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Everything posted by chappy

  1. Michael Fabriwordremoved is down to do tomorrow morning’s media rounds claiming that he is.
  2. Can’t say I’ve noticed this probably too busy being from Yorkshire to spot it
  3. Started Slow Horses, has improved as the three episodes have gone on. Got to wait for the weekly release now though. Think I’ll watch Severance in the meantime. Trying to take full advantage of having 3 months of Apple TV!
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcPqh70Iynr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= maybe not injured for the season? Not sure if this will embed like a tweet but it’s a Instagram picture of him from Saturday with the caption
  5. Saw the new Fantastic Beasts film earlier, enjoyed it, the best of the three so far I’d say.
  6. Ended up with a 12k red arrow to 65k which feels fine considering I didn’t have Son or Kulusevski. KDB captain and Pukki came through for me in terms of rank protection, had dropped 50k places on Saturday evening.
  7. Don’t you think that fan behaviour at away games reflects on the club though? Whether they intend to be or not, the fans are an extension of the club’s brand on a matchday.
  8. There are many things to get angry at modern football clubs for but I don’t really think this request is one of them
  9. Interesting to hear on Saturday how many Spurs fans were still using the word they’ve been asked by the club to stop chanting. Obviously not for me to say who should and shouldn’t use it but I was surprised by how much I heard it at Witton station after the game.
  10. Not as annoying as people calling the prime minister by his first name
  11. chappy

    Matty Cash

    Getting dogs abuse on Twitter from Spurs fans angry about him injuring Doherty. In a challenge where he won the ball and their player carried on playing for another 10-15 minutes.
  12. He’s out of the side, can’t see him coming back in either. Think he’ll take over white ball captaincy from Morgan after this year’s t20 World Cup.
  13. Heard James Vince being touted as England captain… good captain but we surely can’t have the skipper nicking off for a glorious 13 every innings!
  14. Finished The Morning Show s2, thought it was pretty weak in the end
  15. chappy

    Energy Bills

    I filled up in Sheffield at a Tesco on Friday at £1.56 per litre
  16. So **** predictable. Doherty couldn’t even stay on the pitch long enough to make me a dent in it the useless word removed!
  17. Got to that classic pre match beers stage where I’m convinced we’re going to win. 3-0 UTV Mings Cash Coutinho (see you all in the 0-2 R&R thread)
  18. chappy

    Keinan Davis

    Good lad Kienan, happy to see him doing well.
  19. Saw those quotes yesterday. Presume they’ve been circulated to fire up Mings for the rest of the season, or the club intend to replace him in the squad in the summer as I can’t think of many who’d be a better ambassador for our club off the pitch, and he’s a good vocal leader on it too.
  20. Thanks for the update OBE. Expected an increase but it’s gonna be a pinch, looks like mine (L8) could well go up £100 plus my railcard is ending soon (when I turn 32) so trains are gonna be 33% up too. That or use a load of expensive petrol.
  21. Took TAA out on my wildcard, fully expecting to be punished.
  22. Mid 00s- 10s, started sixth form in 2006 (living in Sheffield as Arctic Monkeys came through was brilliant, although I was just too young for the early early gigs), went to uni in 08, lived in Germany in 10/11, travelled a fair amount, moved up here in 2013, married in 2019.
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