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Everything posted by choffer

  1. The Royal Oak pub in Brentford has just been shut down. If you know anything about Brentford FC, you'll know why this is significant.
  2. The same law of averages we apply against ManU?
  3. Then can I request that you please keep watching him.
  4. I think I lasted half an hour with Identity Theft. Really really hated it. I seem to remember vaguely enjoying Remember the Titans at the time. For it's type, it wasn't awful.
  5. Getting good customer service is tough when you're from Glasgow:
  6. I think she sums up how I feel about it all at the moment:
  7. Never have a casual approach in an interview - full commitment is required, whatever the target
  8. Do as much research into the company as possible. Make reference to it throughout. I interviewed a number of candidates last week and when asked what they know about my organisation, two of them said "nothing" one gave a good, short précis and the final one spoke in such detail that he immediately shot to the top of the list. He'd found our corporate plan, our outward-facing policies and a whole bunch of other info. I guess it helps that we are a fairly transparent organisation so there's a lot of info out there but he clearly worked out what was important, what was relevant to the role and focussed on those areas. The only knock on him was the aubergine suit but I made it a condition of the job offer that he was not allowed to wear it to work.
  9. You'd be better off playing one short, I think
  10. I'm finally on to SOA and really enjoying it for what it is. The one thing I can't get past is the Irish arc in seasons 2 and 3. The accents are beyond awful and the depiction of life in Belfast is laughably cliched. Still good fun though.
  11. As someone who regularly recruits, I'd have to side with Donnie on this one (sorry Lapal) (sorry Donnie). Anyone who comes in for interview who is not currently working has some work to do to justify why. It's just not the done thing to leave a job without something lined-up and tells me, as a potential boss, that the candidate is not likely to continue when the going gets tough and they don't think strategically. Of course, it totally depends on what line of work but knowing a little (from this thread) of what Chinders does, I'd say he is much better off sticking than twisting. I've been in a similar position several times in my career and I've been in the situation where I've out of work (through no fault of my own, I might add) and I know it's much easier to find something when you're already doing it (totally unscientific evidence, I know). Dean, don't forget, you've had some fairly monumental changes in your life recently (for which you have my sympathies). Don't make hasty career decision now. Mindnumbingly dull and potentially demeaning is a part of almost every job and isn't reason enough to jump. By all means, go hard at finding something new - use your contacts, get your name out there with recruiters, get interviews for jobs you don't even want (it's all good practice) but stick with what you've got until something better comes up. Don't forget, it's not all that long ago that you were working in a video game store.
  12. You're right Omar. Just too late. Ten years ago and I'd have been well up for this
  13. Aye. I was mentioned in here a few weeks back. I caught it on iPlayer off the back of that recommendation and thought it was excellent.
  14. And they with you, no doubt
  15. Recently single. 7 year relationship down the tubes and slightly at a loss as to my next move (although I am acutely aware of what the VT massive will advise).
  16. choffer

    Top Gear

    Looks like they're not going to air the final Top Gear challenge:
  17. Think it about time I read that book too then. I'm flying a couple of times a week at the moment and it's doing nothing for my blood pressure.
  18. Agreed. The only thing to consider is that threat of someone going nuts is present everywhere, not just on a plane. Someone could go nuts and axe you down in the street for no reason. Pretty rich coming from me though. I hate flying! I quite like flying, take off and landing anyway, the bit in between is normally shit and boring. I have to say I never realised the pilot left the cockpit to use the loo, I assumed they had their own one. But you're right, it's just very unlucky for those on board, there really is nothing you can do against someone willing to kill like this, whether it's in an aeroplane or anywhere. I'm the opposite. Once we're cruising I'm fine. It's the take off and landing that shits me up. Take off more than landing. I've just ordered this book as I'm fed the **** up of being scared of flying. Someone here recommended it so I'm hoping it works You should look into the Flying without fear programmes that are available. You have an introduction to what happens on a typical flight from experienced pilots and cabin crew. They explain all the safety aspects involved and how planes are designed, built, maintained and operated. They explain all the noises and bumps and such like you may experience. Then you go for a short flight and everything that is happening is explained thoroughly. They have a pretty good success rate at taking the stress out of flying. Unfortunately there was one such flight recently from Birmingham that got struck by lightning and had some damage to the aircraft occur. I'm guessing that one didn't work quite as well. On the subject of pilot suicide i'm afraid if someone is hell bent on that course of action there is very little that can be done. to stop them. I wonder how many flights this guy has made thinking today is the day and has just been waiting for the right opportunity to come along. Just waiting for that one time when the captain needed to use the toilet. Scary thought for anybody who has been on a flight recently with this guy up front. A couple of days ago on a railway forum I go on someone asked the question about how easy would it be for a train driver to deliberately crash a train and I thought at the time probably as easier than a pilot being able to crash a plane I sent my old dear on that course a few years ago. She still hasn't forgiven me. They had to drag her on the plane and then she sat with her eyes closed for the whole time. I suspect she had convinced herself beforehand that she wasn't going to engage with the process though. Shame for her as she'll never get to go see his sister in Australia.
  19. From what I've read today, some airlines do have a policy of having to have 2 people in the cockpit at any one time. If a pilot needs to absent himself for whatever reason, another member of the crew has to remain in the cockpit until his return. I think it's mandatory policy in the US.
  20. The seat in front? Too soon? I did expect such a response once I'd posted it. Thanks for not letting me down
  21. choffer

    Top Gear

    I think they should just draw a line under it and move on with their lives (the presenters, that is). The last couple of years have been well below the earlier standard. Even the Christmas special was not deemed good enough for a Christmas slot last year. They're out of ideas and have been for a while. I'd generally much prefer to watch an old repeat on Dave than a new episode on the BBC of late. Any re-branding on a different station will only demonstrate this further. They'd have to come up with a pretty impressive new angle to make it work for me.
  22. What goes through your mind when you're the passenger and start a descent like this? Truly terrifying.
  23. This. So much, this! I've lost count of the number of times I've walked out of shops because they've been too busy on the phone to acknowledge that I'm waiting. I know I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face as I then have to go and find another shop to buy my curly curly from but it makes my blood boil. There are now so few local paper shops that I use now as a result. Oh and the other one is when people just walk in front of me because they're more important than me. The only bonus with this is that I can accidentally extend my next step in the hopes of clipping their heels and sending them tumbling. I've had two successes on that score just this week.
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