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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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"Anti Apple" Guy in my office has been given an iPhone as his corporate phone (they all get one now) so he basically HAS to use it.

**** me, he has not shut up about it for two days.

It's like having the old CVByrne sat a few feet away from me (That's a joke Conor ;) )

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we have the torch coming through Lichfield on Saturday and its not exaclty a big event yet its costing the businesses money, my gf's dad has been told that there will be no access to his garages and he cant get deliveries so has had to cancel his customers and close. My boss argued on me about the Olympics and left early to get to see the torch go through worcester and said it was a massive anti climax.

The olympics is only good for London and thats is questionable in the long term, look at Greece!

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So has anti-apple guy become pro-apple guy now or is he just sitting there sneering at it and pointing out it's faults?

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The olympics is only good for London and thats is questionable in the long term, look at Greece!

I have a rock which keeps bears away. Do you see any bears nearby?*

The Olympics did wonders for Barcelona, so if you cite Athens as a place when they proved to be a bad thing (although there are a thousand reasons why the Greek economy went to shit and the Olympics is quite low down on it) then pro Olympics people can cite Spain in 1992.

Anyway, the torch run. I get the impression that the borough of Nuneaton & Bedworth (where I live) is one of the few places in England where the torch relay isn't happening. Do we have cause for complaint about being ignored by the relay based on the fact that they made the **** torches here?

*You are not permitted to answer if you live in Canada. ;)

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So has anti-apple guy become pro-apple guy now or is he just sitting there sneering at it and pointing out it's faults?

Oh, very much the latter.

"You can't charge it but have the phone off? That's a bit crap"

"My battery's run out and I've plugged it in and I can't turn it on straight away? Jeeeeze"

"Of course if this was my android I could carry a spare battery around for this kind of situation"

"I wish I could install another operating system instead of this"

Again, I'm sure everything he says is right. That's not what annoys me.

What annoys me is literally nobody gives a shit. It's not like anyone's either agreeing with him, or arguing against him to keep him going.

He just won't shut up.

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The olympics is only good for London and thats is questionable in the long term, look at Greece!

I have a rock which keeps bears away. Do you see any bears nearby?*

The Olympics did wonders for Barcelona, so if you cite Athens as a place when they proved to be a bad thing (although there are a thousand reasons why the Greek economy went to shit and the Olympics is quite low down on it) then pro Olympics people can cite Spain in 1992.

Anyway, the torch run. I get the impression that the borough of Nuneaton & Bedworth (where I live) is one of the few places in England where the torch relay isn't happening. Do we have cause for complaint about being ignored by the relay based on the fact that they made the **** torches here?

*You are not permitted to answer if you live in Canada. ;)

Apparently, Warwick council are paying for the torch runners to buy their torches once they've done the relay.

Nice gesture, but the funny thing is that most of the people doing it in Warwick (or LEamington at least) are fro mthe states, or Africa or a foreign country. There's hardly anyone from Leamington actually doing it.

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we have the torch coming through Lichfield on Saturday and its not exaclty a big event yet its costing the businesses money, my gf's dad has been told that there will be no access to his garages and he cant get deliveries so has had to cancel his customers and close. My boss argued on me about the Olympics and left early to get to see the torch go through worcester and said it was a massive anti climax.

The olympics is only good for London and thats is questionable in the long term, look at Greece!

If the council/highways/local authority etc do something to a road that affects business you claim a business rates rebate - the rebate is disproportionate (i.e. not just 1/350th).

That's why Banks always always complain in writing when a pavement is relaid etc., 4 or 5 complaints in a year equates to no business rates.

I'm not bothered about the Olympics, but the torch went directly past my house and I have to say it was great. It was a mini carnival with freebies handed out, vintage vehicles, police motorbikes used to give kiddies a sit on for photo's, flags handed out, dancing ladies, and a generally happy street party / meet the neighbours atmosphere.

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how the **** has the olympic logo on tower bridge cost £1m?

