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Wesley Moraes


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Really pleased Wesley got a goal. Despite the opposition it was a very good finish.You could see from the off he was really trying hard and not hiding. Of course that’s the minimum you expect from a professional footballer but you don’t always get it. When confidence is low some won’t make as many runs or hide from the ball. I believe that’s a good sign that he is the type of character to fight through his poor form. Hopefully he’ll get a boost going into the next few games when he should get better service and can get scoring again. 

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9 hours ago, birdman said:

While I have no problem at all with Kodjia potentially starting at weekend let's not forget he has had the luxury of starting against a very young, less physically strong side. Of course he looked good and did well but to make a direct comparison with what Wes has done so far is ridiculous.


Totally agree.

I mean HELLO this was a **** Under 19 side FFS, Kodjia scoring a brace against kids is showing more than Wesley scoring against Everton, Norwich and Arsenal? Get the **** out of here.

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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The problem is much deeper than Wesley, and it's saddening that Wesley is now one of the many who have been used as a scapegoat. 

Midfield needs to hold the ball better, wingers need to cross better. Players also need to run beyond Wesley. Players also need to get in the box for crosses, nobody seems to want to or is fast enough in getting to the cross.

I said it many times before about our wingers, we are not utilising there speed to the levels we could. Players also arnt catching up to wingers crosses in time because our wingers can't seem to hold up long enough or way loose to early when it's obvious nobody has bombed down the middle or the other winger hasn't come flying in far post. That's another thing, we have two wingers, yet the other winger is never far post and often I've seen many occurrences where the far post isn't being attacked.

Point blank our team is having a tough time in attacking and making the most of everything and you can't nail that on just one players. Wesley is just a cog in a machine and the machine isn't functioning properly as one it's malfunctioning at seperate times.

In order for it to be Wesley's fault, he has to be serviced a certain percentage of crosses and we as a team can't service from the wings, we have not the quality. If Smith is to pursue this dream of Winger play, quality has to be brought in and whoever comes in needs to be damn good at crossing and being a winger. Wingers are no joke you can't mess about with that position because they are on the flanks alone with limited support. The moment you do mess up as a winger and relise its not happening you not only become a passenger but you limit your team, the best thing then would be to drop into midfield and become that extra man and support, that would so desperately be welcomed. I am surprised that Smith doesnt do that, start with wingers then if its not happening drop one or both back into midfield for a section of the game, it wouldn't hurt to keep formation changing and provide extra support into areas where it's obviously being exploited it's what I'd do.

Unfortunately this kind of system were playing requires money to be thrown at it and some real talent is needed. I'm actually crying out for our Owners to provide whatever cash is needed to get this formation up and running properly because it's obvious we need experience on the wings.

If survival is to be gained we need to make this happen come January, I'd be happy with 4-6 quality players one striker, one midfielder, one left back, one right back and two wingers. We can not and I repeat can not keep bringing in players who havnt been in this league for many reasons. One being because it's going to take time for anyone who hasn't prem played before for a start. Two you just don't know if they are upto it, the scout we have are new and they see them playing great in there respective league and not the prem league. Three, simply they are not the quality we need, they cost cheaper for a reason and because of it they are even more of a risk than buying experienced premier players.We do need to be looking at this leagues clubs who are ready to cash in on players who are surplus to requirements, fell out of favour or being sold because they no longer fit into there current clubs plans. We could find some real gems come January but i think buying anywhere but the Premier or players whove at least had some time in our league is a big mistake.

We don't get January right we are gone from this league, Jan is so important for us.

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11 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

Totally agree.

I mean HELLO this was a **** Under 19 side FFS, Kodjia scoring a brace against kids is showing more than Wesley scoring against Everton, Norwich and Arsenal? Get the **** out of here.

As someone pointed out Kodjia took over half a match to score two goals, Wesley took 20 mins to score one in the same game.

You can't knock Wesley without knocking Kodjia I'm afraid.

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1 minute ago, Dave-R said:

As someone pointed out Kodjia took over half a match to score two goals, Wesley took 20 mins to score one in the same game.

You can't knock Wesley without knocking Kodjia I'm afraid.

We were 4-0 up...

If he starts against Saints it will be back to the same old Wesley i'm afraid

Edited by villalad21
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2 hours ago, villalad21 said:

We were 4-0 up...

If he starts against Saints it will be back to the same old Wesley i'm afraid

You can't Guarantee that at all, putting him down only makes him feel worse, he and others are bound to read these negative comments they see all over the net and it's not good because they need support not negativity.

