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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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I agree 100% with Richard in this, Grealish should know better and shouldn't get so plastered that -HE PASSES OUT ON THE STREET-, and I can't believe I have to say this again, it's no wonder that english young footballers pisses away their talents, watching english football closely from another country and having outside-look on the english culture surrounding football, I gotta say that I haven't seen so much undisciplined young athlete prats as in english football, and you (I mean english generally) still wonder why your young talented players won't reach the potential they have?


I really really hope that someone gives Grealish big kick on the arse and teaches him to have his head screwed on right so he won't piss away his talents like so many other young english playeres in the past 10-15 years.


He is Irish ;)

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I agree 100% with Richard in this, Grealish should know better and shouldn't get so plastered that -HE PASSES OUT ON THE STREET-, and I can't believe I have to say this again, it's no wonder that english young footballers pisses away their talents, watching english football closely from another country and having outside-look on the english culture surrounding football, I gotta say that I haven't seen so much undisciplined young athlete prats as in english football, and you (I mean english generally) still wonder why your young talented players won't reach the potential they have?


I really really hope that someone gives Grealish big kick on the arse and teaches him to have his head screwed on right so he won't piss away his talents like so many other young english playeres in the past 10-15 years.


He is Irish ;)


He sure can't drink like he's Irish. 


The  picture is indisputable evidence that Jack is English.

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At least we have a new verse for 'It's your round m'lord'.

Gas baloon m'lord, Gas Baloon?


I stand corrected.  Two new verses :)

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don't realy care what he does on holiday tbh long as hes ready for when the season starts

and to be fair when he first got out on his holiday didnt he av a photo took with some passed out bloke.original thought was graelish was avin a laugh but obviously hes hit the drink hard.Fair Play to him

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Whilst I doubt this is a sign he's about to piss his life away, I think that's a good point r.e: our culture and binge drinking.  It's just not the same elsewhere in Europe.


It is in here finland, our drinking culture is crazy, "Drink till you drop", and that's why I see all the warning signs on our young Grealish. The drinking culture is very imbedded in our hockey circles but they are still pretty disciplined and train well.

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The most perplexing aspect of this story is that he went to Tenerife. 

I thought footballers had money !

I think that I read he was in Dubai with Gary Gardner last week, so maybe he was slumming it after blowing his cash the previous week.

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Like the verbal abuse his brother gave a woman on twitter you mean?

He is responsible for his brother's actions too? Ok.

Is that what I said?

Well it was used in reply to a post about Grealish's actions. So pretty pointless and irrelevent in any case.

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I think the club handled it correctly. Don't say anything and they get slated for not doing anything. But a brief statement like that is perfect, IMO. Says they won't tolerate much more of that kind of stuff, even if it's normal teenager on holiday stuff. Quiet word with Jack and no more statements on the matter, sorted.

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I think we all did stupid stuff when younger and I look back and think what a bloody idiot I was on occasions, just like I look at Grealish and think what an idiot.

This one incident will not ruin his career, but he's done himself no favours and it puts unnecessary attention on him and the club. For a young athlete to reach their full potential they must make sacrifices, if he wants to be a normal teenager then he's not going to be the best football player he can possibly be, because normal teenagers aren't world class athletes.

The only thing he's done wrong is get caught on camera, there is no 19 year old professional footballer on the planet that wouldn't be doing that when the season has finished.

You think every 19 year old footballer ends up passed out in the middle of the road, on their own, in a foreign country?

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