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Everything posted by chappy

  1. When I slave over the perfect roast potatoes and don’t get the credit I deserve
  2. The Phantom of The Open. Decent film about funny source material, laughed and cried.
  3. Southgate was asked if he was happy with Ollie’s performance and replied that Ollie would be happy with his goal. Sounded a bit lukewarm to me. Was a strange Interview all round though really, didn’t really lavish praise on anyone. Seemed pretty annoyed that Maguire had been booed so was maybe preoccupied by that.
  4. Interesting, will look into that cheers! edit: different model!
  5. Bought an Apple Watch last year and regret it. Probably don’t use the majority of the functions (I know this is my fault) but it was three times the price of my old Fitbit and the things I used that for (step count, heart rate and sleep monitoring), it did as well or better. Sleep section of the Apple is rubbish in comparison. Useful to be able to take a phone call on my wrist but absolutely not necessary!! At first, I also liked having What’s App notifications pop up on my wrist but had to turn that off after a while as it was too distracting with various group chats. In turn, when I got the Fitbit a few years ago, that consigned a perfectly good wristwatch (not expensive) to a drawer never to be worn since. Consumerism eh?
  6. Just finished Top Boy. Such brilliant TV.
  7. Could learn a thing or two from the manager about how to win a penalty
  8. File Mayers, K alongside Chase, R
  9. West Indies trying to out-England England. The only thing more England than being 114/9 is getting the opposition 114/9 then allowing an hour long 10th wicket stand.
  10. BT sticking with Matt Smith, who proved he doesn’t know much about cricket in 2017/18, was a bad decision. Bringing in Gower to front their coverage on the ground was another backward step. Re-hiring Vaughan is inexcusable.
  11. Anyone else think they could have dealt with the Jason Roy fine in house rather than prompting inevitable speculation? Particularly as his two match suspension is suspended. More on link
  12. Going to Copenhagen this weekend. Thought I’d look in this section to see if there was a topic and there it was right at the top! I’ve been saying to my wife we should get the train over to Malmö but she’s not keen. We’ll have an almost one year old with us, great way to tick off two countries for him!
  13. At a wedding today so passed in my ST to a friend. Managed to watch the first half. Ceremony was punctuated by buzzes in my watch for all the various substitutions. Cheers Villa App, kept thinking we’d equalised!
  14. Interesting reading this topic. My in-laws have a ‘second home’ in a village in the very south of the Lake District. It’s on a little estate of new builds. Pre-Covid, they rented it out on Airbnb whenever a family member wasn’t using it. Never thought before that it might be taking a potential home away from local people. Am I the baddy?
  15. Good luck getting all that writing off your wall in St Agnes
  16. Joe Cole: “I’ve never known a stadium to be this rocking in all my time” They’re playing music over the tannoy and there are some bubbles floating around. Do me a favour Joe.
  17. Yes, shambles! I would imagine the Liverpool one definitely will as i can’t see them not beating Notts Forest in the cup. We’ll find out on Sunday evening. There’s a 1 in 2 chance the Spurs game will move to the Sunday. We’ll find out this Friday morning.
  18. Up to 3 weeks from the West Ham game takes us to the Wolves match so he may only miss one game.
  19. Finally started Ted Lasso. Excellent. 3 episodes in.
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