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Aleksander Tonev


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His fellow forwards seemed rather distressed about his wild "shooting"  efforts so maybe these were secret instructions given only to him?



I think Tonev was also distressed with his shooting.


Put it this way, after his wild shooting in the first half he had just about as many pops in the second. If it was a problem, surely Lambert would have addressed it at halftime?

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I don't actually have a problem with him shooting. I would say 50% of his shots were worth a pop especially if you are supposed to have an atomic shot. 30% were him trying WAY too hard to impress and the other 20% were him being idiotic when there was a much better option available.


As I say the problem isn't so much that he took too many shots, we want our players to shoot right?


The problem was more that all his shots were really really crap. I'll put that down to nerves, along with a general lack of sharpness/off the pacedness. I remember Arshavin saying he nearly swallowed his lungs when he made his debut and I thought Tonev looked exactly like that after about 10 mins. I think he was shocked at how much tracking he would have to do.


As far as debuts go it was clearly on the very bad side but that doesn't make him a crap player at all.


Long way to go before we know if he can cut it or not.

Edited by villaglint
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He looks very nervous.... He seems like a project player and I for one hope he shows us how good he can be, he has a lot of good attributes to succeed and looks like he's just trying to hard to impress, Lambert will sort him out for sure! He's by no way the finished article... He wouldn't have cost £1-2m if he was!

Edited by Mattyp_avfc
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I would give him a game tomorrow night and on Saturday if I'm honest. I think he looks like the kind of lad that needs the minutes to settle in on the pitch, chucking him out however bad he's been won't do him any good.


He badly needs one of those 25 yard-ers to go in. I'd play him tomorrow and Saturday in the hole behind Kozak.

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While it's great that he's shooting, it was pretty annoying to see him blaze away on a chance when we had a numbers advantage or had their defence on the back foot. 


Seeing him get one of them on target would have made me feel like it was worth a crack but he blasted them all way over or wide.

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Called it from the malaga game.. The guy is pants.

Well done you.

What makes me say this is that the guy obviously has no football intellegence, never lifts his head or looks anything like composed on the ball, these are things you either have or dont't, and more to the point they are the things that seporate top premiership footballers and poor/average players. One thing that can overcome these issues on the other hand is pace.. Ala gabby agbonlahor, i dont think this tonev guy has pace either. Should jave gone to scotland.. More his level.

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