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Everything posted by chappy

  1. Liverpool fans buy into this, conveniently forgetting their 65m Keeper and 75m Centre half
  2. Anyone know why the Aston Hotel closed? Used to like it as a pre/post match option around 10 years ago.
  3. Two Liverpool fans having a chat about him in the sauna today and how he’s having a bad season and wasn’t worth the money. “It’s alright to look world class when you’re at a s**t team like Aston Villa.” Me:
  4. Post of the year. I’ve had a fear of dogs since childhood and while of course I don’t expect strangers to know that, I’d expect as a matter of human decency for you to see that I’m clearly uncomfortable with your dog as it is bounding around me and barking, everything in my demeanour is showing that I’m not happy with the situation, yet you do a simpering smile and tell me he’s being friendly? Do I look like I want to make friends with him? Train your dog not to jump up at strangers and put their paws on people before you let it off the lead. Another one is when I’m out for a walk or a run alone, or worse pushing the pram, and have to go off the path because your dog is on such a long lead the entire path is blocked. Some people just have no awareness of their surroundings at all.
  5. I liked The Newsroom. Think it’s sort of what Apple were going for with The Morning Show but didn’t manage to do it as well. Currently making my way through Narcos Mexico S3, not sure how it passed me by when it came out last autumn. Top quality! BCS tomorrow!!
  6. One for the punditry thread maybe but he’s a terrible commentator. Noticed it during the Euros last summer. So many pre-prepared lines that make you cringe to hear them. Today, “Chelsea crack open Palace at Easter”… not even a good Easter pun!!
  7. Will always love him for that equaliser against Sheffield United. Don’t think I’ve ever celebrated a goal so enthusiastically/violently, I was running through the rows of empty seats in the upper Trinity screaming and shouting, just lost it for a minute
  8. They play tomorrow and midweek. Also will likely rest a few ahead of their Euro Conference SF
  9. All very exciting. Would love it if the facade of the new stand was like the Holte or the old Trinity. Speaking of, I don’t think they’d have got away with the Trinity refurb in the age of social media. They got rid of something so beautiful. I’ve filled in the two surveys, nice to be able to give honest feedback on the matchday experience, wonder how much attention they’ll pay to the qualitative comments though as opposed to just looking at the results of the multiple choice sections.
  10. Excellent, will check it out
  11. Just taken a -8 including changing my keeper and bringing in a DGW defender I’ve left on the bench. Also captained Cornet. Red arrow incoming
  12. Mountford Hall, first time I’ve seen a band in there and thought it was decent. Only been in there once before to have a drink at a graduation and it didn’t strike me then as being that great for gigs. Wasn’t sold out so wasn’t too rammed, seems like it might not be so great if full. Few good pubs on the way in too - Peter Kavannagh’s, Blackburne, Caledonia and Cambridge.
  13. Reckon they won’t be popular on here but enjoyed The Vaccines in Liverpool tonight!
  14. Yeah I don’t see it being Billings either
  15. Welcome Zak Crawley, England captain then
  16. Really hope they don’t lumber Stokes with it. He just took a mental health break from the game, let him focus on batting and bowling only. I reckon Sam Billings would be a good shout as he’s always impressed me when speaking about the game, problem with that is he’s not as good as Foakes at WK.
  17. LFTs are supposedly unreliable for 90 days after infection though as apparently there can be residual infection which gives you a false positive. So I think it’s hard to say for sure if people have been reinfected so soon.
  18. Coldplay? Just when I thought he’d won me over…
  19. My wife tested positive today, bit achey and a chesty cough but seems fine apart from that fortunately. Me and the baby both had it a month ago so hopefully can’t catch it again!
  20. If Palace beat Chelsea this weekend in the FA cup, this game will be moved to Tuesday 3rd May 8:15pm Link
  21. Voted +12 because I think we shouldn’t be getting any lower than that. Realistically, he’s not getting the sack regardless of what happens til the end of the season.
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