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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Not surprised about Homeland, even I had to give up early on in the last series. Looking forward to Ozark though.
  2. It's not just the Ashes, Woakes averages over 60 with the ball in 12 matches away from home, and in trying to up his pace quite often ends up getting injured. I think they've already punished Stokes anyway with missing the Ashes,no need to do it again after he's been found not guilty.
  3. I once bought a low-fat cheddar and it was one of the worst things I ever tasted. If I'm having cheese, I'm going all in. Just one of those things I will refuse to **** about with.
  4. I'd bring Stokes back in for Woakes myself. Harsh I know but Woakes is so bad away from home that I don't see much point giving him the next three matches if they could be used to help Curran develop before the winter tours. The other option is to drop Jennings and change the batting order around.
  5. If it's loan to buy then the potential upside could be huge if he reaches anything close to his potential. If there were no option to buy then yes I'd probably look elsewhere.
  6. I don't think it's anything personal as we failed to use Hogan properly in a similar fashion (though the jury is still out on him whether he's any good or not).
  7. Looks good. I love the fact we have kits designed specifically for us, I'd be a bit disappointed next year if we have a template Adidas kit.
  8. I'm looking to finally get on the property ladder and some of the fees like that are pretty eye-watering. Fair enough if there are some nice gardens and lots of security I wouldn't mind paying but some of the blocks of flats have no grounds or anything else. It seems a bit like those fees that estate agents make up when you're renting and charge a fortune for a tiny bit of paperwork, like you I wonder if you refused to pay them what they could really do.
  9. I've been watching Hitler's Circle Of Evil. They were all a bit bonkers really. Somehow it feels a bit like it's relieving Hitler of a bit too much culpability for my liking, but perhaps that's inevitable due to the focus being on Goebbels, Himmler and the rest. Still an interesting watch.
  10. Reading the start of the thread and a lot of us were happy with this signing. **** me was I wrong. Interesting that he had a choice between us and Sunderland, the two worst run clubs in recent times.
  11. Good but slow sums it up pretty well. There's always a pay off in the end to make it worth watching all the way through, so hopefully it's the same with this series.
  12. Might have a third keeper in three games against Yeovil. Not sure if that's ever happened before.
  13. I think he prefers to cut in from the right onto his left foot. If we don't get Snoddy then he'd be worth looking at, like other said he was a boy wonder and signed by Real and probably now just looking to play regular football elsewhere.
  14. Just hope we can fit him and Hourahane in the same team. How much did McGinn cost us again?
  15. I don't mind the XI he picked but I reckon if you'd ask 100 people how they'd set the team up, only a few would choose to do it like today. Already it seems like it's going to be much like last season in terms of our performance and the arguments in here.
  16. Watched Law Abiding Citizen last night. I quite liked the twist even if it is a bit ludicrous.
  17. I don't mind Spurs as much as most on here it seems, but it feels good to be able to stand up to them and tell them to piss off.
  18. It's very odd, maybe they are agitating him on purpose so he walks or something, but I don't really see how that helps the club overall. I hope he fails miserably and **** off from English football for good anyway.
  19. So then, just to check, after all that we've got the two keepers, Tuanzebe , McGinn and Jack staying? Not sure if I've forgotten anyone. Not too bad in the end really, shame about that tit from Bristol but shit happens.
  20. Won't he be fighting for the same spot in the team as Sessagnon? Good luck with that. To be honest I don't know anything about Bryan, I think we've been stung by signing players from the Championship who haven't dealt with the pressure of a big move, so it's not really the end of the world if he does go to Fulham. Hopefully we have another player lined up, if not Hutton and Taylor will do a job.
  21. He used to give out our starting line up a day or two before the game as well from what I remember. What he was achieving by doing that I have no idea.
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