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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Not something that pisses me off, more just somewhere to post it. My granddad died this morning after cherryknocking death's door for the last 4 or 5 years. Rest in peace feller. Hope they're showing the football up there, else he's going to be very bored.


Sorry to hear that fella. Lost my Grandad in Feb and it still hurts.


Yeah as I said he's been read the last rites 3 times and told he wouldn't live to the end of the week 4 times, but he kept stubbornly on. Finally gave in 2 weeks ago and stopped his dialysis. Went up to see him on Saturday and he looked alright but I knew it was the peak before the descent. Good to say goodbye but still a bit tough.

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Cheers lads. I'm not distraught or anything, he had a decent innings, had a chance to say goodbye to everyone and made his exit. Just glad he's out of pain.

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Cheers lads. I'm not distraught or anything, he had a decent innings, had a chance to say goodbye to everyone and made his exit. Just glad he's out of pain.



I'm glad that things ended for him before the pain got worse. But I am still sorry for your loss Andy. 

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These fracking protesters that have named themselves "reclaim the power". Your reclaiming nothing. Just being a pain in the arse.


Yes they are doing my head in. The total utter minority causing problems like this. 

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There's a really fat woman in my office. And I mean really fat.

I reckon she's pushing 30 stone.


She's in the conference room complaining about how it hurts to walk across the office. Blaming it on her "dodgy muscles" (her words)


I half feel sorry for her, she's literally breathless having walked 20 yards.

The other half of me wants to slap her.


Her jaw muscles obviously aren't dodgy if she's pushing 30st! 


I don't know how some people let themselves get that big. I'm overweight.. I carry about 2 stone more than I should but I'm about 14st. I'm conscious of it and will lose once I've finished moving into my new gaff and have free time to get to the gym. However, to get to 20st, then 25st and still put it on. How do they allow that to happen? 

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There's a really fat woman in my office. And I mean really fat.

I reckon she's pushing 30 stone.


She's in the conference room complaining about how it hurts to walk across the office. Blaming it on her "dodgy muscles" (her words)


I half feel sorry for her, she's literally breathless having walked 20 yards.

The other half of me wants to slap her.


Her jaw muscles obviously aren't dodgy if she's pushing 30st! 


I don't know how some people let themselves get that big. I'm overweight.. I carry about 2 stone more than I should but I'm about 14st. I'm conscious of it and will lose once I've finished moving into my new gaff and have free time to get to the gym. However, to get to 20st, then 25st and still put it on. How do they allow that to happen? 



This is my EXACT thinking. I'm maybe one stone overweight (15 stone, 6'3) and I HATE it. How the hell could you get that big!?

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Just been to visit a mate whose wife just died of cancer. Funeral next week. Bad times.  :(



I'm so sorry Mike. I'm sorry for your friend as well. I hope she didn't suffer too much. There is never much you can say to make something like this better, but your friend is lucky to have you and others like you. 

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My brother drank 3 litres of cheap cider this evening (he has a drinking problem) and decided at 1am that the dogs should be taken for a walk. He is so drunk he is struggling to stand but he still thought it would be a good idea so he started getting them all worked up and excited about going out but because he can't handle 3 of them, I had to help. The dogs were barking and yapping and you can't stop them until they are outside on their leads. We live in a semi detached so it's lucky that my neighours who are running some kind of a housing scam who were given a house by the council and they rarely even go there, except to mow the grass once in a while to make it look lived in, aren't in to be awoken by it.

I'm furious with my brother by this point and he senses the anger so he works out it must be the dogs so he starts arguing with them on my behalf about the barking then wrestles our oldest and loudest dog to the ground trying to sit on him.

Finally I get collars and leads on them all and we get outside. Where he has wrestled with our oldest dog, his collar has come loose so he just runs off yapping into the nigh so I have to chase him. Get him back, tighten the collar and we're off.

Half way down the road I hear a yelp, my brother has stepped on the dog's leg and he's now dragging himself by the front paws unable to use his back legs, being an old dog that is a worry but luckily he gets up. Then I start hearing groaning from my brother, then I notice that he hasn't got any shoes on, he was too drunk to put them on so I led us through a gravelly patch.


Then we get in and he says "Do you want to watch Raw? then we can watch SummerSlam" No, I'm not in the mood for 6 hours of wrestling when I have a lot of driving to do tomorrow.


This is my week off, the first in too long and I want to go back to work.

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People that don't use both sides of the pumps at petrol stations.


"no - my petrol cap isn on this side of the car, so I will use that pump, and wait in this long queue, rather than use that empty pump".


The fecking things stretch/reach, you mad, ignorant fools.


Probably half the time I use the "wrong" side, but it really doesn't matter, as long as you park in reasonable proximity to the pump, and not half a mile away.

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People that don't use both sides of the pumps at petrol stations.


"no - my petrol cap isn on this side of the car, so I will use that pump, and wait in this long queue, rather than use that empty pump".


The fecking things stretch/reach, you mad, ignorant fools.


Probably half the time I use the "wrong" side, but it really doesn't matter, as long as you park in reasonable proximity to the pump, and not half a mile away.


And the ones who clog up the entire station thinking they have to reverse in so they get the cap on the "right" side. IT WILL REACH ANYWAY!!!!!!! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

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