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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Hands up, I had to google 'adjective'. I can never remember what nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are.


It was drilled into us throughout school (ooh), it just never sunk in for me.


(Where's that smiley gone where's he smashing himself over the head with a mallet?)

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(Where's that smiley gone where's he smashing himself over the head with a mallet?)


It's been discontinued due to a Health & Safety complaint.


Now you have to fill out three official forms, get them signed by an employee of the 'Mallet-Strike Union' who takes your request to a panel and then if your request is deemed worthy, you're given an appointment to meet with a lady employed by the MSU to administer the mallet-strikes.



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Istanbul is going off again. Only this time it's in my neighbourhood, Huge bins on fire, police requisitioning public buildings for makeshift hospitals. 


Police have just gas bombed the corner of my road. My eyes are stinging and my nose is running like mo'fo.


Hurriyet: Kadikoy Istanbul



Now the thing that's pissing me off is all my Turkish friends trying to compare this to the Syria crisis. OK, the police are deliberately firing gas canisters at head height but the level of violence and importance of this protest is nowhere near the scale of Syria. Also, all the protesters **** off in the Summer months to their holiday homes in Antalya/Bodrum and now they come back from their Daddy's house and kick off like petulant boreons again. 

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People who consider politics to be a career. Being an elected representative is not and never should be a career.

Cow Hampshire has the right idea

The New Hampshire House of Representatives is the lower house in the New Hampshire General Court, the bicameral legislature of the state of New Hampshire. The House of Representatives consists of 400 members coming from 204 legislative districts across the state, created from divisions of the state's counties. On average, each legislator represents about 3,300 residents. If the same level of representation were present in the U.S. Congress, that body would have approximately 99,000 members, according to current population estimates. Members are paid a salary of $200 per biennium, as are New Hampshire state senators.

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The Union Flag flying upside down. I didn't even realise there was a 'right way up' until about 5 years ago and now it can't be unseen. And it is flown upside down all over the land. It would be a nightmare for someone with OCD.

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Is correct.


Ding ding

That's what I thought, but my tutor told me it has to be the singular 'was', because 'None' is also singular.



Is correct.


"None" is a shortened form of "not one".


Not one of the of the footballers was able to score a goal yesterday.

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No it isn't. Get over it.


And the correct example quoted is logical and makes perfect sense.


Does the phrase "different than" make any sense?


Is it grammatical?


Grammar is about what sounds correct, not logical analysis.





Edited by legov
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