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Everything posted by choffer

  1. No. Citrus flavoured toothpaste is the best. Crest used to do one in the US called Lemon Ice and it was amazing. They still do a cinnamon and a citrus blast flavour. I get the latter shipped over regularly as I hate mint.
  2. Mordor (looks like fun) Heaven (but not the one that's a place on earth) A higher state of consciousness (my mate Josh recommended it to me)
  3. Please tell me you ended up in the Roxy?
  4. Can any of you old C&W heads offer any insight on Gretchen Peters? I'm being pressured into accompanying my old man to a concert this weekend and I'm not sure I can take an evening of yee-haws. I'm being pushed for a quick answer but can't check out any tunes until later tonight.
  5. He played most of the game as CF at Brentford a couple of weeks ago. Don't remember him getting a touch but then neither did many of his team mates.
  6. If they're in need of a good baritone, do let me know.
  7. And there I was, trying to retain some anonymity
  8. I'm someone's son. Bloke called Morris, apparently, which is nice. Family back-story would definitely involve some common or garden Nordic pillaging and rapey behaviour.
  9. So far, yes. I'm only 6 episodes in so far though and I've been reliably informed that it ends well.
  10. I'm thinking the same. Recently out of a 7 year relationship, now in my 40's and I've no idea where you'd even start. Show me the catalogue.
  11. Hehe - don't believe everything those Canadians tell you. I was there for the '94 "riot" and I've seen worse trouble at a pensioners tea party. To be fair, I've not been over since long before the expansion so I'll have to take your word for it in terms of interest levels. I think I have to plan a trip some time soon then - I'm clearly out of touch with the town (and I need a Canucks fix!).
  12. Count yourself lucky you didn't see them a few years ago! I don't think an MLS franchise is sustainable in Vancouver. The Grizzlies failed (although I appreciate it's a different sport) due to lack of interest and even the Canucks don't dominate the town in the way teams do in other Canadian cities. To cut them some slack, I guess they are only recently in the league but I don't think there's any serious money behind the franchise so I can't see them attracting marquee players. Gone in 5 years, I'd imagine.
  13. I thought he had a very good game, kept up with play and made all the right decisions........for about 60 minutes.
  14. Was just about to come in here and post Craig Bellamy for just that reason.
  15. As a previous owner of an RX-8, I'd have to say it's huge amounts of fun to drive. Mine was not in this colour scheme though.
  16. I'm the guy that hires and fires the people that you (OP) aspire to be. Reading this thread reminds me that I haven't done anything remotely technical for years and frankly, I've no idea what any of you are talking about
  17. That's just for starters - they're using this one next:
  18. Bit early for that yet. He has shown a little of what we expected of him when we signed him but he needs to do it consistently for a run of games before we start thinking about throwing more money at him, I think.
  19. I reserve all my hate for John Terry.
  20. Dunno what but I know where. It's in Epping Forest, isn't it?
  21. Looking good so far and from the looks of it, he's got more to come yet. He's hardly played for a number of years so if he gets an extended run, I think he could be really solid.
  22. He's been excellent until that. Shocking decision.
  23. I dunno. I don't think you need to have totalled your car to get a concussion.
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