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Paul Lambert


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The fans only turned on McLeish at the Bolton game because the football and our form was awful. Lambert has been given far more leeway than any manager I can remember. His record is worse than any mentioned. He breaks all sorts of wrong records yet the fans by and large have stayed with him. He was given more of a chance because the fans realised the circumstances he was working under. If he was keeping us afloat with a threadbare under par sqaud I'd say most fans would still be with him but IMO the squad is better than the performances and results we are getting and that's the managers fault. If it isn't why bother having a manager? In the presser for Chelsea he actually says if we'd got Lambert we could play 2 up to ease pressure on Benteke! Forgive me but we have on our books Gabby Bent Weimann and Robinson all strikers. You can argue their quality all day long but regardless we have players available to try different things. We got the 10 pts that are keeping us afloat without Benteke. Why not drop him to give him a kick up the arse? Lambert seems shot to me and without a no2 to challenge him or bounce ideas off it seems he's clueless. There's a reason managers bring their staff with them and that's because they work as teams at the minute we have a bloke who looks out of his depth with no one to help him.

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Edit: Strange, your edit seemed to have messed everything up :D. Even so, not really much condemnation/outrage at all. Lambert is a completely different kettle of fish to McLeish/O'Leary who actively went against the fans, in one way or another.

Yeah, outrage was too strong a word. When did McLeish 'actively go against the fans' out of interest?


r.e: McLeish - from Day One.  Not his fault, of course, but he was never wanted.  We can try and play the moral highground of "honest guv, it's not because he was a Blue and took them down" but it is exactly that.  He had no chance being a success at Villa.

No one wanted him but he was given every chance to be a success and failed don't blame the fans for his crap results and football.

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Paul lamberts appointment was asked for BY the fans, Live with your FM decision and stick by your man and hope our team can turn things around


Sound logic!




Just dont see how any protesting/booing is gonna help from here on in. Need to help the team has much as we can from now



That's not - at all! - what you said in the post nested above. That's a different argument altogether. 

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r.e: McLeish - from Day One.  Not his fault, of course, but he was never wanted.  We can try and play the moral highground of "honest guv, it's not because he was a Blue and took them down" but it is exactly that.  He had no chance being a success at Villa.

I used to pretty much see it like this also but the clear double-standards between the treatment of McLeish and that of his successor have served to highlight the importance of initial perception.

However, the opposition from the terraces towards McLeish still only begun towards the end of the season, they were warranted. My point is that booing/chanting against the manager shouldn't be turned into a moral issue as it suddenly has been. It's something that always has and always will happen.

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Paul lamberts appointment was asked for BY the fans, Live with your FM decision and stick by your man and hope our team can turn things around


Another point - it's a boring rhetorical trick to label anything you don't like as 'football manager'. It's also wrong. The thing about 'Football Manager' - the clue's in the name - is that you manage a football team, you don't pick the manager. The imaginary game you're slagging off would be called 'Football Chairperson', and no-one would play it. 

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We could still do with a poll. Forget all that should he go now or wait until the end of the season mess. Just a straight forward sack him or keep him. I'd be amazed if there was less than 75% said sack him.

 Think the percentage would be up nearer to 85-90% personally.

You would certainly think so but, in this crazy club, you just never know.

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Paul lamberts appointment was asked for BY the fans, Live with your FM decision and stick by your man and hope our team can turn things around

I didn't so don't generalise based on a couple of thousand fans at Carrow Road please. Even for those who did want him, they are allowed to change their minds if he has failed to meet their expactactions. By this notion, voters must stick with the same party for every election? Ridiculous logic either way.


Well said. Just because a few thousand sang his name at Norwich (probably more to p*** off McLeish than any rational thinking) it doesn't mean that the fans wanted him.


I will freely admit that I tolerated his appointment because after McLeish I stupidly thought it couldn't get any worse. How wrong was I as I found out after watching the crap he served up in his first season.


I was as convinced then as I am now that he is wrong for this club hence why I didn't bother to renew the 2 season tickets that I had held for years. 

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Paul lamberts appointment was asked for BY the fans, Live with your FM decision and stick by your man and hope our team can turn things around


Not by me he wasn't. As great as the piss up was in Norwich that day I was embarrassed by the Lambert chants. But this is what happens when the manager is incompetent. People just want better.

