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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I genuinely used to be an altar boy, so a priest would fit perfectly.


Edit: I was going to edit that last bit, but you know what, I'm going to leave it.

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I held a door open for a middle aged women after I walked through it the other month and she said to me " I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door thank you "


Really? REALLY?? I keep hearing this stuff about humourless feminists, but it has never happened to me. And I've worked with some pretty* hardcore feminists. I hold doors open to everyone, as a matter of courtesy. If anybody challenged me I would say so.


* [some of them actually were pretty].

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I held a door open for a middle aged women after I walked through it the other month and she said to me " I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door thank you "


Really? REALLY?? I keep hearing this stuff about humourless feminists, but it has never happened to me. And I've worked with some pretty* hardcore feminists. I hold doors open to everyone, as a matter of courtesy. If anybody challenged me I would say so.


* [some of them actually were pretty].



About her age, maybe?


Some people don't like being reminded of how old they are (not a dig at you, Mooney ;) )

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I held a door open for a middle aged women after I walked through it the other month and she said to me " I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door thank you "


Really? REALLY?? I keep hearing this stuff about humourless feminists, but it has never happened to me. And I've worked with some pretty* hardcore feminists. I hold doors open to everyone, as a matter of courtesy. If anybody challenged me I would say so.


* [some of them actually were pretty].



About her age, maybe?


Some people don't like being reminded of how old they are (not a dig at you, Mooney ;) )



Yeah, I know what you mean. But, if anything, older women tend to appreciate what they may see as old-fashioned chivalry. I'd have thought the younger ones would be more er, feisty, about it.


But like I say, I've never known it to be a problem - and I've done it all my life.


EDIT: Most people will acknowledge by saying "thanks", or nodding and smiling. It does slightly piss me off when they completely ignore you and just breeze through as if you and the door weren't there. (Warning: ageist, sexist, religionist, racist stereotyping coming up) The worst offenders are young Muslim women students. There, I said it.

Edited by mjmooney
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I always wondered with etiquette, if you are in a busy toilet and someone is hovering outside the cubicle as sometimes happens. Once you are finished and you're exiting the cubicle and they're trying to enter it, is it good manners or strange to hold the door open for them?

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I always wondered with etiquette, if you are in a busy toilet and someone is hovering outside the cubicle as sometimes happens. Once you are finished and you're exiting the cubicle and they're trying to enter it, is it good manners or strange to hold the door open for them?


It's good manners to say: "I'd give it five minutes, if I were you".

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I always wondered with etiquette, if you are in a busy toilet and someone is hovering outside the cubicle as sometimes happens. Once you are finished and you're exiting the cubicle and they're trying to enter it, is it good manners or strange to hold the door open for them?

I don't tend to hang around afterwards.
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I held a door open for a middle aged women after I walked through it the other month and she said to me " I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door thank you "


Really? REALLY?? I keep hearing this stuff about humourless feminists, but it has never happened to me. And I've worked with some pretty* hardcore feminists. I hold doors open to everyone, as a matter of courtesy. If anybody challenged me I would say so.


* [some of them actually were pretty].




She was just your average middle aged woman , no dungarees or shaved hair to suggest she was a feminist 


I was pretty annoyed tbh , as like you I hold doors open for anyone

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I like to approach doors around the office when there's someone heading the same way, nip in front and open the door for them but then not follow them in and start laughing.  Really freaks people out.  It's the little things.

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The retards at work who can't establish how to tell wherever a cubicle is engaged or not. I'm trying to have a relaxing sit down on the toilet when some word removed walks up to the cubicle door and bangs it to see if anyone is in there.

This 'confusion' is caused by the colour system (obviously red should be for engaged and green for vacant) not being set properly on the cubicle doors. However, the safety notch on the lock (so that the door can be opened with a flat object from the outside) is always horizontal if the cubicle is free; the colours can be ignored.

Can some people work this out though!? Clearly **** not - instead they walk along the line, smashing every door to see if one opens.

I mean, **** me, they managed the task of getting themselves to work in the morning unassisted (at least, I think they did), but they can't seem to fathom a simple thing like working out an alternative way to know whether the toilet is in use or not.

I wonder whether they know to pull their trousers and pants down before they defecate. Fuckwits.

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I held a door open for a middle aged women after I walked through it the other month and she said to me " I'm perfectly capable of opening my own door thank you "


Really? REALLY?? I keep hearing this stuff about humourless feminists, but it has never happened to me. And I've worked with some pretty* hardcore feminists. I hold doors open to everyone, as a matter of courtesy. If anybody challenged me I would say so.


* [some of them actually were pretty].




Same here, I hold doors open for anyone, be they man or woman as a courtesy. Someone being rude like that would do my head in. if someone dropped something I'd pick it up and give it to them etc.. 


Just courteous things people should do tbh.

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The retards at work who can't establish how to tell wherever a cubicle is engaged or not. I'm trying to have a relaxing sit down on the toilet when some word removed walks up to the cubicle door and bangs it to see if anyone is in there.

This 'confusion' is caused by the colour system (obviously red should be for engaged and green for vacant) not being set properly on the cubicle doors. However, the safety notch on the lock (so that the door can be opened with a flat object from the outside) is always horizontal if the cubicle is free; the colours can be ignored.

Can some people work this out though!? Clearly **** not - instead they walk along the line, smashing every door to see if one opens.

I mean, **** me, they managed the task of getting themselves to work in the morning unassisted (at least, I think they did), but they can't seem to fathom a simple thing like working out an alternative way to know whether the toilet is in use or not.

I wonder whether they know to pull their trousers and pants down before they defecate. Fuckwits.


You typed 'fuckwits', put your phone in your pocket and left said cubicle after typing this right?  ;)

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Funnily enough I had a door-related run-in the other day.

Sneering, feminist: you don't have to hold the door open for me because I'm a woman, you know!

Me: No, I have to hold it open for you because I'm a gentleman. I was bought up to believe that politeness was a positive character trait.

Sneering feminist: Harrumph!

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The retards at work who can't establish how to tell wherever a cubicle is engaged or not. I'm trying to have a relaxing sit down on the toilet when some word removed walks up to the cubicle door and bangs it to see if anyone is in there.

This 'confusion' is caused by the colour system (obviously red should be for engaged and green for vacant) not being set properly on the cubicle doors. However, the safety notch on the lock (so that the door can be opened with a flat object from the outside) is always horizontal if the cubicle is free; the colours can be ignored.

Can some people work this out though!? Clearly **** not - instead they walk along the line, smashing every door to see if one opens.

I mean, **** me, they managed the task of getting themselves to work in the morning unassisted (at least, I think they did), but they can't seem to fathom a simple thing like working out an alternative way to know whether the toilet is in use or not.

I wonder whether they know to pull their trousers and pants down before they defecate. Fuckwits.

No word of a lie my bloody housemate does that. I'm in the big bathroom (we have two) taking a nice big shit and "BOOM BOOM BOOM"... I say "errrr, yeah?", "Oh sorry" and off she toddles. Peaceful moment ruined, thinking cap off.

Ok, we don't have a colour coding system on the door but NOBODY, I repeat NOBODY leaves the bathroom door closed unless they're in there for that very reason. It's the rule. She knows the rule, follow the bastard rule! Besides which we have TWO bathrooms, rather than chance pissing on my chips go use the other. You'll survive for one day.

I mean she is Spanish and they do live by different rules to the rest of us, but still. Annoyed isn't strong enough...

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