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37 minutes ago, GingerCollins29 said:

Does this mean we are in europe cus of thr cup final?

Don’t think so, but you could argue they are going to concentrate on Europe this season and play Madrid the game before the cup final. So the cup is ours boys haha

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36 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

It's the application of a set of rules written to favour a certain type of rich team over a different type of rich team being badly enacted by an incredibly corrupt organisation that have very little chance of making their decision stick. Ridiculous.

I'm not sure about any of that. It's not ridiculous to me. They massively broke the rules and got caught. It would be ridiculous if UEFA let them off.

I dunno how corrupt UEFA is - not as much as FIFA, for sure.

The rules were written in part because the continental big clubs didn't like the English clubs dominating. But on the other hand the old money like Arsenal and even Man U will struggle with them if they drop out of the Champions league for a few years, because the income will drop massively, compared to wages. Football absolutely needs (IMO) FFP of some type. What exists now is a long way from perfect, but it's better than now't and clubs going bust in the numbers they used to.

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I think without the inclusion of debt, the rules in themselves are utterly ridiculous. 

I agree Blandy on the importance of rules that protect teams from overreaching - but by only looking at one side of the balance sheet and not including debt in the way that's managed, then we're punishing the clubs with the healthiest finances in world football - it's a nonsense.

Personally, I can't see this punishment ever being carried out - I think City's legal team would bankrupt UEFA before that would happen.


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Also, ideally, if City aren't able to take up a Champions league place, I don't think that place should be offered to the next best English team - the English team finishing fifth - I think the place should be removed from the Premier league's allocation. 

Although that's mostly because I think that would be hilarious.


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There was some chest pounding stuff from mansour a few years back about city having better lawyers than UEFA and more resources to fight them

I'll be amazed if this stands

I actually hope its the death of FFP, would love it if city went to war and won 

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11 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

Personally, I can't see this punishment ever being carried out - I think City's legal team would bankrupt UEFA before that would happen.


Yep this is my view as well. City have always said the rule is illegal and will run it to CAS 

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Absolutely crazy. FFP is now beyond a joke and actively harming football. "No investment in our sport thanks, we are UEFA". I hope Man City's lawyers overturn the whole nonsense in the courts and get the failed FFP nonsense in the trash can where it belongs so we can get back to football.

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Deflated, Pep potential gone in the summer, and players pondering their next move to a CL club. 

As we are all hoping for a miracle at Wembley in a couple of weeks this surely can't be a bad thing. 


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13 minutes ago, PaulC said:

They will appeal and probably just get a fine. Can’t see the decision of them being banned being upheld upon appeal 

If that's the case it will just open the doors for a "spend over the top, just get a fine".

Which tbh is fine with me, FFP is bulls*it.

Do we need something to help with stability in football? (And to help smaller clubs), yeah prob, but the answer isnt ffp for me.

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27 minutes ago, av1 said:

As we are all hoping for a miracle at Wembley in a couple of weeks this surely can't be a bad thing. 


I hope so but it will probably just make them angry and try and take it out on us. Good job we have a strong defence..

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For all the talk of wage caps and American systems and this that and the other the obvious one to me which I think is very close to starting now is transfers will stop

All summer real Madrid will be linked to mbappe, psg don't need money, the only way he leaves is on a free in 3 years time when his deal runs out, you can make that argument with us and grealish, give it 10 years I can see changes to footballer contracts and the bosman rule meaning that like the NFL players don't get sold, can't see trades coming in but I can see players being cut and paid off

you sign for villa for 5 years and you're a Villa player for 5 years unless you buy yourself out of the contract or villa pay you to leave 

As a result wages will rocket and contract durations will change and modifications to the loan system etc I just don't see this ever increasing player value thing being sustainable 

The biggest issue for me is player stockpiling and key players at minor clubs leaving to be CL bench warmers

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59 minutes ago, Chindie said:

I'll be very, very surprised if Citeh are prevented from CL football next year.

I also look forward to similar cases against PSG, Barca and Real...


All this is ultimately going to do is set the precedent that UEFA are toothless when it's reviewed by an independent body.

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