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Ron Vlaar


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He'll sign for someone like AC Milan on a pre-contract in January imo. If he does i'll still wish him the best.


As already mentioned the fact that he has past injury problems is going to be a sticking point for both parties. He will want a big long contract to protect himself and his family incase he gets injured, and we will be adverse to offering on to an ageing player with an injury history. Will take at least 3 yrs with option for one more on £60k to keep him i reckon.

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Our achilles heel has always been in replacing the quality we've had.No

Isnt that the achillies heal of every team, in any sport?


Recent examples have been extreme, with Bale and Suarez for instance, but it has been done before.

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Our achilles heel has always been in replacing the quality we've had.

Isnt that the achillies heal of every team, in any sport?



Real Madrid?



Didnt replace Makelele, won nothing for a while. Zidane said something like "why put another gloss of paint on the ferrari if youre taking out the engine", or something to that effect.


Can throw as much money at a probem as you want, doesnt mean you'll fix it.

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Perez quote was the absolute best ever, slightly different opinion to the one held by Zidane  - We will not miss Makélelé. His technique is average, he lacks the speed and skill to take the ball past opponents, and ninety percent of his distribution either goes backwards or sideways. He wasn't a header of the ball and he rarely passed the ball more than three metres. Younger players will arrive who will cause Makélelé to be forgotten


Reminds me of what people say about Westwood. Not that Westwood is of Makelele's quality, but people do seem to under-appreciate those sorts of players.

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In 6 years at Feyenoord, Vlaar played just over twice the amount of games he's managed for us since 2012. Come the summer he'll be past 30. The risk Vlaar faces is that he can only sign a pre-contract agreement with 6 months remaining on his contract. One bad injury before then could see him without the bumper deal he may otherwise get, so there's a lot for the player to consider too.


In a perverse way, we may have gotten the best out of Vlaar in his time here and it could work well for both parties to part at the end of the season. He'll be looking for (and justifiably so) big wages and at least a 3 year deal - taking him to a few months shy of 34 years old. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Vlaar fan and I wish his contract was another 24 months longer, but I can also envisage us having another player on huge wages not playing much if he were to stay. Again, I'd be absolutely delighted, but I have a feeling that that delight would last for another 18 months or so.


Our achilles heel has always been in replacing the quality we've had. Young, Milner, Laursen, Barry, Petrov, Downing we're either replaced poorly or not at all. If Lambert can convince Randy (or whomever) that replacing the club captain (again) is pivotal to the team, and he uses his time and funds wisely, then I'm happy to see Vlaar leave on a high knowing we've had probably the best 3 years of his career here at Villa. 

Yeah a lot of this is true, but let's not be chuffed if we lose Vlaar at the end of the season just yet. At the moment we've got a very good central defender. They are in short supply in the premier league. Let's not be the club's accountant, because to be realistic it's not as if we're getting anything especially right. I'd rather have the really consistent player on our books than the millions of pounds of profit in Randy's. It's Football Manager thinking that we can take the Vlaar money and use it on a suitable replacement.


If we sell Vlaar, it'll be for his market price. His value will have reflected in it all of the above points. His age, his injury record, the contract he would have to sign for us to keep hold of him. So what happens then is a team comes in, probably a good one, and takes account of all of these things and still buys the player. So either they're idiots, or Randy has cashed in one of our assets. Again. Let's be fans of having good players in our team, not willing participants in a scenario that sends more money Randy's way.

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