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Christian Benteke


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I think it's been inevitable all summer so all that's left now is the fee announcement

hopefully we've got the full amount on his release clause though we will put out the undisclosed story as we always do... And Liverpool fans will be on Twitter saying how we caved in and they got him for £25m and how he's worth £40m and they robbed us

He'll do well at Liverpool , but he really could have done better ...

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I think everyone here thinks the same about lambert, easy lazy link following our previous managers interest, he's 33, hasn't played much football in the last year and will be on around £60k a week, would be poor business from us


Well Shay Given and Stephen Ireland are off the books now.  We need at least one crazy signing in the squad. 


I think it's inevitable Benteke will leave.  I am very disappointed if he leaves on Liverpool's terms rather than ours. 

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Met a guy who used to work at Liverpool down the pub! Wait don't laugh he had some very interesting stuff on Suarez!! Remember the fist bite incident with ivanab&£@h well he was told that if he did that again he would be out! Then arsenal made that bid and it was rejected! He got angry at that so did the bite thing in the World Cup after getting word from barca that they would come in for him!!!! What a load of words removed but if that is true then we should reject the bid then Benteke will have to eat someone (Robbie savage) to get a move but Liverpool could not come in coz "they have standards " so barca will instead coz they like that kinda stuff


Sorry but sounds like utter nonsense to me.

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Based on Sherwood's comments about not signing player, coming for one last pay day, I'd say no way would Lambert be part of any deal. 

Edited by dAVe80
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I think everyone here thinks the same about lambert, easy lazy link following our previous managers interest, he's 33, hasn't played much football in the last year and will be on around £60k a week, would be poor business from us

Well Shay Given and Stephen Ireland are off the books now. We need at least one crazy signing in the squad.

I think it's inevitable Benteke will leave. I am very disappointed if he leaves on Liverpool's terms rather than ours.

That's the main thing for me, it does seem inevitable but I don't want us to bend in any way, even if he puts a transfer request in I don't want us to go for less than the clause

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I do wonder who we've lined up to replace him...

Is he going?

I don't know, but it would be stupid if we hadn't already enquired about potential replacements...


maybe there is no need?

It just seems to me like we already said our goodbyes to him. If there was ever a time that I thought he would be likely to stay it is now, much more so then in the last 3 years of lambert crap.

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Bid on the way from our favourite Belgian reporter. Alot of other twitter twatters saying clause has been met.


Id rather sell him to the reporter than Liverpool


I'd like to see Utd match it

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I can see Liverpool coming in as soon as Sterling leaves with a bid around the 27/28m mark which will probably be rejected. Wouldn't mind us trying to get Enrique in as part of the deal perosnally

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Why Enrique?  He's played half a dozen games in two years because his ankle is shot to bits, and a bad ankle injury (as with any joint injury) really can finish you as a player.  

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Anyone else seen the ghost tweet by Benteke? He posted/deleted it but someone got a screen grab....maybe BS but it's from his account so could of been photoshopped.

It read "I'll miss you villa. Thank you & good luck"

I have the picture but am on phone so can't post it.

Edited by mightysasquatch
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Max Jacobs tweeted the clause has been met as well



Yup, definitely seems a goer, curious to see who the replacement is. Have said before I really wouldn't be averse to say 28 or 29 mill with Balotelli on loan plus another permanent striker. I still think he has it in him. That said would defo rather the cash, we would be better or buying quickly though before news is confirmed and clubs try to fleece us!

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