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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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In Birmingham at the moment, but i may have to sell my flat because stupid weed smoking people next door.




I assume this is a drugs test thing, but I can't stand the smell of the stuff. Instantly gives me a headache.

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^^^ on a similar note, the amount of effort it takes to arrange a night out these days because my mates have girlfriends.


Used to be that on a Friday we'd just say "We going out tonight?" and we'd all go out.


I've been trying to arrange a night out with a particular group (it has to be these certain people) and it's now 3 months into trying to organise it and we just can't find a date. People keep committing to it and then dropping out because of their girlfriends (and some other shit).

Depresses me that I have to put meeting notices in people's calendars for nights out months in advance.


Shouldn't annoy me, because that's growing up, and if I had a girlfriend I'd probably be the same. But still, it's frustrating.



our gang used to meet up regularly and the same thing happened


in fact if it wasn't for Mr Social planner here I don't think any of them would ever go out  ... I just keep persevering with it for some reason


we got 10 of us out last Friday to the oval for the cricket  ...Afterwards  5 of us went on to O'Neils in Woking and a 2am drink .. the other 5 went home after the cricket to their girlfriends etc and tucked up in bed by 10 pm



maybe I'm just lucky to have  a wonderful understanding wife ... either that or she doesn't like me and wants me out the house :)




I basically have 2 groups of good mates. 1 group are nearly all single, the ones who aren't single aren't completely pussy whipped so still come out. We go out fairly regularly and basically just act like we did 5 or 6 years ago. Which again, might not necessarily be a good thing some of the time. But it's fun, and I think you need that a lot of the time.


The other group, who are actually closer friends (one of them is my best mate who I've known for 15 years), all have girlfriends, all live with their girlfriends and are generally absolute thumb prints. If I do get them out they always laugh about how they've got a pass out from the wife or girlfriend as I cringe in the corner.


If it wasn't for me arranging poker nights, nights out, kick abouts etc I genuinely believe we'd never see each other. And that's not an exaggeration, I think they'd be happy to never see each other. We all like each other and we have a really good time when we meet up, but it's such an effort to make it happen

Edited by Stevo985
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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?


I was going to say this.


I'm probably in the latter group. I do like a night out now and then, once a month or so, perhaps. But most of the time I'd rather spend my Saturday evening having a nice meal with the other half. 


I do love spending time with my missus, and she's better company than my friends most of the time.

Edited by Shillzz
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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?





act like we did 5 or 6 years ago. Which again, might not necessarily be a good thing some of the time.






Shouldn't annoy me, because that's growing up, and if I had a girlfriend I'd probably be the same.


Like I said.


Doesn't mean it can't annoy me though

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I do alright with the missus although we got together at uni so have a lot of the same friends.


She does put up with my Villa season ticket too, although apparently some things should take precedence.  Hmm depends on the fixture love... B)

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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?



last time I checked boys weren't allowed in pubs or clubs  :)



I guess the point would be though that if that were the case they would say " No thanks I've outgrown drinking Sambuca and having my eyebrows shaved when I pass out " .. rather than making up feeble excuses



but the day I start acting sensibly or wanting to shave someone's eyebrows when they pass out drunk is the day I want my one way ticket to Dignitas 

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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?


I was going to say this.


I'm probably in the latter group. I do like a night out now and then, once a month or so, perhaps. But most of the time I'd rather spend my Saturday evening having a nice meal with the other half. 


I do love spending time with my missus, and she's better company than my friends most of the time.



 which is what Stevo and myself were talking about ....  I don't think either of us were suggesting everyone leaves their other halves for the lads  every week / every day

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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?


I was going to say this.


I'm probably in the latter group. I do like a night out now and then, once a month or so, perhaps. But most of the time I'd rather spend my Saturday evening having a nice meal with the other half. 


I do love spending time with my missus, and she's better company than my friends most of the time.



 which is what Stevo and myself were talking about ....  I don't think either of us were suggesting everyone leaves their other halves for the lads  every week / every day



Nah that's fair enough.


Was just adding a bit of balance from the view those whose attendance at such things isn't as high as it could be. Sometimes I think I should be going out with my friends more often, but it usually ends in some kind of trouble in all honesty.


I do like a good night out, but am definitely guilty of avoiding such things more often than I probably should.

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Maybe not all men want to keep pretending to be boys?



last time I checked boys weren't allowed in pubs or clubs  :)



Oh, if ONLY that were true...

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