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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Who'd have thought it?!? Two excellent games on the bounce. Shows how restricted he was under the previous regime.
  2. Home games will clearly be key to our survival from here. I'm more optimistic that we'll stay up now but I was coming from a long way back.
  3. Different class at the moment. That one clearance near the end was fantastic.
  4. He did a good job of not being critical of Lambert by insisting that he wants them to play a different way (ie higher tempo) and that the weren't quite fit enough to play that way.
  5. Interesting to hear Stan tonight saying that Sherwood has been in touch this week asking him to "come in and do some work with the players". The implication was that further discussions were afoot.
  6. A w*nkband connected to an electricity storage unit. I'd never have to pay another leccy bill again once I was out.
  7. choffer

    Smart Watches

    Came in to post the same thing. Not sure quite how "smart" they are but thems some good looking watches.
  8. There's no such thing as loyalty when it comes to career progression. Sure - be loyal within your role but if you get offered a better opportunity somewhere else, don't let such thoughts get in your way.
  9. Check your flapper seal, Mike. Pretty sure I raised a similar question here years ago. The flapper seal is the rubber bit at the bottom that stops the water going through the system (or not, as the case may be). I live in a hard water area and basically limescale had built up around the seal. A quick scrub with a soft scourer cleared it right up.
  10. I'd have got the the River in France but only because I used to date a girl from just up the road from Saint-Cirq-Lapopie.
  11. Currently d/l'ing for my journey home.
  12. Eleven-year-old Celtic fan wins Scotland’s goal of the month: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/feb/20/celtic-fan-jay-beatty-goal-of-month https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCLneLXF8EM
  13. Hope there were no Radiohead lead singer-related questions.
  14. I'm 40 and if there was interest from a 21-year-old who I thought was fit, I'd be amazed (but I'd definitely go for it!).
  15. Excellent film about the history of backing singers in popular bands. Even the presence of Sting wasn't enough to ruin it.
  16. Sounds like Cliff is next on the hit list.
  17. Reginald D. Hunter's Songs of the South has been excellent so far. Available on iplayer, if you haven't been able to catch it before now.
  18. Just watched Bitter Lake on iPlayer. Potted history of the rise of Wahhabism, the history of Afghanistan and the inability of the west to understand the war there. Also touches on the surrender of power to the banking industry, the rise of Saudi Arabia and the process of governments simplifying arguments into good vs evil leading to the rise of the Islamic caliphate. Much of it is very broad brush stuff, given the complexities of the subjects involved but it's recommended viewing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p02gyz6b/adam-curtis-bitter-lake Oops, just saw Useless already posted about this further up the page.
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