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Paul lamberts appointment was asked for BY the fans, Live with your FM decision and stick by your man and hope our team can turn things around

I wanted him and I thought he'd be great. I was wrong. So so wrong.


Exactly most fans welcomed Lambert on the basis of his CV at that point and he had under resourced unfashionable club in Norwich playing pretty decent football. Given Lerner's desire to control costs it was on paper a perfect fit and let's not forget Lambert must have known the constraints that he had to work under. Rumour has it bigger name managers turned down the job when they leaned of those constraints.


I think we pretty much all thought it was a superb appointment and he had the goodwill and support of the fans for at least the first season as he was seen as the man to address our obvious problems. To say he was the 'fans appointment' is ludicrous as 2,000 fans having some 'gallows humour' as they are played of the park by Norwich does not constitute all fans asking for him. If Lerner was that swayed by the fans opinion he would have sacked him months ago.


The simple empirical fact is Lambert has been found wanting in most areas as our manager. I am happy to give him the credit for the signings we have made but I could take the stance and to paraphrase one vociferous pro Lambert poster and say "how do you know, you weren't in the meeting where it was decided to sign so and so".


This is a results business and our results are appalling whatever measure you select and have been for a season and a half. We are not progressing and in reality we are going backwards at an alarming rate. We can argue endlessly about the form of individual players but are we really expected to believe every player in the entire squad is out of form or does not do what the manager wants and Lambert is not culpable in any way? The buck stops with him. Every other team in the PL and FL would have sacked him months ago and got someone in who could do a job that is simply too big for Lambert. I feel sorry of the bloke as he is so patently out of his depth.


I agree with many that the real problem is our spineless stay away owner and his poodle Tom Fox, who seems to live in some alternative universe where the success of the club can be measured in the growth in 'commercial income' ignoring the meltdown on the pitch. But that is no excuse for the 'management' of the team, and I use the term loosely, by Lambert.


Lambert needs to go and now but Lerner will continue with his insane gamble to the bitter end.

Edited by Harry
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I'm sure the players can differentiate between songs about them and songs about the manger.

If the fans backed the players, and made it known with constant and loud singing, but every now and and then gave Lambert both barrels then I'm sure the sensitive little millionaires who are paid to play football for ASTON VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB won't suffer any unecessary harm.

I'm a ST holder, and though I'm sick of Lambert and would happily welcome a new manager, whenever I hear chants of 'We want Lambert out' or booing, it just makes me want to sing the usual supporting songs even louder, and often over the top of the people showing their anger.

People like me will just see negative chants as counter-productive when they're sang during a game, while your team is trying to defend/build and attack or (unlikely) score a goal.

I don't agree with worrying too much. If the players feel valued by the fans then I doubt a song or two against the manager will have any negative affect on them. I doubt it'll hinder our attack or defence if the fans are singing "We want Lambert out". If a negative song or two, not even about them, is belted out once in a while, and it really does impact them psychologically then I'd seriously question their mental strength for playing top level football.

I don't remember this much fan restraint in giving what for during the final days of McLeish.

I has the exact same stance when we had McLeish and Houllier in charge respectively. I actually gave McLeish more support than most for longer than many, possibly because I do just see 'out' chants as completely counter-productive, with regard to the game that's being played at the time.
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Can someone put "19 games, 2 wins, 7 goals" in a  sticky so we don't have to read it in every post?

Good idea, an add to that his record breaking stats. Maybe then it'll remind some fans when Lambert wins 2 on the bounce, not to start breaking out the champagne and telling us I told you so.

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Can someone put "19 games, 2 wins, 7 goals" in a sticky so we don't have to read it in every post?

Good idea.

Infact, It needs putting on a billboard outside the ground to remind the apologists just how shite things really are.

Edited by andyh
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Sack him.

Sack him quickly.

Sack him now.

Oh i forgot, Lerner hasnt got any balls. He's going to be here until we get relegated or sold.


It's not about balls, it's about money and calculated risk

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From the start of last season in the league-


He has won 15

Drawn 15

and lost 31

out of 61 league games.


Goals scored- 50.

Goals conceded- 91.


Utterly appalling, any other manager of a different team would be long gone by now, but yet here we are and he is still here. 

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