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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Getting the dreaded summons in court for me doing 97mph on a 70mph road.  I fully accept the charge and have returned my guilty plea by post but the thing that really irked me off was that they only had another 2 weeks to deliver the summons before it became void.  I know it's my own fault and I'm never speeding again but I had this kind of hope that luck would shine on me and that I could take it knowing that I was a fool and for it not to happen again.  Ah well.  I expect a big(ish) fine and for anywhere between 4 and 6 points. 

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I remember at uni I got done for doing 37mph in a 30mph zone. Fair enough, bit unlucky as it was a mobile speed camera van but I was in the wrong and took my punishment -- the worst bit being the points on the licence which stay there for far too long and at that age really affected my insurance quotes.


A week after, a guy I knew who lived with some friends of mine had just recently passed his test and got a car. We went to the supermarket in two cars and on the way back he thought it'd be hilarious to overtake me on a 40mph road. He was doing at least 70mph, it was ridiculously stupid and dangerous and a police car came zooming up, overtook me and pulled him over.


They let him off with a warning. Prick.

Edited by Ginko
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I got caught driving in a bus lane a couple of weeks ago. The road wasn't marked as such and the bollards that drop down for buses are taken down over weekends leaving the roads open.


Should have argued it really.

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Getting the dreaded summons in court for me doing 97mph on a 70mph road.  I fully accept the charge and have returned my guilty plea by post but the thing that really irked me off was that they only had another 2 weeks to deliver the summons before it became void.  I know it's my own fault and I'm never speeding again but I had this kind of hope that luck would shine on me and that I could take it knowing that I was a fool and for it not to happen again.  Ah well.  I expect a big(ish) fine and for anywhere between 4 and 6 points. 


Ouch, unlucky.  On the other hand, a few mph more and you'd have been looking at a ban.

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I got caught driving in a bus lane a couple of weeks ago. The road wasn't marked as such and the bollards that drop down for buses are taken down over weekends leaving the roads open.

Should have argued it really.

It genuinely surprises me that you didn't :lol:

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I posted on here a week or so ago about the stupid bint who keeps using my space on an allocated car park because the space, rather conveniently is outside the gate to her back garden, despite it being on the deeds to our house, that that space I clearly ours

Imagine my disbelief when I got back home tonight to see she nailed a plastic sign to her gate that said "parking for no

8 only"

Now, I'm not a childish man, but I have resorted to getting the deeds laminated tomorrow which highlights whose space it is and ill nail that to the gate too.



keep us updated what happens once your laminated deeds go up.


i am sat here waiting with popcorn...

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Don't care what happens at my funeral. They could leave me in a ditch and piss on me for all the difference it will make.

My view, too. But funerals shouldn't be about what the deceased want, it's all for the survivors, really. So I've said to my family they can do what they want, whether it's a huge ceremony or throwing me in a skip. I don't care.



What do you think the "survivors" would want? I think their main goal would be to do the deceased proud and thus telling ones family what one wants and them being able to produce that once deceased could be a better funeral for the survivors than them doing their own thing.


What im saying is maybe pretending one cares may actually be a gift to his loved ones when passing.


*excuse all the ones, just trying to not make a subject on death personal

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The first weekend after an international break "Thank God real football is back, thank God that rubbish is done with."


I like the international football you words removed!

The PL isn't the holy **** grail either.


Outside of tournaments, international football is pretty dull, in my opinion. That said, I'm never really fussed about most matches these days, other than ones Villa are involved in. Even they it's hit and miss.

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I have left strict instructions, no wake, hire professional mourners, no jolly anecdotes, at least one person to throw themselves on my coffin, and if at all possible my wife has to hire an actress to pretend I was leading a double life just to shit up my family. Oh and I want the maudling depressing music to be played.

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Don't care what happens at my funeral. They could leave me in a ditch and piss on me for all the difference it will make.

My view, too. But funerals shouldn't be about what the deceased want, it's all for the survivors, really. So I've said to my family they can do what they want, whether it's a huge ceremony or throwing me in a skip. I don't care.

What do you think the "survivors" would want? I think their main goal would be to do the deceased proud and thus telling ones family what one wants and them being able to produce that once deceased could be a better funeral for the survivors than them doing their own thing.

What im saying is maybe pretending one cares may actually be a gift to his loved ones when passing.

*excuse all the ones, just trying to not make a subject on death personal

Footnotes?! Donnie is going to spontaneously combust.

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Parents on the FB who think just because their kid kicked a football they are going to play for England, or because they can sing along to Frozen they are going to be a No.1 recording artist.

No, your kid is shit at both of those things.



Play for Villa then?

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Parents on the FB who think just because their kid kicked a football they are going to play for England, or because they can sing along to Frozen they are going to be a No.1 recording artist.

No, your kid is shit at both of those things.

on that subject I bunked from work yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours  to watch my son play football for the school


needless to say there weren't any proud parent moments on Facebook , though he did find the biggest puddle on the pitch and jump in it and splash about 4 people


safe to say he's going to have to get a proper job to earn his fortune ... on the plus side at least he wont be covered in some meaningless " profound " statements / symbols  via the tattooists ink pen


(with apologies to those on here who have tattoos of course  , I'm sure people that have them love them )

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So I applied for a job within the company that I am in at the moment, I've made no secret if the fact that I want to leave and have been looking elsewhere.

I told my mate that I work with I'd applied and his exact words were "that sounds alright, I'm going to apply for that"

Now a few weeks ago I spotted another job online and told him about it and told him that he should go for it, this time I was telling him about a job that I was interested in and that I was hoping to get.

Is it me or is that a shitty thing for him to do? I pulled him up about it and he said "it's no different to that job you applied for last month" (yeah I applied for a job that he had gone for about 3 years ago and didn't get, I also had no idea that he had gone for it all that time ago) if he had found it off his own back and was genuinely interested I would say fair play but he seems more than willing to just snatch the chance from under my nose.

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Yeah I get the dog eat dog thing but I've known the kid for ten years, I wouldn't just class him as a work mate I would have classed him as a proper mate which is why I'm pissed about it. Plus the fact that just the other week I spotted something and actually said to him "there you go that is on your doorstep, it's more money and it's something you could do a piece of piss" I shouldn't have bothered and should have just took smug satisfaction in the fact I had just potentially cost my mate and extra 5 grand a year

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