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Is this red tint thing a known problem with the s3?

I've not heard of it, I've had samsungs before with yellow tint (gnex) and blue tint (s3) though. Try an app called colour adjuster to adjust the tint, wont work 100% but it may make the screen bearable.

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I've never had a screen protector for a phone.  I think they are fairly pointless.   Looking at that Spigen Ultra case, it's basically the same design as the Ringke Fusion. 

Edited by The_Rev
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I've never had a screen protector for a phone. I think they are fairly pointless. Looking at that Spigen Ultra case, it's basically the same design as the Ringke Fusion.

I used to think this about screen protectors.

But my S3 got scratched to shit on the screen. I wasn't rough with it, just general wear and tear going I'm and out of pockets and bags etc.

So I got a screen protector for my nexus 5. Apart from the ball ache of putting it on, it's basically unnoticeable.

And means when I come to sell the phone, the screen will be perfect.

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I still use my s3 every other day (as a media player at work). In and out of pockets and bags, no case, no scratches.

Then you must be very careful with it.


Mine was scratched quite a lot when I was done with it.

Don't get me wrong, not enough that you'd look at it and think "look at the state of that thing!"


But enough that you wouldn't be able to sell it as "good condition" or anything like that.


It was a shite phone anyway though :)

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My s3 screen is grand ......I do have it wrapped in an otterbox cover ....but its survived a fall from the upstairs balcony and been covered in food and pockets with keys etc .......gonna miss it when my m8 arrives ......

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i've decided that you have all jinxed the battery of my Samsung S3.


after talking on here about how long the battery lasts, i went on holiday.  

changed lots of settings, added lots of apps, also dropped phone and cracked one corner slightly (not sure if thats relevant).


Anyway, since i've been back home, my battery last exactly 23.5 hours each day - it gets to 0% in the evening about half an hour before i would plug it in for the night.

it used to always last 2 days, now it lasts less than half that.


i think this is partly due to brightness (i'm guessing).  

Its been sunny lately and i've had the brightness turned to maximum, as i've started reading books on my phone. i always had the brightness at 1/3 before.


now i feel all your S3 battery pain. 

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G3 arrived this morning. I can finally say it is the total sweet spot size for a phone for me. Feels very nice in the hand with the curved back, the back feels premium(ish) too, half way between Samsung plastic and HTC M8. 


But here's something that never gets mentioned often. The radio in this is AWESOME!! It can get signal in my black hole zone of my desk in work where neither my Note 3, nor colleagues iPhones nor the M8 can get signal. (could be to do with modern radio in a non metallic case? )


Anyway still don't like Onscreen buttons, and prefer the contrast of Amoled screens. But it's really the battery that I am slightly worried about, I'll report back after a few days with it. But I think it'll be fine as I do not play any video nor do I play any games on my phone. Plenty of music streaming and podcasts along with web browsing and whatsapp

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Android L is lovely. Can't find anything wrong with it so far. Very good for a developer preview. Everything works, definitely a daily driver.

How you finding it now Darren.

I flashed back to 4.4.4. Just a few too many issues. Didn't like the notification system, some apps still don't like ART, and it's not quite as snappy.
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