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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Zhan, read my post further up. It says what I'm trying to say much better than I did in my original response to you.

I do agree in a sense but the issue is being seperated here and although that is necessary (to you) it is not sufficient enough.

Sure a little tipple here and there won't do much from a health perspective but the problem is when one has too much. We know the facts are that alcohol has the possibility of clouding one's mental faculties and in turn this is an aspect of our health and hence it can be a huge factor in making impotant decisions which can lead to drastic consequences.

So in conclusion we can see it is not completely safe to drink alcohol due to is effects on the mind, memory and motor skills which all are aspects of a healthy mind and body.

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Sure a little tipple here and there won't do much from a health perspective but the problem is when one has too much.
Again, that's not in dispute, but nor is it an inevitability. Your point has been about discussing the abuses. My point is that if abuse is not an inevitability then it is possible for the individual to control it safely. I'd say on balance, more people do control it safely than those who abuse it. Plenty abuse it but plenty more don't.
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I would not disagree with you there at all.

Obviously a little alcohol can be good for you and in fact I maybe arguing with myself here a little but my point was strictly from the health perspectives and what alcohol can do to cloud the judgment in a person who would be tryin it for the first time. Obviously that can be a danger.

I still think on a scale of things bad for you alcohol still rates up there with the worst of them. I think we've all seen it at its worst or witnessed some pretty shocking things by those under the influence. This was my main point.

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Megaphone-mouth types in the office. LOWER YOUR **** VOICE. :rant:

Have the opposite problem in my office. Nobody speaks at all. People will email the person sitting next to them to ensure the silence isn't broken. Driving me mental, it is.

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Megaphone-mouth types in the office. LOWER YOUR **** VOICE. :rant:

One sits opposite me.

And he's also the kind of guy that says random stuff out loud even though it means nothing to anyone.

"Ohhh, I knew I'd sent that email yesterday"

What? Why have you said that? No-one knows or cares what you're referring to.

he also slurps his drinks and revels in telling people how busy he is.

He annoys me a lot.

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Megaphone-mouth types in the office. LOWER YOUR **** VOICE. :rant:

One sits opposite me.

And he's also the kind of guy that says random stuff out loud even though it means nothing to anyone.

"Ohhh, I knew I'd posted the same thing a couple of mins ago!!!"

What? Why have you said that? No-one knows or cares what you're referring to.

he also slurps his drinks and revels in telling people how busy he is.

He annoys me a lot.


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