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Will we give Bruce and the team a clean slate?


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Never started a topic but when I saw this forum pop up, this was my first thought.

Will we give Bruce and the team a clean slate at the start of the season or will there be some who will judge him from the get go.

I personally will give them a clean slate and give them a chance to show what in my opinion they're capable of. 

Not taking the high morale ground that my opinion is the right one, genuinely interested in everyone's view. 

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Clean slate at the start of the season but with high expectations of at least 2 points per match after the first half dozen games.  Assuming Dr. Tony backs Bruce  early enough in the transfer window and after a full preseason of training and friendly games there should be no excuses.

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No clean slate for me, I'll still want him gone on a personal level. I never really was behind his appointment from the start, warmed to him slightly before Christmas as we were getting results but then our dreadful form which IMO was due to his own shortcomings and approach to games was the nail in the coffin. 

That said whenever I get to games I'm always right behind him and the team as ultimately I want our club back in the Premier league, so I put aside my personal views and go into every match open minded hoping to be proved wrong. Even though I'm very much anti Bruce I do actually want him to succeed and be made to eat my words as the club is the only thing that matters in all this. My personal views and ego are insignificant in the bigger picture. And will hold my hands up to a certain degree and admit I was wrong when hopefully I am proven wrong. 

I just believe he is the wrong man for the job, and will struggle to get us promoted next season.

It is my view we are wasting a huge opportunity to rebuild the club whilst down here with a footballing identity ala Swansea, or Southampton. Clubs with clear footballing ethos  on how they want there teams to play and when looking to replace their managers (Bradley aside) the manager fits to their plan and philosophy. 

Too many times over the years when choosing our next manager we have gone the polar opposite in terms of footballing ethos. I want this to change, if we continue down the Bruce path for too long then for his work to be continued without ripping it apart and starting again, you are looking at managers like Moyes- dour and defensive. 

Edited by thabucks
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His job started in October when he was appointed, and what he's been doing from then until now will have a massive bearing on how we perform next season (even in the unlikely scenario he should be replaced in the summer).

Even thou it's not so far visible on the pitch I really hope he has laid a massive groundwork for the season to come. It's what he's paid to do after all.

So I will judge him from the get go.

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15 hours ago, DCJonah said:

If i give him a clean slate or not my expectation for next season is automatic promotion. If we don't start off the season looking like we can achieve that then I hope he will be sacked. 

Hey DC, this is exactly how I feel. I'm behind him but not blindly nor indefinitely. I believe in him and the team and I believe we will start the season hot. If we don't I'll be joining the Bruce out camp quicker than you can flip an egg. We cannot afford to be in the championship any longer than next season. 

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I don't see how you can, you cant just simply ignore what's happened this season, if we start the season without a clear plan and style of play then I think people will be on his back from the off.

If however he gets the team playing nice football and is at maximum 6 points off 2nd in November then I'll get fully behind him. Sadly I think he's shown so far he's not up to the task and you can't just pretend this season hasn't happened no matter how much you like the bloke. Those 10 games in January / February where we only picked up 2 points from a possible 30 then failing to create more than 4 chances in any game after that (despite going on a decent run results wise), is simply unforgiveable.

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It's hard to ignor the time he's been here and yet be expected to take notice of what he's done while elsewhere. If he's here, especially during matches I'll wish him the best, because we need whoever is here to be successful. However I can't just ignore the last 36 matches but I will try to think of them as laying down the hard work for future success. You'll have to forgive me if I don't score highly on the optimism monitor though. 

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35 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

It's hard to ignor the time he's been here and yet be expected to take notice of what he's done while elsewhere. If he's here, especially during matches I'll wish him the best, because we need whoever is here to be successful. However I can't just ignore the last 36 matches but I will try to think of them as laying down the hard work for future success. You'll have to forgive me if I don't score highly on the optimism monitor though. 

Nah Dave its a fair enough assessment and I think its it how I see. Im not blind to what's been going on but also think that villa was a train wreck. 

But before you can put the the train back on the rails, you have to fix the train and the track. I'm hoping that was what this season was. 

If we don't start next season chugging along with a full head of steam, I will find it very hard to make any arguments in Bruce been given more time. 

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On ‎06‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 09:38, Villan_of_oz said:

Will we give Bruce and the team a clean slate at the start of the season or will there be some who will judge him from the get go.

Why on earth would anyone give him a clean slate. He's been in the job for months already, why would you just forget all of that because it's the start of a new season? Like any manager he should be judged on his entire time at the club, not just sections of it. Tim Sherwood did well at the start and kept us up, should we just judge him on that and ignore the shambles that he actually was over his whole time at Villa?

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2 minutes ago, villa89 said:

Why on earth would anyone give him a clean slate. He's been in the job for months already, why would you just forget all of that because it's the start of a new season? Like any manager he should be judged on his entire time at the club, not just sections of it. Tim Sherwood did well at the start and kept us up, should we just judge him on that and ignore the shambles that he actually was over his whole time at Villa?

You've posted this as a direct question to me...

I think I've clearly stated over many posts in relevant threads my feelings so I'll just sum it up quickly for you.



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He hasn't had a pre season - but he has had 34 games in charge and  was heavily backed in the jan transfer window.  

The lack of any real other option and his track record of promotions gives him a while longer for me. 

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It's an interesting question V_o_o... I'm kind of on the fence and still waiting to be won round by him. He comes over as somebody who is down to earth and honest when he speaks at press conferences. He's not up his own backside like some 'Foreigners' I could mention. I still want to know what love is though.

I won't be banging the table until October, unless it's an absolute disaster of a start. We experienced that last season... maybe mid-September in truth if it's a bit poo.

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I don't understand the question? Do you mean forget everything this season or get behind them? if it is the latter absolutely but we cant go in thinking oh yeah lets forget the poor performances this season.

We would not accept another 13th place finish that's for damn sure

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On 06/05/2017 at 11:27, DCJonah said:

If i give him a clean slate or not my expectation for next season is automatic promotion. If we don't start off the season looking like we can achieve that then I hope he will be sacked. 

I agree, the question is how many games do we consider a fair amount? 10+ is clearly too many as we saw last season when we were crippled by that clueless farce of a manager and never recovered. I think around six (plus preseason) would be enough to get an idea of how the season is going to end up.

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