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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That ive been with a no name internet provider in tentel since I moved into my flat in January without any issues or problems at all, they got swallowed up by talk talk a few months ago and now its all changed over I'm having huge problems. Its completely gone down today. No internet access at all. Useless company.

Edited by Ingram85
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There's a sky tv ad going around on the radio where a couple worry about their kids and parents can't watch what they want at Christmas.

It gives me an image of a whole family in different rooms in the house at Christmas watching television separately.

**** off. Turn the TV off and watch mom get comatose on prosecco

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I know VT is a Royal hating socialist state (:P) but despite the wealth I almost feel sorry for the Royals. They're born into a life where they can get no privacy They can never do what I have done today - go into town, have a full English at the pub and then look at tits on my smartphone. A quick mooch around M&S Food Hall and then drive home blasting Smooth FM

Actually when I write it down, I can see why they wouldn't want to do it! :D

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Some bloke from JLS on the Yorkshire local news talking about the MOBO awards at the Leeds arena. "We (JLS) were the second act ever to play here. Rod Stewart opened it, and we were second". 

Actually, Bruce Springsteen opened it (I was there), and Elton John was second. 

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Something that pisses me off (that shouldn't) - things that piss my wife off (that shouldn't). Every year, she does this rant about how Christmas lights should be red and green, not white or (especially) blue. I mean, I sort of agree, but I don't really care enough to keep saying it every time I see a blue light-draped tree. 

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1 hour ago, This Could Be Rotterdam said:

A guy on the train has answered two phone calls by saying 'yo! What you saying?'. He's also dressed like rocky running up and down the steps in philadelphia. 

He'd be one of the first to go in the revolution. 

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45 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

Something that pisses me off (that shouldn't) - things that piss my wife off (that shouldn't). Every year, she does this rant about how Christmas lights should be red and green, not white or (especially) blue. 

Leviticus 5:17. They shall light thy tree in the colour of grass and blood, except the fuse bulb which shalt have a dash of white. 


*Obviously the bible was written before LED lights.


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4 hours ago, Xela said:

I know VT is a Royal hating socialist state (:P) but despite the wealth I almost feel sorry for the Royals. They're born into a life where they can get no privacy They can never do what I have done today - go into town, have a full English at the pub and then look at tits on my smartphone. A quick mooch around M&S Food Hall and then drive home blasting Smooth FM

I think they do the pub/shop/slightly normal things around Sandringham.

You could also ask your chef for anything from the M&S website and if they couldn't knock up something better? It would arrive later (Phizzy Pig Tails?)

Also pretty sure the Royal vehicles and Royal telly are capable of picking up Smooth, Magic or even Rinse at Buck Palace - Everyone would have to put up with it as well :P

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Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.  Not someone who shouldn't piss me off.  She absolutely should.

But what an absolutely vile creature she is, making a living telling bare-faced lies to cover the arse of her nylon-bonced paymaster.  Even today she defended him retweeting Britain First, saying he highlighted "real threats that we have to talk about".


I'd love to shout at her until both her eyes point the right way.

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You have to admire her creativity in coming up with justifications/defenses for The Donald's indefensible actions, though.  And her ability to stand there and make those statements as though they are perfectly logical and reasonable and there's no reason anyone shouldn't see it the same way.  It's actually quite a talent that, if it weren't possessed by such a vile twunt, could potentially be put to good use and/or provide entertainment more substantial than the morbid amusement it evokes in many of us.

On second thought, naaah.  You don't have to admire it at all.   F**k her, the useless tool!

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10 hours ago, NurembergVillan said:

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders.  Not someone who shouldn't piss me off.  She absolutely should.

But what an absolutely vile creature she is, making a living telling bare-faced lies to cover the arse of her nylon-bonced paymaster.  Even today she defended him retweeting Britain First, saying he highlighted "real threats that we have to talk about".


I'd love to shout at her until both her eyes point the right way.

I often think about how it'll eventually catch up (or if it will at all) with their conscious's.  

Can you imagine, when all is said and done, and you reflect on what you've achieved and done over the course of your life, that that is the path you've chosen to take? 

It might pay the bills now (and some), but their actions could have repercussions on her kids, her kids kids and even further.  

We're meant to be making the world a better place than when we found it, seems to me that people are so selfish now-a-days that that lesson has evaporated from modern culture morality. 


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3 hours ago, Tegis said:

I'm suspended for 12 months from donating blood because my missus got a tattoo done. But if I get myself a tattoo I'm only banned for 6 months.

Eh? How's that work then?

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5 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

Eh? How's that work then?

The nasty stuff could leave her blood stream anytime in the next six months when they have rough rumpy pumpy bum sex, so that gives it another six months in his blood stream :mrgreen:

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On 29/11/2017 at 14:18, mjmooney said:

The whole forelock-tugging deference thing really boils my piss. I always used to speculate on what would happen if one of them happened to visit my workplace, and I had to interact with them. I made my mind up, just in case - absolutely no bowing, or "your royal highness". I'd have shaken hands and said "Hi, I'm Mike. Shall I call you Charles, or Mister Windsor?". Just as well it never happened. 

I'd have gone for Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, not Windsor personally

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That the American Actress is used to the limelight but the Royal walkabout will take some getting used to.. (A line I've just heard at least three times in various guises on the News

  • It's not bloody news
  • Why the flying feck will walking about shaking peoples hands and smiling take some fecking getting used to?
  • I also couldn't give a shite what handbag and shoes shes sodding wearing

Royal Correspondents are now on the list come the glorious day, well towards the top of the queue for being first against the wall, though umbrella manufacturers are still top

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3 minutes ago, bickster said:

The nasty stuff could leave her blood stream anytime in the next six months when they have rough rumpy pumpy bum sex, so that gives it another six months in his blood stream :mrgreen:

And there's almost certainly a correlation between girls who have tattoos and girls who do the anals I reckon.

Actually, I take that back, my mom has loads of tattoos. :unsure:

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