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What is going to be the difference between PS3/360 and PS4/XboxOne versions besides the obvious stuff like graphics?

PS4/X1 Fifa is like Fifa 12 with better graphics - great game.


Fifa 15 on the PS3/360 is whatever they throw at you these days.


FIFA 12 was great - definitely the stand out of the last few years. Not sure why but it just was.

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Played the demo just now and not overly impressed. Just as frustrating as Fifa 14 and 13. Might get PES this year!


How dare you. PES has done enough great work in the past to never be pukeworthy.



Exactly PES 4/6 IMO are still the greatest football games ever made.  World Cup 90 notwithstanding.

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i downloaded the demo and thought it looked worse than FIFA 14 during match play  ... more detail for sure but harder on the eye


I played a demo game as Chelsea ( yuck) and won 6 -0  .. take into account i'd only previously played hlaf a dozen games on FIFA 14


i'm sure it's harder than that demo gives the impression it is though ??

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I went back and played PES 6 the other  day, and yes I had great memories of it and stuff, but after playing FIFA 14 it's just complete and utter shite it comparison. It's a classic case of nostalgia clouding judgement.


If you actually prefer them, then fine. But I would guess that about 90% of the time, nostalgia is impacting opinion.

Edited by adz.villa
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Oh no doubt.  But for the time it had the right mix of entertainment and realism.  That's what the last few Fifas have got wrong imo.  Fifa 09 to Fifa 12 had that but I dont think the last few have.  Also how good was random select mode!

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