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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Just had to knock up an email that's really pissed me off but shouldn't. I'm due a bonus for the job I was doing until about 3 weeks ago when my contract finished, and I've not yet received it (and had no idea when I was likely to). Emailing the guy I was doing most of the work for basically asking 'Um... wheres my bonus?' is an awkward balancing act given I don't want to appear either accusatory, presumptive, or desperate... but theres also a distinct chance it's not an inconsiderably sum of money so I kinda need to know when I'm likely to get it.

I had a similar situation when I was buying my house. I had to apply for a mortgage, obviously, and the mortgage offer is dependant upon your income.

I was due a significant raise at work but it hadn't come through. It was all going to be backdated pay so without the mortgage situation I wouldn't really have minded.

But the house buying meant I had to keep nagging HR and my old boss about when I'd get this raise and it must have made me sound like a right dick in the end.

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Speaking of mortgages, another thing that's pissed me off recently.

Spoke to a mate of mine that I lived with at uni. Haven't spoken to him in a couple of years.

He told me he'd bought a house.

Great, I said. Where?

In London

Oh, what a little one bed flat?

No no, a four bedroom apartment.

Wow, I bet your mortgage payments are a bit steep?

No, I don't have a mortgage, I bought it outright.

Turns out his aunt left him a fucktonne of money when she died and he's bought this huge apartment in London with it and is now renting it out for some huge amount.

It shouldn't piss me off because he's one of my best mates, and he's in the Army and just gone out to Afghanistan for a few months, so if anyone deserves something like that it's him.

But can't help being very jealous seeing as my mortgage rapes me every month!

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I don't mind being raped by my mortgage, the thing which upsets me is when you look at your annual statement and see that, out of the £7000 that you've paid over the last year, £6000 has gone on paying off the interest charges for the year!

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What's a mortgage? :mrgreen:

It's a monetary noose that will blight the current populace for generations to come.

That's if you can actually get one in the first place ...

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Ending up on-call on a week you weren't supposed to be. It shouldn't piss me off because it's more money, but last night's 04:22 phone call reminds me that it's not always worth it.

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Ending up on-call on a week you weren't supposed to be. It shouldn't piss me off because it's more money, but last night's 04:22 phone call reminds me that it's not always worth it.

I get a few 04:22 'phone calls' these days. I'm on call 365 days a year (apart from, like now, when she's way at her parents) And I'm not paid for it either.

But I'd say it's definitely worth it.

Mind you, if you get a 04.22 phone call, do you have to be 'alert' to field it Bri? Is it client related?

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Very much client-related and they do know they are getting you out of bed at all hours, so it's not like you are expected to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but you still have to fix their issue within a (generous) time-limit. Having done it as long as I have, you do tend to sleep with one eye open and you become awake very quickly. It's getting back to sleep that proves very difficult and makes a hames of your following day.

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People posting pictures of the pumpkin they've carved to look like Jimmy Savile on Facebook.

You're not clever. Everyone else has done it too..,

Second biggest food-store here had this on their Facebook.


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The Bond films don't have a consistent narrative - each film more or less stands alone and there are only fleeting references between films, usually throwaway ones. Further, Craig's tenure as Bond began with Casino Royale, which acted as a reboot of the whole thing - Casino Royale is supposed to act as a slate being wiped clean. Judy Dench's M in Casino Royale, QoF and Skyfall is a different M to the one that dealt with Brosnan, and so Moneypenny has never been known to her before.

Frankly though, the Bond series plays so fast and loose with this stuff that you needn't worry about it (case in point, Skyfall makes lots of knowing references to Bond's previous 50 years, not least the DB5 being special to him... but when you consider that Craig comes into the role as a Bond that is meant to be new to the spy game, a newly made 00 Agent, it doesn't make any sense narrative/canon wise, but plays to the audience for a nice knowing reference).

Casino Royale explains the DB5 thing... he wins one in a bet.

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The Bible Belt as well as some of the more sparsely populated Midwestern states may be culturally a world away from the Northeast, but even if that were the case, that effectively just means that there are, broadly speaking, two or three geographical cultures in the US. In contrast, Europe has dozens of separate countries, most of which have a language and ethnic culture of their own.

Also, I wonder how often people from the Deep South travel to NYC or LA. If it doesn't happen very frequently, then it would further suggest that Americans in general are culturally insular.

People tend to be as culturally exploratory as their wallet allows them to be, especially if they live in huge countries flanked by two oceans. For many Americans, a trip to Europe is simply a pipe dream.

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The phrase (and associated sports brand) 'Unbelievable Tekkers'.. and by default, Villa fans bastardising it to say Unbelievable Bentekkers.

Just **** off.

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People tend to be as culturally exploratory as their wallet allows them to be, especially if they live in huge countries flanked by two oceans. For many Americans, a trip to Europe is simply a pipe dream.

Nah, there are plenty of people living in mansions (albeit appointed in dubious taste) in the Midwest who don't bother travelling.

I put it down to this handy rule-of-thumb: The further away from the coast you go, the stupider people get. It's true of any medium-to-large sized country I can think of. Not sure of the exact reason, but I eat as much fresh ocean fish as possible just in case.

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