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18 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Pregnant Mrs P and I went to the 20 week scan this morning. The sonographer asked us if we’d like to find out the sex and we said we did. She said she’d do all the health checks first and then let us know at the end.

Thoughout the whole procedure she kept saying things like “I’m just measuring her spine”, “she’s lying on her front at the moment” and “ah look, she’s got her hands behind her head”.

At the end when she asked if we had any questions, we said “it’s a girl then?”

It’s a boy.

Gotta find fun in your work. I applaud her sillyness.

Oh and congrats to you, shagger.

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10 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

I agree.

Do you have a degree @Ingram85?

I'm not saying that because I think a degree makes anyone better than anyone else, but I just know that graduate jobs offer pretty decent starting wages these days. I think our company offer about £29k a year for a grad. We've got a guy who's just started who is 31, used to be a teacher but hated it and decided to retrain here as something else.

I know you're slightly older and there would probably be a bit of awkwardness about being a grad when the other grads are early 20's, but it could still be an option. A decent wage while training to do something completely different.

It's probably scary but if you hate your job that much it might be something to think about

When I started with the company I am now with a few years back, I had an induction and a stay over with a night out up in Preston. All the other people were grads, I was very late 40s. They treated me like a pensioner, and I felt like one as well. 

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On 16/11/2021 at 20:25, TheAuthority said:

Had a mate who owned a flat in Muswell Hill another nice hood - he had to sell when his business went belly up though. He paid 64K for a 3 bed back in 1990 :D I can't imagine what you'd pay now.

Dennis Nilsen, the serial killer, lived in Muswell Hill. He worked an admin job at the Job Centre. The days of people doing 'normal' jobs and living in areas like that are long gone. 

Sorry, he was the only person I could think of who lived there! 

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18 hours ago, Genie said:

I was at football training tonight when one of the mums said  “it’s due to snow next week, 9 inches apparently, I’m not really sure how much that is”

I’d have shown her, but it was quite cold. 

We had a very camp guy who used to work at our place, he was a very entertaining chap. Snow was forecast one evening and I remember his exclaiming loudly he was hoping for a 'good sprinkling of the white stuff tonight' :D 

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11 minutes ago, Xela said:

For the first time, the Villa manager is younger than me.

Welcome to middle age! 

So far I have always been younger than the sitting Prime Minister. I think it may change when Boris is toppled. Then whenever said Prime Minister comes on telly I will ask "is your dad there son". 

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20 minutes ago, Xela said:

Dennis Nilsen, the serial killer, lived in Muswell Hill. He worked an admin job at the Job Centre. The days of people doing 'normal' jobs and living in areas like that are long gone. 

Sorry, he was the only person I could think of who lived there! 

The Kinks. 

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19 hours ago, Genie said:

I was at football training tonight when one of the mums said  “it’s due to snow next week, 9 inches apparently, I’m not really sure how much that is”

I’d have shown her, but it was quite cold. 

"It's about the same as three of these love"

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8 minutes ago, Chindie said:

Yeah but they didn't clog the drains with dead men's penises, so why remember them?


8 minutes ago, Xela said:

That you know of. 

Has anyone seen Lola around lately?

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20 hours ago, Genie said:

I was at football training tonight when one of the mums said  “it’s due to snow next week, 9 inches apparently, I’m not really sure how much that is”

I’d have shown her, but it was quite cold. 

She going on holiday to Murmansk or something?!?

Because there's not going to be 9 inches of snow in the West **** Midlands, that's for sure.

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5 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

She going on holiday to Murmansk or something?!?

Because there's not going to be 9 inches of snow in the West **** Midlands, that's for sure.

The Sun we’re running the story yesterday (so most likely BS). Not sure which region it was but I saw the headline on the little Apple News widget thing. 

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20 hours ago, Genie said:

I was at football training tonight when one of the mums said  “it’s due to snow next week, 9 inches apparently, I’m not really sure how much that is”

I’d have shown her, but it was quite cold. 

I always wondered why your wife was bad at maths.

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1 hour ago, Genie said:

The Sun we’re running the story yesterday (so most likely BS). Not sure which region it was but I saw the headline on the little Apple News widget thing. 

Yes, I get those as well, though usually from the Express. They're completely fake - they've predicted about half a dozen different 'beasts from the east' over the last fortnight, and you barely need to wear a coat outside the house at the moment. I assume that making up dramatic shit about the weather must be good at driving clicks or something. It's about as much to do with weather forecasting as me licking my index finger and waving it in the air.

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So the lad has an interview at Tesco tomorrow. 

I wouldn't dream of going to an interview for an office job without the full suit but would that be OTT for a job at a supermarket stacking shelves? 

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3 minutes ago, sidcow said:

So the lad has an interview at Tesco tomorrow. 

I wouldn't dream of going to an interview for an office job without the full suit but would that be OTT for a job at a supermarket stacking shelves? 

Maybe not full suit, but trousers, shirt and tie I think. No need for the suit jacket. Maybe just a smart coat

I don't think it will hurt him at all to dress up, even if it seems a bit OTT. Shows that he is serious and wants the job

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