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oh yeah i'm after a bit of help if possible please

I have got a copy of senna but the subtitle file that I have puts portugese subs up when they are speaking in portugese (what the point in that is I have no idea)

any way I have had a look online but couldn't find the english subs

I have the 1hr 45 minute version of it

can anyone put a link up or point me in the rite direction


This should sort you out.

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I watched the movie "Frozen" last night. It's about 3 people who get stuck on a ski lift, at night, and everyone goes home, and the ski resort is closed for the whole next week. Oh and there is a snow storm and wolves running around on the mountain below them. Basically I think someone saw that bit in Dumb n Dumber where the guy gets his tongue stuck to the ski lift, and thought 'that would make an excellent feature length film'. I was expecting it to be completely terrible, but it wasn't quite as bad as that. Lost it's way in the last half an hour, and you could skip the first half an hour, which leaves you will half an hour that is alright.

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Just watched one out of my new Godard box:


Slow, mannered, stylish, beautifully filmed. And Bardot in the buff.

Can't beat a bit of nouvelle vague.

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I watched the movie "Frozen" last night. It's about 3 people who get stuck on a ski lift, at night, and everyone goes home, and the ski resort is closed for the whole next week. Oh and there is a snow storm and wolves running around on the mountain below them. Basically I think someone saw that bit in Dumb n Dumber where the guy gets his tongue stuck to the ski lift, and thought 'that would make an excellent feature length film'. I was expecting it to be completely terrible, but it wasn't quite as bad as that. Lost it's way in the last half an hour, and you could skip the first half an hour, which leaves you will half an hour that is alright.

I think i was bigging this film up about 6 months ago.

Nothing special but a decent film, its main asset was at least trying to do something different, its not really a genre specific film.

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I watched the movie "Frozen" last night. It's about 3 people who get stuck on a ski lift, at night, and everyone goes home, and the ski resort is closed for the whole next week. Oh and there is a snow storm and wolves running around on the mountain below them. Basically I think someone saw that bit in Dumb n Dumber where the guy gets his tongue stuck to the ski lift, and thought 'that would make an excellent feature length film'. I was expecting it to be completely terrible, but it wasn't quite as bad as that. Lost it's way in the last half an hour, and you could skip the first half an hour, which leaves you will half an hour that is alright.

I think i was bigging this film up about 6 months ago.

Nothing special but a decent film, its main asset was at least trying to do something different, its not really a genre specific film.

It did well in the fact that (given it was about 3 people stuck on a ski lift) it didn't seem completely far fetched and had that air of 'based on a true story' about it. The sense of unrelenting hopelessness after all the lights on the mountain were turned off was very effectively acheived though. I mentioned the good half an hour - luckily this was the middle portion of the film.

It's a film that uses an image on its promo material/cover that isn't actually in the film at all, which doesn't make any sense. It shows one of the guys hanging off the bottom of the car while the girl is still sitting there, and that never happens. Which, to the potential viewer, is cheating them really.

We just wanted to watch something, anything, that sounded remotely interesting last night on Lovefilm player. So glad they've put it on PS3, I get no end of use out of it. Picking a movie based purely on the genre, name, and first line of the synopsis can have interesting results. On an average weekday night with nothing better to do though, you don't mind watching a really trashy film (not the Frozen was)

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Should be the last of the Marvel licence to print money set up films for the Avengers, again looks like it'll be slightly shifty to me. One of the tag lines for this is laughably patriotic - Heroes are Made in America, I actually almost find that off putting even in a film about Captain America.

Best thing about this trailer by miles is it's choice of music - **** Tool!. And a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tja6_h4lT6A.

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Watchex green lantern, was alright, don't see why people are criticising the heavy cgi how else could they do it? Parts of it are weak and cheesy probably too much on earth with not alot happening but i quite enjoyed it, not as good as Thor or xmen though

and Blake lively? Twice on Sunday ;)

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When I was a kid I used to read all those Marvel superhero comics, but I haven't seen ANY of the films. Probably because I'm not a kid any more.

I'm surprised they haven't done Sgt Fury yet (although Inglourious Basterds was pretty much that).

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Bridesmaids was genuinely funny. Hardly original, but far superior to the Hangover 2.

The wife dragged me to see this on Sunday and I was pleasantly surprised. Some very funny scenes. It's a little like The Hangover with women.

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When I was a kid I used to read all those Marvel superhero comics, but I haven't seen ANY of the films. Probably because I'm not a kid any more.

I'm surprised they haven't done Sgt Fury yet (although Inglourious Basterds was pretty much that).

They are making literally anything that was ever a comic book into a movie these days. I can only say the only comic book movies I'd describe as very good are the two nolan batman movies. That's only made possible because batman has no super powers. He's just a ninja with a mask in nolans movies.

I just feel like you that the rest of comic book movies are just a bit silly and childish. They're just not for me. Similarly horror movies, in general, I just don't get them.

I'm hoping this comic book movie fad dies out soon. But I fear they'll reboot everything soon.

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Random fact: Marvel Comics held the rights to hulk Hogan's name.

I live inhope that they'll make a ridiculous comic book movie about him.

Although it would most likely be completely shit, as are most comic book films.

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