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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Aaaaaaanyway, I'd be delighted if Abraham joins. Top bit of business that.
  2. After I finished GoldenEye last night I saw they had Die Another Day on ITV4, now that is an absolute scissors abortion of a film. It's almost as low as Batman got in that film with Arnie as the big blue frozen fella. I quite like Daniel Craig but he's been better than the films he's been in. Idris Elba would make a great Bond, he looks cool and looks like he could kick the shit out of you.
  3. One thing that surprised me watching Liam Gallagher live is the number of kids that are turning up and know almost all the words to the songs, many of which were b-sides released before they were born. The Masterplan album is where Oasis's greatness becomes undeniable imo. At the same time it's a bit depressing that for kids to get their rock n roll fix they have to go watch someone in his mid-40s. What's everyone's most underrated band? BRMC for me.
  4. And yet almost all hotels have that sheet arrangement. The only places I've found that have duvets are youth hostels, which interestingly don't let you sleep in the sleeping bag you've dragged around half of Australia with. Though in Australia, duvets are called doonas.
  5. I'm a Natalya man myself. Getting suffocated by Xenia's thighs would be a pretty cool way to go though.
  6. I've recently discovered the joys of a bowl of cereal with a pint of beer in the evening. Haven't tried pouring beer in the bowl instead of milk yet but I'm tempted to give it a go one day. I'm not sure I could eat any cereal dry.
  7. I've never really got into music from the 70s. 80s is abominable, and it seems to me the yoof of today are making the same horrendous mistakes in terms of silly barnets, shit music and style as they did back then. Anyone from the 60s, and 90s to mid 00s get a free pass from me, apart from Radiohead.
  8. Watched Goldeneye, still my favourite Bond film and Bond girl. Shame Brosnan's films got shitter and shitter.
  9. He couldn't run or jump when he played for us either. You basically had to bounce the ball off his head to get anything out of him at all. He genuinely must be the worst player I've ever seen for us. How we basically broke even on him I have no idea.
  10. I'd like to know how the conversation goes when they finally drop a batsman. They must tell them to go back to county cricket to fix their technical flaws, but then it seems they get recalled and get out in the exact same way over and over again. Do they actually try to work on their technique, and do the selectors even bother checking them out before recalling them? Just seems like we go round and round in circles.
  11. I think it's more likely that Guardiola will hand City over to him in a year or two, a bit like with Tito Villanova at Barca.
  12. They still have someone there to authorise it before you can pay. I always think that must be a massive pain in the arse doing that job with about 10 tills going off for this that and the other, and I bet they get dog's abuse all the time from stroppy customers.
  13. That's weird, I can't see any Man Utd players
  14. From what I remember Peruzzi and Toldo were both good as well and kept out by Buffon. Personally I prefer my goalkeepers to be mad as a cut snake, the great keepers can GTFO.
  15. I think there's a good player there but clearly needs to move somewhere else. His confidence must be shot and not going to develop in a Mourinho team. Cheeky loan bid?
  16. Exactly, with two home games coming up shortly we could be in a very good position. I'm not a huge fan of Bruce by any means but if they gave him their support when taking over, there is little evidence of a need to change based on what has happened so far. It's just wishful thinking that he will get sacked after the first points we dropped. If I'm being honest the squad hasn't changed that much since I was bricking it that the club was going down the toilet on and off the pitch before the takeover, so I'm not sure quite what my expectations for the season are. Let's hope for two or three quality loans or free transfers.
  17. Or I could just burn my feet off with acid
  18. Technically curry is a kind of stew, and I sometimes have that for breakfast
  19. Very similar, just a slightly different shade and with black stripes. There's all sorts that are nearly right, I'm just a picky bastard. Might be bold and go for something completely different.
  20. I stupidly wore my favourite suedey trainers to a gig in the middle of the heatwave and they got a bit ruined by the beer, sweat and God knows what other liquids flying about. Proper gutted as I can't seem to find Adidas ones in the same light brown colour anywhere.
  21. I've got a feeling that it's the captain and coach that decide the final XI from the squad, not the selectors. It is extremely hard on Curran who we would have probably lost the first Test if it wasn't for him. In the second Test probably most counties would have beaten India in those conditions, but they value Woakes's performance as being better than Curran's it seems.
  22. I watched Jason Bourne again. I swear every Bourne film I've slept through when watching it the first time, then really enjoyed it when giving it another go and this was the same. There's something about Alicia Vikander as well, it's like her face is so perfect it's been made using a computer algorithm or something. Could do without the background music throughout though. Perhaps it's the same in the previous four films and I've just not noticed it as much, but it's a little annoying.
  23. Not surprised about Homeland, even I had to give up early on in the last series. Looking forward to Ozark though.
  24. It's not just the Ashes, Woakes averages over 60 with the ball in 12 matches away from home, and in trying to up his pace quite often ends up getting injured. I think they've already punished Stokes anyway with missing the Ashes,no need to do it again after he's been found not guilty.
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