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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That I struggle to get followers on twitter which makes me feel like a right boring word removed but proper bantz dickhead lads get hundreds. Really boils my piss.

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Quality, not quantity. I'm a boring **** and I've got under 600 poor souls following me. No idea why


I follow you so you can rest easy.

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walking down broad street earlier this afternoon, big bloke with his missus, bigger than me bout 6 ft 3" built like a brick shit house, about 15-20m in front of me, they start arguing, he put her in like a head lock, she starts screaming, so he gives her an upper cut, he then turns and quick walks off down the steps towards the canal, she bursts in to tears, a woman starts shouting at the police over the road to do soemthing (theres 3 of them outside lloyds with a guy comatose on the floor) they dont move and arent interested, the girl instead jumps in a taxi and disappears...


me and my missus, heads down, didn't say a word, didn't know what to do, somewhere between the thought of me jumping in and getting battered by him and the stigma that she would then happily defend him and we'd both end up in trouble i completely bottled it


There's a lot of CCTV on Broad Street. Hopefully someone catches it and it gets sorted.

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Radio 1 "news"


I know it's pitched at the younger generation so they have to try and get them interested.


But one of their top stories this morning was a selfie from the Oscars getting 2 million Retweets.



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Radio 1 "news"


I know it's pitched at the younger generation so they have to try and get them interested.


But one of their top stories this morning was a selfie from the Oscars getting 2 million Retweets.




You have no business listening to Radio 1 any more, old man. Time to give Terry Wogan a try...

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walking down broad street earlier this afternoon, big bloke with his missus, bigger than me bout 6 ft 3" built like a brick shit house, about 15-20m in front of me, they start arguing, he put her in like a head lock, she starts screaming, so he gives her an upper cut, he then turns and quick walks off down the steps towards the canal, she bursts in to tears, a woman starts shouting at the police over the road to do soemthing (theres 3 of them outside lloyds with a guy comatose on the floor) they dont move and arent interested, the girl instead jumps in a taxi and disappears...


me and my missus, heads down, didn't say a word, didn't know what to do, somewhere between the thought of me jumping in and getting battered by him and the stigma that she would then happily defend him and we'd both end up in trouble i completely bottled it

I saw this guy and felt guilty for just walking past, he was an absolute mess.

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Radio 1 "news"


I know it's pitched at the younger generation so they have to try and get them interested.


But one of their top stories this morning was a selfie from the Oscars getting 2 million Retweets.




You have no business listening to Radio 1 any more, old man. Time to give Terry Wogan a try...


Get yourself a DAB and get listening to six music.

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Radio 1 "news"


I know it's pitched at the younger generation so they have to try and get them interested.


But one of their top stories this morning was a selfie from the Oscars getting 2 million Retweets.



Sadly, that picture is also front page of the beeb's news website. :(

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The news this morning was amazing, the Oscars should be the 'and finally' segment during the news round up, not the lead story with some sycophantic arsehole like itv's ross king standing on the red carpet fawning himself over what dress someone has worn

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The news this morning was amazing, the Oscars should be the 'and finally' segment during the news round up, not the lead story with some sycophantic arsehole like itv's ross king standing on the red carpet fawning himself over what dress someone has worn

Very much this. Ukraine on the brink of war, and Radio 4 - RADIO 4, no less - led with the **** Oscars.
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Isn't Radio 1's target age demographic 6-13 or something like that?! (ok, slight exaggeration)


I've said it before but i've gone from Radio 1 to Radio 2 to Radio 4 in the last few years! 

Edited by Xela
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