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Everything posted by chappy

  1. Will be tough as they are flying. However they are also sh*te (there’s a reason they’re down there) so we should be looking at taking at least 4 points from them across the two games. ————————Emi—————— Cash Chambers Mings Digne —————Marv McGinn————— ——————Buendia——————— Coutinho———Ings——— Watkins (he won’t play this team!)
  2. Ings definitely links up with Coutinho better than Watkins does, seems more on his wavelength.
  3. Norwich didn’t sell any tickets in the upper tier so there was an empty 1000 seats up there. Doesn’t excuse the poor atmosphere in our end but in turn, the performance wasn’t exactly inspiring. Kept thinking throughout the game how much better the atmosphere is at the likes of Palace, regardless of how they’re playing. Hypocritical to moan about it whilst not necessarily making the noise to improve it myself but the club need to look at a way of improving the atmosphere - could we promote a ‘singing section’? As contrived as that sounds, it could make a difference. Very underwhelming performance today and for a 2-0 win, not particularly enjoyable in a strange way. Also thought the ref was atrocious, voted very poor for him. Seemed to get every other call wrong in the second half in particular. Voted Ings MOTM, personally would’ve brought on Buendia but Danny proved me wrong. Gave us a little more impetus. Felt the main problem all game was we lacked the intensity to break Norwich down. It was a bit like a pre season game at times. Need to find a way of getting Coutinho and Buendia in the same team for me. Phil wasn’t quite at it today but he kept plugging away and didn’t hide. Watkins had a decent game and McGinn was better than of late. 7/10 debut for Tim, couple of misplaced passes aside, he looked pretty untroubled throughout. Cash was quiet. Great reception for Deano, hope he can bring Norwich back up next season. Next week will be tough and on this showing I’m not sure we’d have enough to get a win at Burnley so improvement needed. First of 5 visits to VP in the next 20 days (including the women’s game), great start result wise, hopefully performances can improve.
  4. Don’t worry I knew it was Keenan, sorry you got caught in the quoting crossfire
  5. Classic idiots around me in the Lower Holte, moaning that Bailey wasn’t tracking back then also having a go at him when he went down to get subbed off. What do you want him to do?!
  6. Fantastic Instagram story that someone has cooked up for him Click
  7. 12:27 platform 2A catch the Walsall train, get off 3 stops later at Witton. You can get the train back too but the queues will probably be really long at Witton after the game so be prepared for that, and for it to be busy on the train. Have never walked back myself but think some people do.
  8. I’m 4 episodes in and still not 100% convinced
  9. Just watched this. One of the most exciting things in sport, an unfolding 147 I reckon. Real slow build tension.
  10. Some great shouts already. +1 for Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds, incredible menacing performance. While we’re doing This Is England scenes too… (NSFW - swearing) TIE88 Spoilers
  11. If we play an actual DM in that position, there’s room for him and Buendia in the starting eleven and they will be supported by Ramsey etc better when he doesn’t have to cover the full back so much.
  12. Norwich would be a good game to give him a start in. ‘Rest’ (drop) McGinn and let’s see ——————Emi—————— Cash Konsa Mings Young ——————Tim—————— ———Ramsey Luiz——— ——Coutinho Buendia—— —————Watkins————— Although I think he’s more likely to leave out Luiz.
  13. We may well end up on more points than them given the fixtures left for both sides. Think people need to calm down a bit.
  14. Point away at Leicester isn’t to be sniffed at. We weren’t very good today though, especially in the first half. Voted Buendia MOTM as we looked more likely to score when he came on. Good to see Iroegbunam get minutes and look solid.
  15. If you’re on an iPhone, double tapping the space bar makes a full stop.
  16. Net spend over last 5 years is 197.2m, 9th highest in league. 387.49m last 10 years, 4th highest in league (behind MU, MC, Arsenal and Chelsea). Source
  17. Saw The Lost City the other day. Predictably ridiculous but knowingly silly and I enjoyed it.
  18. I score 2/10 and turn 32 tomorrow (ceefax not teletext though, and recording the chart show)
  19. Didn’t realise there was a new series of The Apprentice on
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