearings. McConnell is blocking them until after the 20th.

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41 minutes ago, maqroll said:

The Dems are calling for hearings. McConnell is blocking them until after the 20th.

Hearings in the House via the relevant committee. He has been impeached. This has occurred without any discussion or presentation of evidence, unless of course one thinks some of what went on yesterday counts towards that. Yesterdays events bore more similarity to a show trial than one should be comfortable with. 

There has been lots of talk, wailing and gnashing, about how democratic norms and institution have been damaged by the Trump presidency, here is an example and it is Pelosi and the democrats who did the deed.   

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