Cost just over £300 grand but still a lot! The money came from the

, which will be used to back free cultural events across London. London **** London!! I dont give a shit about the olympics, plus it mainly London who benefit. Will the people of Birmingham get any of this Look and Celebration budget? No! :evil:

Meh! Birmingham is a shit hole of no relevance anyway.

If you want to benefit from all the cool stuff that goes on in the country then move to London.

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how the f*ck has the olympic logo on tower bridge cost £1m?

Cost just over £300 grand but still a lot! The money came from the

, which will be used to back free cultural events across London. London f*ckin London!! I dont give a sh*t about the olympics, plus it mainly London who benefit. Will the people of Birmingham get any of this Look and Celebration budget? No! :evil:

Meh! Birmingham is a sh*t hole of no relevance anyway.

If you want to benefit from all the cool stuff that goes on in the country then move to London.

This ^^^

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So once every month, two ladies in our office make a huge order for samosas from this place in Cov. They then sell them in the office for £1 for a bag of three. They're big samosas, not little things, so it's good value. They're very popular in the office, and always go on sale at 9.30am sharp, usually with an office-wide tannoy annoucement letting everyone know.

Today is Samosa day.

I am sitting here, at 10.22am Samosa-less.

Why? Well. 9.30 came, no tannoy annoucement. I go down there anyway and take my place at the end of the queue - there is usuaully a queue, so that was fine. I had been there for barely 30 seconds when someone from the front of the queue says (say it in your best Nuneaton accent) 'they aint got nun!'

WTF, MAN. They usually have loads and loads, so many that theres enough for 2 bags per person. But today, they had to turn the majority of people away, empty handed.

Not happy. I suspect the bastards on the ground floor got their bags, but what about the rest of us? Did they not buy as many as usual? Did some greedy **** buy loads and leave everyone else with nothing?

So many questions need answering. There is major unrest in the office at the moment, and let me tell you, I think it's going to get ugly. I've seen a few people with Samosas on my floor, so how did they get them? Have them put by? God damn. I want my Samosas damnit, and I'm not working until I have someone tells me what has gone on.

Already people are referring to it as SAMOSA-GATE, and official complaints have been lodged.

That has pissed me off, and it really shouldnt.

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Gun's 'n' Roses - November Rain...starts raining during the wedding, remember the video?

Why the **** does that bloke dive over a table and through the wedding cake? Its raining, not an incoming mortar strike!!!

Yes this pisses me off, i have no idea why!?!?

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I want my Samosas damnit, and I'm not working until I have someone tells me what has gone on.
*bowls hogso out of his chair* A powerful tidal wave in Kuala Lumpur has killed one hundred and twenty people. Ay, Chihuahua! Whoa, whoa, whoa!
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Sports retards.

Cricket was on the tv at work and this guy was calling the batters 'a bunch of faggots' for wearing helmets. I explained to him how getting hit in the head by a cricket ball going nearly 100mph is a bad thing but he was all 'nah it isn't, I wouldn't wear a helmet. They're just poofs'.

Same guy was also going on about how money is ruining football. He 'supports' Chelsea. He didn't give a flying **** when they won the CL (went out for a fag break during the last minutes of E.T. and didn't care when they won the shoot-out).

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Sports retards.

Cricket was on the tv at work and this guy was calling the batters 'a bunch of faggots' for wearing helmets. I explained to him how getting hit in the head by a cricket ball going nearly 100mph is a bad thing but he was all 'nah it isn't, I wouldn't wear a helmet. They're just poofs'.

Do you work with Viv Richards?

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Gun's 'n' Roses - November Rain...starts raining during the wedding, remember the video?

Why the **** does that bloke dive over a table and through the wedding cake? Its raining, not an incoming mortar strike!!!

Yes this pisses me off, i have no idea why!?!?

Pretty sure the rain symbolises gunfire? Which is why the wife in the video died and has a mirror covering the other half of her face in the coffin. (Could be completely wrong on all accounts though)

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