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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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18 hours ago, Davkaus said:

I used to go to Costa a few times a week, but after working from home with some good grade freshly roasted coffee beans, an aeropress and a milk frother, I can see how much money I've wasted on really shit coffee.

Yeah I would go most mornings to Costa. Reckon I was spending 50-60 quid a month on them. Ridiculous really!

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On 02/05/2020 at 15:43, VILLAMARV said:

Some bloke in the flats where i live keeps singing. Normally, I'd be all encouraging of this. 

Just he's very adept at projecting his voice (in other words really really loud) and its repetitive, like the same line, over and over again. I can't work out what it is supposed to be either by title or even genre and it's starting to get on my wick after 5 weeks of it. Every day, sometime between 3 and 5pm. 

Mrsvm thinks he might be having singing lessons. I don't think so, unless his teacher is a mentalist. 

Da. Da. Da da da. 

5 syllables. 

Tonic, super tonic, tonic, subtonic, tonic. 

Over and over and over and over again.

Change the record mate 😤

Update. I was too kind. After 5pm too.

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My next door neighbours, a secondary school English teacher, a man that runs his own book recycling business and their 30 yr old layabout son, have decided that they’re bored of social distancing and have now got their six year old granddaughter round for the afternoon. When mentioned they said words to the effect of “we’ve not been out for three months, we don’t have the virus”. Yet the mum was at the garden centre yesterday, and he’s still working despite having a shielding letter. 

I’m seriously pissed off with them for being so stupid, and believe I’m right to be so I guess this is in the wrong thread. 

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I took out two portions of (self made) mashed potato from the freezer to have with a piece of breaded fish and mixed veg.

Fish baking nicely in the oven, veg simmering away on the hob and mashed spud cooking in the microwave. Nothing fancy, just a quickly thrown together sort of meal.

Dish it all up and wondered why the mash had a sweetish tang to it. Turns out I'd only gone and microwaved one portion of mashed potato....along with a second portion of apple sauce I forgot I'd made a while ago🤢

Next time i raid the freezer, I'll put my glasses on !

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1 hour ago, VILLAMARV said:

Update. I was too kind. After 5pm too.

Leave off mate, I need to practice for X Factor somewhere. 

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4 minutes ago, Xela said:

Leave off mate, I need to practice for X Factor somewhere. 

Mate, you don't need to practice singing. One look at your wheelchair and the grandma's sympathy votes will be all yours. It's in the bag son. :thumb:


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1 hour ago, VILLAMARV said:

Update. I was too kind. After 5pm too.

I'll swap you for my 5pm trainee bagpiper... every f***ing night, just as I finish a 4 hour shift dealing with pond life on the phone

Finish shift, nip out the back for a ciggie... badly squeezed haggis

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2 hours ago, bickster said:

I'll swap you for my 5pm trainee bagpiper... every f***ing night, just as I finish a 4 hour shift dealing with pond life on the phone

Finish shift, nip out the back for a ciggie... badly squeezed haggis

minions no GIF

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Since lockdown, for some reason my next door neighbour has decided to switch from smoking in her back garden to smoking on her doorstep.

We live in terraced houses and our front doors are right next to each other. Pretty much every time I go out for my daily fresh air, usually with my little boy, we get a face full of smoke instead. Every now and then you can smell it from our living room as well.

Minor thing really, she’s a nice enough neighbour and I’m too scared to say anything so I’m just going to moan about it in here instead.

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I haven't had a fag since before Christmas. You two chatting about them kind of makes me think about wanting one. Which kind of pisses me off and shouldn't.

Having said that the smugness of racking up 6 months without one, coupled with lockdown stopping me heading down the shops means it's a passing thought and I'm amazed how little I'm craving them.  

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7 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Since lockdown, for some reason my next door neighbour has decided to switch from smoking in her back garden to smoking on her doorstep.

We live in terraced houses and our front doors are right next to each other. Pretty much every time I go out for my daily fresh air, usually with my little boy, we get a face full of smoke instead. Every now and then you can smell it from our living room as well.

Minor thing really, she’s a nice enough neighbour and I’m too scared to say anything so I’m just going to moan about it in here instead.

You’re a better man than me, I’d go nuts if I could smell the neighbours cigarette smoke in my house. Luckily my neighbours barely ever leave the house. I’ve not once seen them enjoying the garden. They go out to cut the grass and that’s it. 

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8 hours ago, Paddywhack said:

Since lockdown, for some reason my next door neighbour has decided to switch from smoking in her back garden to smoking on her doorstep.

We live in terraced houses and our front doors are right next to each other. Pretty much every time I go out for my daily fresh air, usually with my little boy, we get a face full of smoke instead. Every now and then you can smell it from our living room as well.

Minor thing really, she’s a nice enough neighbour and I’m too scared to say anything so I’m just going to moan about it in here instead.

This pisses me off. 
A relatively new guy in our apartment block smokes and he comes down and smokes outside the main entrance. 

But my bedroom window is very close to that entrance (I’m ground floor). The other day it was warm enough to leave the windows open a crack while we slept, but I noticed he was outside smoking and I could smell the smoke. 

I’m already dreading the awkward conversation in the summer when windows are open regularly and I’ll have to ask him to smoke further away from the building. 

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