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While I think you are quite correct we will never be a "post-racial society" while we are treating people of different colors (or gender, sexual orientation, etc.) differently, the only way we get to that ideal society is by instituting policies to reverse the damage done over the last 400-plus years.

Wow. Talk about a lack of foresight...

All that mentality creates is a world where policies are being flipped, continually, in favour of one race and then the other. With each time the flip happens, tensions rising among those "losing" their privileges. Absolutely insane statement

If we were being run by machines that lacked the ability to assess each situation differently your point may have some merit. We are not, though, so it does not.

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Is it wrong that I want Ramsey to keep QPR up mostly because he's black? I have little opinion on him generally other than he seems like a nice bloke, but I want to see a black manager have a bit of actual success at the top level. I think it will be good for football generally. Odd that this is still a "thing" in 2015, but it is and we should face it IMO.

Probably a bit off topic.

We'd have to capitulate big time to go down now. The way we have been playing these last 2 months I can't see it, but I'm not hearing that fat lady sing just yet.

Ridiculous comment!
Because wanting someone to do better or worse because of their skin colour is a racist comment in itself. If racism is to be kicked out permanently, we need to stop treating black and white like it's a different species. By making comments like this it's actually creating a divide, people should just want 'a manager' to do well whether they're black, white, male or female. Only when everybody really is not making an issue of it then real equality can be achieved.

I know this is off topic, but I wanted to respond. This is a common argument against affirmative action in the United States, and it is basically nonsense. The root of the issue at the argument's core is you are treating equity and equality as the same thing. It is fair to treat black issues differently than white issues because the table has been tilted so hard against black people in the past. We have to fix that imbalance that has been created, and that requires us to treat black issues differently in the present. The only way we reach the utopian society to explained is through treating black issues in such a way that allows us to close the privilege gap that has been created over the last half millennium.

While I think you are quite correct we will never be a "post-racial society" while we are treating people of different colors (or gender, sexual orientation, etc.) differently, the only way we get to that ideal society is by instituting policies to reverse the damage done over the last 400-plus years.

But there is no inequality in regards to black managers. No chairman has ever said "well that black manager is the better one, but we'll go with the white guy" They want the guy who'se gonna do the best job. I want Chris Ramsey to do a good job because I think he's a great guy, not because he's black. If more white managers are getting jobs than black managers then it's because people think they are better for the job, not because of skin colour.

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Is it wrong that I want Ramsey to keep QPR up mostly because he's black? I have little opinion on him generally other than he seems like a nice bloke, but I want to see a black manager have a bit of actual success at the top level. I think it will be good for football generally. Odd that this is still a "thing" in 2015, but it is and we should face it IMO.

Probably a bit off topic.

We'd have to capitulate big time to go down now. The way we have been playing these last 2 months I can't see it, but I'm not hearing that fat lady sing just yet.

Ridiculous comment!
Because wanting someone to do better or worse because of their skin colour is a racist comment in itself. If racism is to be kicked out permanently, we need to stop treating black and white like it's a different species. By making comments like this it's actually creating a divide, people should just want 'a manager' to do well whether they're black, white, male or female. Only when everybody really is not making an issue of it then real equality can be achieved.

I know this is off topic, but I wanted to respond. This is a common argument against affirmative action in the United States, and it is basically nonsense. The root of the issue at the argument's core is you are treating equity and equality as the same thing. It is fair to treat black issues differently than white issues because the table has been tilted so hard against black people in the past. We have to fix that imbalance that has been created, and that requires us to treat black issues differently in the present. The only way we reach the utopian society to explained is through treating black issues in such a way that allows us to close the privilege gap that has been created over the last half millennium.

While I think you are quite correct we will never be a "post-racial society" while we are treating people of different colors (or gender, sexual orientation, etc.) differently, the only way we get to that ideal society is by instituting policies to reverse the damage done over the last 400-plus years.

