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Stevo - horrified when he doesn't see penis on his television.


It's funny. My mum loves that show. She's a nurse so she's seen her fair share of gross stuff, but when I have The Walking Dead on TV, she can't even abide the noises the Walkers make, let alone people getting limbs ripped off or chomped on. But she'll quite happily watch actual gross stuff on Embarrassing Bodies. I present to you the backwards logic of women.

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I've found a solution to this problem: I very rarely speak. Shame it can't transfer to my typing and posting on here, I know! Hello Stevo



As everyone that has been to the Holte Suite has found out first hand.




8pints would love to meet me. I'm his idol.

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I watched an episode of Embarrassing Bodies where an overweight kid was getting the piss taken out of his moobs at school. I imagine he's currently home schooled.

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Did the piss actually comes out of his moobs? Wouldn't surprise me knowing that programme.


No, it did not.


There was also a bloke who had all these weird growths on the back of his neck. Like the shape of the bill of a duck-billed platypus, loads of them. I had to switch it off. 

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Not so much about trust with me, I just don't think any woman willing to do that sort of thing for money is really the kind of girl I'd want to be dating.

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Could you date a stripper? I couldn't I'd really struggle with trust issues..



Have a trawl through the relationship thread, there's a former poster that did just that, so all those kinds of issues were discussed in depth.  I understand they're married now?

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Could you date a stripper? I couldn't I'd really struggle with trust issues..



Have a trawl through the relationship thread, there's a former poster that did just that, so all those kinds of issues were discussed in depth.  I understand they're married now?



Not yet, but in a few days if plans are still the same :)

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Embarrassing bodies I just can't understand why people watch it.


Soaps I don't watch but can understand, cookery shows I don't watch but again I can understand why someone would but that garbage I just don't get it.


The parts I've seen are just cringe worthy and not what I would call entertaining at all.

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Could you date a stripper? I couldn't I'd really struggle with trust issues..

slightly OT  but I remember one coming to the pub I was at one time for a mates birthday


did all her routine , stripped naked etc  ... and then when her act had finished , she covered her "bits" and went to the toilet to get dressed


not suggesting she got dressed in front of us all , but seeing as the whole pub had seen them , it seemed a bit pointless to then cover them as she walked off



to answer your question , I doubt a stripper is any more likely to cheat on you than a secretary or the girl that works in the cake shop  .... I suspect I'd feel a bit uncomfortable with the idea of my GF getting naked and shaking her stuff for other people for a living but ultimately it would be her choice what she did for a living

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I once was seeing a girl from stafford who used to walk over this mans bare back in high heels. He was from wolverhampton and she and her mate used to go over there. He was into all this pain fetish, she used to get paid well for it. I've also was seeing a girl who used to be an escort but at the time of me seeing her she had stopped it.

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Is it just me but if this sign had said 'white family' only, all hell would've broken loose, and the bloke who have been branded all kinds of thing. But as it says 'pakistani family' it's just inappropriate,

probably the sort of outrage that explains why UKIP received so many votes tbh


presumably the man renting the property is a Pakistani and thus feels comfortable with someone of a similar background to him ... I doubt it was done with racist intent tbh


all that will happen now is that he will get people of all ethnicity applying and then he will still let the property to a Pakistani family anyway

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Could you date a stripper? I couldn't I'd really struggle with trust issues..

I went with a nympho once,Its not all its cracked up to be.She wore me out in 3 weeks.I still cant get over the number of times she wanted sex, and she was happy to have it anywhere anytime.If we had sex every time she wanted to we would have been arrested after a couple of days.  

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Could you date a stripper? I couldn't I'd really struggle with trust issues..

I went with a nympho once,Its not all its cracked up to be.She wore me out in 3 weeks.I still cant get over the number of times she wanted sex, and she was happy to have it anywhere anytime.If we had sex every time she wanted to we would have been arrested after a couple of days.

It's a hard life ;). Must've been fun for a while though? I'd like to try keeping up with one.

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I don't understand soaps.

Everybody knows what's going to happen in them weeks before it happens. What's the point?

Some of the girls in soaps are top notch, these soap bosses know what they're doing!

Gutted Keegan has left corrie!

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