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Everything posted by Tomaszk

  1. Interesting reading that Telegraph article with Dalglish saying they had agreed he would shake his hand. Watching it live, I was convinced Suarez didn't want the custard pie of offering his hand, only for Evra to not take it. I do wonder though looking at the quotes in that Dalglish article if he's just giving yet another tired answer to a Suarez question saying what he thinks people want to hear so they'll stop asking him. Who knows! Moments of the day at Old Trafford were Rio and Evra walloping into each other both trying to clatter Suarez after 2 mins. If Gerrard's pass was better he'd have been able to set up a Suarez goal; and Shreeves' interview, he did really well there. "Are you blaming the news?"
  2. Tomaszk


    Just finished season 6. Still great great TV, but didn't quite reach peak of season 4. I preferred the Prof as a baddie rather than the sappy young chap. And finally there is the 'moment' they've been hinting at for ages in the last scene of the whole season. Opener of 7 should be a stormer!
  3. I'm wincing at the thought of Long and Odemwingie tearing Collins and Dunne apart Too sharp, too quick, too good.
  4. What the hell were the driver of the two lorries doing slowly rolling over her? Christ, it's horrible.
  5. That celebration is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. Glad I've never had the unpleasantness of having to see it in person. It annoys me enough watching it on TV when they score against any other team, let alone Villa.If it was Villa, you'd love it! Great novelty. Nicked the idea, but good fun nonetheless.
  6. Ha good stuff, looks like Lerner's days are coming to an end ASAP. Hence why Krulak has vanished, obviously unwilling to talk nonsense when he knows RL wants out. Gonna be a funny atmosphere versus Newcastle I think Thegiddygambler = clearing in the woods. T W A T Big meanie.
  7. One of them I've always doubted. I'm on the third floor of a building right now, bet I am.
  8. Need a new laptop, this thing is falling apart. I was going to go with a windows as they are 1/4 of the price and have the same spec. When it clunks down and dies after three years, I'll get another new one for £400-£500, or am I making a mistake in not getting a Mac in?
  9. Heskey is on 66k, Ireland 65k, Petrov 48k and Beye 40k. Oh Martin.
  10. Do they still have someone upstairs buying all the players? Absolutely reaping the benefits of that ain't they! If only MON would have got someone like that in. Christ, we'd be cemented in the top 4.
  11. Absolute classic on the cards here. O'Brien v Warburton...**** yes
  12. Much better player than downing
  13. Off next Summer for between £18m and £25m.
  14. Just spotted this. Why on Earth would you want a task killer? That won't be helping your battery at all. Who so? I was using it to just get rid of anything running. I've not got a clue on this thing, getting the hang of it, but any tips are most welcome. Why are app killers bad? Are there better ones that help conserve/keep track of battery uses?
  15. Bought an S2 yesterday and think it seems decent so far. Made the monumental jump up from an ericsson walkman. What are some useful apps people can recommend? At the moment iv got app killer andthis rugby WC one. Battery life on this rhing doeant seem the best.
  16. Big big pressure to win after Wolves did them. If we don't, McLeish and the board are going to cop some serious abuse.
  17. Big, brave, strong. No class. Oh to have a Southgate marshaling that defence now.
  18. Going to stick a tenner e/w on them for the title. Odds will be better after that draw (probably with good reason ) Got a strong team going forwards, I think they'll batter teams at Anfield, Sunderland were lucky to not be at least 2-0 yesterday at HT. Adam should have been on penalties with his record. No European games whatsoever, so time to focus fully before the cups start properly after Dec. I think they'll be right in the mix at Xmas. They are missing a top decent defensive midfielder, but Gerrard can do that role very well when he gets back, it's if they try and shoehorn him into an attacking position they could cock up, disrupting what will be a winning team. Centre halves should see them through to Xmas as well, then they can strengthen in Jan. This ensures a bad season for them, no need to thank me. Though I do think, they'll be good, and in the top 4.
  19. Ah you see! Never assume. I jest, he's got his hands tied. Not a clue what is going to happen this season. I suspect we're going to drop back into the shit of midtable. Rather sad when this time 3/4 years ago I was thinking we had a chance of doing something worth all the stress we put ourselves through. It could be a while before we're back.
  20. Far superior player to Downing. Very pleased with that signing!
  21. **** hell, someone showed me this at work. So so funny.
  22. He wont. Hes publicly set the price. Even Whelan would find it hard to justify upping the price again. The fee is 10m. Not going to change now. Hypothetically then. What happens if we then says £11m publically? Do we just go another £1m higher?
  23. :nod: And every single one will claim they'd happily go out with a nice guy when they wouldn't.
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