But there is no inequality in regards to black managers. No chairman has ever said "well that black manager is the better one, but we'll go with the white guy" They want the guy who'se gonna do the best job. I want Chris Ramsey to do a good job because I think he's a great guy, not because he's black. If more white managers are getting jobs than black managers then it's because people think they are better for the job, not because of skin colour.

I have no doubt the first statement is true, but have you ever thought about why there are not more black managers qualified for Premier League manager jobs? It is certainly not because black people are inherently worse at managing football clubs, and it is certainly not because football is a game of which black people have no interest. It is because young black people who could be Premier League managers never get started on the track to begin with, and in that reality is where you find the discrimination.

People need to realize real racism is not some drunk idiot throwing a banana at a black player. It is the systematic and often subconscious dismissal of the underrepresented group. Just one high-profile member of that group can start to change those inherent biases. That is why it is important.

I have hijacked this thread long enough, so here is an interesting article on football managers specifically. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/dec/14/why-so-few-black-football-managers

And here is an interesting test about implicit association. Read about it, take the test and learn about yourself. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

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The victory yesterday has done everything for us. 3 points out of nothing, against a team with nothing to play for basically. Fantastic stuff, and I think we were good as well. We passed the ball around and I didn't really fear an equalizer in the last couple of minutes, another sign of confidence in the team.


We are safe, we will definitely get more points from now and until the end of the season.

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Is it wrong that I want Ramsey to keep QPR up mostly because he's black? I have little opinion on him generally other than he seems like a nice bloke, but I want to see a black manager have a bit of actual success at the top level. I think it will be good for football generally. Odd that this is still a "thing" in 2015, but it is and we should face it IMO.

Probably a bit off topic.

We'd have to capitulate big time to go down now. The way we have been playing these last 2 months I can't see it, but I'm not hearing that fat lady sing just yet.

Ridiculous comment!
Because wanting someone to do better or worse because of their skin colour is a racist comment in itself. If racism is to be kicked out permanently, we need to stop treating black and white like it's a different species. By making comments like this it's actually creating a divide, people should just want 'a manager' to do well whether they're black, white, male or female. Only when everybody really is not making an issue of it then real equality can be achieved.

I know this is off topic, but I wanted to respond. This is a common argument against affirmative action in the United States, and it is basically nonsense. The root of the issue at the argument's core is you are treating equity and equality as the same thing. It is fair to treat black issues differently than white issues because the table has been tilted so hard against black people in the past. We have to fix that imbalance that has been created, and that requires us to treat black issues differently in the present. The only way we reach the utopian society to explained is through treating black issues in such a way that allows us to close the privilege gap that has been created over the last half millennium.

While I think you are quite correct we will never be a "post-racial society" while we are treating people of different colors (or gender, sexual orientation, etc.) differently, the only way we get to that ideal society is by instituting policies to reverse the damage done over the last 400-plus years.

But there is no inequality in regards to black managers. No chairman has ever said "well that black manager is the better one, but we'll go with the white guy" They want the guy who'se gonna do the best job. I want Chris Ramsey to do a good job because I think he's a great guy, not because he's black. If more white managers are getting jobs than black managers then it's because people think they are better for the job, not because of skin colour.
I have no doubt the first statement is true, but have you ever thought about why there are not more black managers qualified for Premier League manager jobs? It is certainly not because black people are inherently worse at managing football clubs, and it is certainly not because football is a game of which black people have no interest. It is because young black people who could be Premier League managers never get started on the track to begin with, and in that reality is where you find the discrimination.

People need to realize real racism is not some drunk idiot throwing a banana at a black player. It is the systematic and often subconscious dismissal of the underrepresented group. Just one high-profile member of that group can start to change those inherent biases. That is why it is important.

I have hijacked this thread long enough, so here is an interesting article on football managers specifically. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/dec/14/why-so-few-black-football-managers

And here is an interesting test about implicit association. Read about it, take the test and learn about yourself. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html

I have no doubt that black managers never get started early on. That is because it has been their choice, not because the opportunity is not there. It's a bit single minded to think otherwise.

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