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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who put soft drinks in the cupboard instead of their rightful place in the fridge.

Is tamato sauce meant to be stored in the fridge or the cupboard?

People who put eggs in the fridge. Why?

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People who put soft drinks in the cupboard instead of their rightful place in the fridge.

Is tamato sauce meant to be stored in the fridge or the cupboard?

People who put eggs in the fridge. Why?

They last longer. Not usually an issue for most people as they'll be used before they'd go off, but still, if you don't go through many eggs there is a reason to.

What you shouldn't do though is put them in the door of the fridge, the constant opening and closing causes huge temperature fluctuations which are bad.

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I'm not sure I really buy into the "they last longer" debate. The best before date on eggs is several weeks and based on being stored at room temperature. It annoy(ed) me when I would go to boil an egg that somebody had put in a fridge, because all it does is make the shell a lot more likely to crack. Thankfully I have trained everybody out of it.

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Well eggs go off when bacteria grows inside them, the cold slows down bacteria growth, so it's simple common sense that they'll last longer in the fridge.

But yeah they're not just harder to crack, the yolk is far harder so if you're whisking or beating them it's harder with an egg straight out the fridge (I'd never store mine in the fridge). Annoys me that fridge manufacturers put egg trays in the door, because it is the worst place you could ever store them.

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I'm not sure I really buy into the "they last longer" debate. The best before date on eggs is several weeks and based on being stored at room temperature. It annoy(ed) me when I would go to boil an egg that somebody had put in a fridge, because all it does is make the shell a lot more likely to crack. Thankfully I have trained everybody out of it.

Ah. Does it?! I did wonder why my eggs keep cracking when I try to hard boil them. This could be the answer!!

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I always put my eggs in the fridge. I thought it was the done thing?!

I only ever scramble them or make them into omelettes anyway so the whole cracking issue doesn't really bother me. Plus I live on my own so a box of eggs can take a while to get through, so them lasting longer helps.

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