I mean most of what people are saying is not even constructive critism, it's just laying into our main striker.

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14 minutes ago, Dave-R said:

You can't Guarantee that at all, putting him down only makes him feel worse, he and others are bound to read these negative comments they see all over the net and it's not good because they need support not negativity.

I mean most of what people are saying is not even constructive critism, it's just laying into our main striker.


I think we should be allowed to say what we honestly think of our players in here whether it'd be negative or positive. I for one, am not gonna blindly support the guy and try to put a positive spin on everything he does on the very, very off chance he one day decides to go on to villatalk for whatever **** reason and gets his feelings hurt from reading what we say about him.

If I think a footballer is crap, I'm gonna say that he's crap here, period. If he does well, I'm gonna praise him. Its not like other footballers don't get constantly shit on either on here, but its somehow more okay for them because everyone has accepted that they're crap. Just look at Neil Taylor, you think he doesn't suffer from the negativity that he receives on here? Yet no one seems to give a shit about him and seem to enjoy crapping on him daily.

Like, if you're somehow talking to them directly or you're at the stadium then maybe we can talk differently. On an online forum? I'm gonna be honest af.


Edited by Laughable Chimp
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13 minutes ago, Laughable Chimp said:

I think we should be allowed to say what we honestly think of our players in here whether it'd be negative or positive. I for one, am not gonna blindly support the guy and try to put a positive thing on everything he does on the very, very off chance he one day decides to go on to villatalk for whatever **** reason and gets his feelings hurt from reading what we say about him.

If I think a footballer is crap, I'm gonna say that he's crap here, period. If he does well, I'm gonna praise him. Its not like other footballers don't get constantly shit on either on here, but its somehow more okay for them because everyone has accepted that they're crap. Just look at Neil Taylor.

Unfortunately, players and their friends / families do often make the mistake of checking what fans are saying about them online. The Jack Grealish thread on VillaTalk has loads of contributions from his brother Kevan.

Nobody's telling anyone what they can or can't say about a player on here. The players earn good money, they're grown men, etc. etc. But the relentless abuse Wesley gets is different from what any other player in the squad has received since the bad days of Lescott and co. It's different from writing off Neil Taylor as past it - he probably knows he's past it and is just glad he's still earning a salary.

We usually give the younger players more leeway, but Wesley seems to be the victim of a big price tag and the lack of backup options.

He hasn't played particularly well since joining, but some of the stuff about him not knowing how to play football is just attention seeking from the usual suspects on here - people who'll spend two pages telling everyone that Kodjia scored a ****ing hat trick against Liverpool, when anyone with a pair of eyes knows that wasn't true.


Edited by KentVillan
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2 hours ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

Except he isn't? 

You think he's not been used as a scapegoat, of course he is when the problem lie much deeper than Wesley. 

Wesley isn't the reason Wingers can't cross for $***. Wesley isnt the reason Midfielders can't keep the ball. Wesley isn't the reason our defence leaks goals because they can't keep it tight at the right times. Wesley isn't the reason our players are having difficulty  passing in the final third. Wesley isn't the reason for a good many other things happening because it's a shared blame throughout the team.

Yes Wesley has been dropping to deep, maybe that's his instructions to drop into midfield and give more support. Wesley certainly gives more to the team than what people are giving him credit for. 

Because of the team as a whole not functioning as it should be there are those fans that blame one player at a time, before Wesley wasn't it Hourihane getting it of fans. The way we treat our players is disgusting at times and when the majority start laying into a player, it's  nearly always for the wrong reasons and they are being used as scapegoats.

We need to see what the real problems are and unless we do that we wont ever change this blaming one player for the entire team going through some bad times.

Edited by Dave-R
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13 hours ago, Dave-R said:

More so I think we need to buy quality Wingers who have the eye for low crosses, who can almost without a doubt whip one in and can find that pin in a haystack. I think that's what we are lacking so desperately as our crosses just seem to go no where, they don't connect, they are just wild and loose or easily intercepted. 

Low crosses are the single most dangerous ball in football. A high cross and you have to hope that the first Cb doesn't clear it and it doesn't go over your players head and it is very easy to over or under hit it.

A low cross though. Even if the ball can't reach the striker there is still a good chance that a defender taps it in to the wrong location and concedes an own goal or a corner or a keeper fumbles the ball. And if the striker does get to the ball he only needs to direct it which is much easier with your feet than with your head. 

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