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There's arseholes everywhere. Do you really want to bet that no Villa fan will make a similar rocket polisher of themselves after Benteke goes?


There are, but they do seem to attract a disproportionate amount.


In 30 years supporting Villa I've never seen that sort of thing from one of our 'fans' and this isn't an isolated example with them.



Liverpool's fanbase is far far far larger then ours and as they attract more than their fair share of glory hunting kids with an entitlement complex then the bile is always going to be there.   I doubt Sterling takes it seriously even if the 'traditional' news outlets run with it because it's good copy for minimal effort on their part. 



Yes there is an element of that but there is more to it than that, there is a great article doing the rounds somewhere (NV posted it previously) that goes a long way to explaining their fans mentality and the dogma that goes with it. Few if any teams have the same almost religious indoctrination and belief system they do where seemingly nobody is allowed to say anything or do anything against them or speak ill of them. They round on their own should they dare to break ranks.


They are an odd lot and I do think they are different to most lots of fans.


As for if Sterling takes the threat seriously or not, I'm sure he doesn't but I'm not sure that should matter you can't make idle threats like that and not face the consequences. I hope whoever posted that faces prosecution.

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Great window for them bastards. Need to add one more good defender and they'll be a serious threat for top 4. 


the problem I see that will knacker up Liverpool next season is width, from who they have signed and the way you would expect them to shape up they will be way too narrow, a team with any quality out wide could really give them some trouble,


Plus they have got Rodgers in charge, the man is a fool.

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Great window for them bastards. Need to add one more good defender and they'll be a serious threat for top 4.

Liverpool top 4? Have you seen Man Utd's window? And that's not even taking into account the fact that there's no way they can possibly have the amount of injuries that they STILL got 4th with last season with a largely Moyes squad. Arsenal have Cech and City are looking better too. The gap between 4th and 5th will be bigger next season than it has ever been IMHO. Liverpool would need to spend another £100m (in addition to any Benteke bid) to have a hope.

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Liverpool's only hope in hell is if they can somehow stay in touch with the leaders over the first couple of months.  Their opening fixture list is hilariously brutal.  They play basically all of the top sides away from home before Christmas.  This will also be the time they're trying to bed in any new stars.  So if they can somehow come out of the bedding in period and the tough fixture period with something approximating a cat's chance in hell then they have a potentially 'easy' second half to the season where they would need to go on a run and pick up most of the points on offer.  I don't think it'll happen.  I think they'll be lower top half/midtable around Christmas and if Rodgers survives they'll spend the second half of the season trying to limit the damage done in the first half.

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I understand where people are coming from when they say it, as I thought it myself not too long ago when looking at their signings, but actually thinking about it properly there's no chance they are knocking Arsenal, Chelsea, City or United out of the top 4. Will be a battle with Spuds for 5th.

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I'd love that to be the case as in my eyes there is no chance they are dislodging any of the current top 4.

Mine too Penguin. If anything the gap has grown. Benteke would have to go on a Suarez-esque run of goals coupled with a bad run for one of the big boys in order for them to have any hope. Stranger things have happened of course. But as a betting man the odds would be ... eh less than 50 50 :)
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140k a week rumoured for Benteke over 5 years


Isn't that like 70 mill plus his signing fee


If they fail to get champions league again i can see them in financial turmoil


Are you serious? No wonder he went there.

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140k a week rumoured for Benteke over 5 years


Isn't that like 70 mill plus his signing fee


If they fail to get champions league again i can see them in financial turmoil


Are you serious? No wonder he went there.


Not surprising really. That's the going rate for a world class striker at a big club

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They have signed some very good players. Clyne was the best rb in the Premier League last season, Mliner we all know how good he is and now Benteke. So you can't say they have no chance. They will be closer than last season I feel. 

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Benteke will carry them like he did us.

I think they are only a decent CB away from a pretty good side.

I think they could do with a couple of centre backs personally, however I think they will back in the mix next season. I think they have had a good window so far

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