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Everything posted by chappy

  1. Yeah had one of those a couple of days ago. Good that they introduced it because it was ridiculous before when you had to have the exact same order.
  2. Don’t think it will as Liverpool Vs Man United has been scheduled for Tues 19th. Our game will be punted into May at some point.
  3. Presumably Ashley Preece? Wouldn’t bother reading tbh
  4. Struggled against a big team of brutes. Really dire game but they somehow got a couple of goals. Real moment of quality from Yarmolenko but a disappointing second to concede (I felt Bailey had been fouled in the build up but haven’t seen that back). Poor ref I thought. Hopefully we can play a bit more against Arsenal next week. RIP 10 game winning run mkII.
  5. Someone on here (can’t remember who, sorry) said he’d changed it to the child friendly He’s football magic and baby don’t you know
  6. Hope you feel better soon! I found Hall’s Soothers were good for my throat, probably went through a pack in 2 days. Sounds like I had it relatively easy compared to some on here. Still getting faint positive lines on LFT until Day 10 though (yesterday). No symptoms since Monday.
  7. Didn’t know if this was the right thread for this but the utter contempt for match-going fans with fixture announcements. At the start of the season, the PL announced that April TV fixtures would be announced on 21st Feb (in itself not within the supposed 6 week window they’re meant to give fans to make arrangements). This was two days late on the 23rd and only included the first two weekends. Our game vs Spurs was announced as being 9th April 5:30pm but to be moved to 10th at 4:30pm in a switch with Liverpool Man City if either of those sides is drawn in the CL QF on Tuesday 12th. That draw isn’t being made until next Saturday (19th March), giving 4 sets of fans three weeks rather than seven weeks to make travel and other arrangements. They should’ve just stuck us on the Sunday and the other game on the Saturday to start with, Sky would have to accept they weren’t getting the ‘super Sunday’ clash they wanted but tough luck. Thats not even the worst thing about the announcement! They only announced the first two weeks’ worth of games and said the rest of the April Tv fixtures would be announced “shortly after the FA Cup QF draw”, which happened 9 days ago now and still no sign of an announcement! It’s not fair on away fans who need to book long distance travel, it’s not fair on home fans who travel from afar (like me), it’s not fair on anybody who goes to matches that likes to make other social plans at weekends! Also, we’ve had a game TBA vs Burnley since before Christmas, why can’t they just announce a date for that?! And our April 16th game vs Liverpool will almost certainly be moved as they’ll probably get into the FA cup semi finals, who knows when that will get rearranged for. They should announce Aug-Xmas live TV games when the fixtures come out in June. Then announce Jan-March around late October and April-May at Xmas. That leaves the tv companies enough time to pick up on form trends and choose games with teams battling relegation and chasing the title/Europe but also means people can make plans. Tl;dr - Long rant about taking match-going fans for granted! I know it won’t change!
  8. When was the last time we were 217/1?! Dead pitch but you’ve still got to score the runs so well done to Crawley for tucking in. Shame about the rain tonight which I think has put the bed the (albeit remote) chance we had of setting a total with time to take all ten wickets. Question is who plays the next game? You’d imagine the top 8 and Leach will be the same. Mahmood in for the injured Wood and then it’s a question of whether Robinson is fit enough to come in for Overton, Overton keeps his place or do they gamble on Fisher.
  9. I tried to get into 5 a side. Too many people taking it too seriously (I’ve never been very good at football but I like playing) so I only made it 3 sessions in before dropping out as it just wasn’t fun.
  10. He hasn’t discovered the emoji yet, he always goes for red and blue when commenting on Villa.
  11. Brilliant win. Cash MOTM. Weathered a storm and showed our class in the end. Love it!
  12. Where’s the grim reaper and where are the doors?
  13. Need to stop getting drawn into their 900mph game. Slow it down please. We’ve been decent so far.
  14. Did you watch the bit where he said he admires our set pieces?
  15. Day 7 for me today. Had a negative LFT yesterday, checked it with a second which came back with a faint line. This morning had one with a stronger line than that again, very frustrating!
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