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Everything posted by choffer

  1. Good to see someone is willing to offer the living wage
  2. Foolish idea/post to be honest. It's not that I don't agree that these Chelsea-fans are absolutely disgusting, but you cannot punish an entire crowd because of the behavior of a few (which cannot be identified pr. person). Do you punish all muslims because of the incidents in France and Denmark? No, that's kind of the whole point world leaders are trying to make these days. Most fans behave well, pay their expensive tickets and want to go to matches, it's not like you can punish them because of an incident at the train station. shouldn't do anything, it's up to UEFA of course. Either ban Chelsea or ban their ability to have traveling support the next time around. We have seen much worser things going on, especially in Poland and the Ukraine before the Euro's. I see no foolishness in Bof's post. I fear you may have mis-read it. He was suggesting that Chelsea themselves, ban the individuals involved, should they be found.
  3. Kilbane was quite funny on MOTD at the weekend when talking about Yakubu being only 32.
  4. I got spoiled rotten all weekend. Sweeties, chocolates and a M&S three course meal with a bottle of wine all to myself. Halfway through the weekend she said "I don't suppose you've even got me so much as a card, have you?". She was right, of course. And to make it on-topic, the fact that she wasn't even the slightest bit surprised, peed me off. Am I really that predictably rubbish a boyfriend? (The obvious answer is yes, of course).
  5. Genuinely didn't recognise us at times in the second half.
  6. Things are definitely looking up. My missus has just arrived with a steak and cheese sub.
  7. I know it's only highlights but I saw everything ive come to expect from Bent last night. Creates a few great chances for himself, doesn't put any away. I know I've posted this before on the subject but if there is a stat for chances created, Bent would look good. Stand that next to a stat of chances coverted, he looks a lot worse. Given how few chances we are creating at the moment, I don't see that he'd offur us much just now.
  8. I am interested in this product. To be found in Waitrose only AFAIK
  9. The Percy Pig - British stab at replicating the apex product of quality, modern, gummy confectionery - Katja's Biggetjes The Waitrose effort is pretty strong : But this is the current sweet of choice:
  10. I once saw Bob Carolgees in a hotel bar on the Hagley Road. He was an utter clearing in the woods.
  11. roses are red, Violets are glorious, Don't try to surprise Oscar Pistorius. Roses are red, Violets are blue, The rugby is on, And there's hoovering to do
  12. A minority view, if VT is anything to go by but a view I share.
  13. Pete Colley (SSN) said he'll be in the stands. I'm gonna call it now. We're losing at HT and playing poorly. Sherwood will take over at that point, we end up winning and benteke and sherwood share a salute that lasts for minutes. Most are happy, some see it as a clear sign that his ego will destroy us. Classic Sherwood. Followed by him punching a player.
  14. When you're halfway down a flight of stairs and your brain forgets how to make the next step.
  15. On the bright side, he has a 100% record of keeping his teams from being relegated.
  16. Not happy but given the alternatives, it could ave been worse. He'll get my support but I do expect it to end in tears at some point.
  17. Gabby would never get dropped.
  18. Sure it's unrelated but Warburton says his chairman is making a statement tomorrow to clarify the speculation from earlier this week. (for those not in the know, The Times ran an article earlier in the week saying Warburton was getting sacked but Brentford said they were just planning for a variety of scenarios).
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