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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Got a deadly dose of man flu. Asked for ibuprofen and paracetamol at the chemist. The woman reached for Nurofen Ibuprofen & Paracetamol which was nearly £5. Have you got anything cheaper? No, that's all we do. I had to point out that I'd have the unbranded separate tablets.


Really annoyed me.


16 paracetamol tablets - 19p at Morrisons. I know.. I bought some today (along with 16 asprin for the same cost). Bargain. 


I'm sure I saw on watchdog that these Nurofen Advance (you know, the 'quick working' ones) are exactly the same as the standard ones. They have the same patent number as the others! What a con

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Got a deadly dose of man flu. Asked for ibuprofen and paracetamol at the chemist. The woman reached for Nurofen Ibuprofen & Paracetamol which was nearly £5. Have you got anything cheaper? No, that's all we do. I had to point out that I'd have the unbranded separate tablets.


Really annoyed me.


16 paracetamol tablets - 19p at Morrisons. I know.. I bought some today (along with 16 asprin for the same cost). Bargain. 


I'm sure I saw on watchdog that these Nurofen Advance (you know, the 'quick working' ones) are exactly the same as the standard ones. They have the same patent number as the others! What a con



The depressing part is she probably wasn't allowed to advise me to buy the cheaper ones. I wouldn't last long working in retail.

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I'd have asked her why she didn't recommend the cheaper option.



Business decision. May be different if it's an independent, or a very small chain, but I know the 2 major ones (Boots, Lloyds) have a set list of preferred drugs which have to be pushed as the first option unless specifically requested otherwise, and that includes prescription items as well as over the counter.


And they use secret police...I mean 'mystery shoppers' who check that the guidance is being followed correctly.


Actually lying when specifically asked about a cheaper area is taking the piss though.

Edited by Davkaus
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Wow, this thread was nearly on page 2 !!


I hate them and I think they're very dangerous. They're too easy to lose and they're full of things that are usually very important and which should never be lost. I've only ever owned one wallet and sure enough I lost it, as if confirming my thoughts that they're a horrible dangerous thing to own. Money and cards go in my pocket. My trousers are in effect my wallet and if I lose them then it was probably worth it ;)


My dad is the exact same and he's always losing money that fell out of his pocket. Why can't ye just not lose a wallet :)

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Well yeah, Boots have their own manufacturing centre, they're not like most shops that pay someone else to make it and whack their logo on, their own brand stuff is hugely profitable.

For nearly every retailer, the private label merchandise is basically always more profitable in terms of percentage markup and generally even in terms of gross profit.

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I take it bitstrips are the humourless cartoons

Like South Park?


You dead wrong brah.



It's awful!



In it's prime it was hilarious and it's the best satire around.  Admittedly it is no longer in it's prime but give me South Park over any other animated series any day.  In fact give it me over any comedy series.

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Being bombarded with a list of things to do then getting chastised that I forgot the second of ten things.  Apparently it was the most important one.   Surely if you want somebody to do something then adding seven or eight entirely useless/trivial things to do in the five minutes after you have asked about the important one is only going to confuse matters?   :angry:


No prizes for guessing the gender the person making all of these requests... 

Edited by The_Rev
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Eating a doner the size of your thigh after you swore you wouldn't #fml

A doner in navan ................oh

Istanblue. In fairness they're quality, which is part of the problem. They're also genuinely e.nor.mous. Not a typical pitta doner. A proper wrapped one the length of your forearm (I exaggerated with thigh). I imagine at 2am this morning I looked like one of those snakes that's found an enormous egg and is adamant it's going into their mouth in its entirety.

But on the other hand...

I'll be at a **** pub quiz :rant: :rant:

:hooray: We won. Free drink.
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