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The Randy Lerner thread


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I wonder how much longer we have to suffer with this buffoon running the show. It's no coincidence that his 2 sports teams are both routinely hopeless. I just hope that he gets sick of the abuse and sells up asap. I would rather him sell to someone with little funds, but knows what they're doing than continue as we are for much longer.

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He employed McLiesh I imagine on at least some part because he won a cup last season.Which was what about 8 matches to win.Maybe looking at the 38 games of failure in the league would have been a better measuring stick.Now you can point to 68 games where he has performed poorly as a league manager.

He needs to asses what he wants from Aston Villa because right now the choices being made are very poor and IF we go down he only has himself and PF to blame.The fans warned him he chose to ignore them ..sometimes the fans are RIGHT !

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I wonder if the board actually realise we can get relegated, I mean none of them have any knowledge or experience of football

Worrying indeed, I mean the number of football related decisions that they have truly **** up worry me. It shows they don't actually understand English football.

Lerner if we're relegated you will never be forgiven, do not let this happen to our great club, and it is ours, not yours!

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Randy, if you get to see this or get to have knowledge of this, I beg you to take note. If you really do have a love for the Villa but do not have the means to take us any further than we are now, PLEASE sell up and leave before you leave a mark on this club's history that will be an embarrassment to you and your family name forever more. Do you really want to be known as the owner of Aston Villa Football Club the first time they get relegated from the Premier League? Especially when the vast majority of the fanbase pleaded with you not to employ the man who oversees the relegation?

Here in England we have a saying "Pride before a fall". Believe me Randy, your pride will be severly damaged forever if you allow this famous football club to sink from the heights that it has been accustomed to for such a long time in its history! Alex McLeish has history of failure in the Premier League and if YOU allow him enough time he WILL take us down without any doubt. The man is just not good enough for this wonderful club of ours and only you can do something about that. You may like to leave your assets for others to oversee - Paul Faulkner - but it is now time for you to take charge of the situation and make sure that this club keeps its proud place with the elite of English football.

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When you think about it Randy Lerner really did want to see us succeed. He hired MON and gave MON quite a bit of money to spend. Lerner was expecting to be making money by spending money. He thought MON could get us Champs league which would bring a lot of money into the club. MON continued to sign players and give them silly wages but he never got us into champs league. We did get Europa league but MON consistently failed at European football. So Lerner was making little money instead he was losing it. Lerner got sick and tired of paying all these useless players millions and needed to cut the wages. He hired Houllier which was excited about but it didn't pan out. It wasn't until this year when I started thinking Lerner no longer gives a ****.

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When you think about it Randy Lerner really did want to see us succeed. He hired MON and gave MON quite a bit of money to spend. Lerner was expecting to be making money by spending money. He thought MON could get us Champs league which would bring a lot of money into the club. MON continued to sign players and give them silly wages but he never got us into champs league. We did get Europa league but MON consistently failed at European football. So Lerner was making little money instead he was losing it. Lerner got sick and tired of paying all these useless players millions and needed to cut the wages. He hired Houllier which was excited about but it didn't pan out. It wasn't until this year when I started thinking Lerner no longer gives a ****.

He gave MON enough to give us a shot at Chmps League, he certainly didn't give him enough to make it likely. Look at the base that the teams around us were at before MON even started, and the amount they also spent around that time.

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When you think about it Randy Lerner really did want to see us succeed. He hired MON and gave MON quite a bit of money to spend. Lerner was expecting to be making money by spending money. He thought MON could get us Champs league which would bring a lot of money into the club. MON continued to sign players and give them silly wages but he never got us into champs league. We did get Europa league but MON consistently failed at European football. So Lerner was making little money instead he was losing it. Lerner got sick and tired of paying all these useless players millions and needed to cut the wages. He hired Houllier which was excited about but it didn't pan out. It wasn't until this year when I started thinking Lerner no longer gives a ****.

I would agree with this. Quite clearly he wanted to make a real go of things here but, probably very sensibly, realised that we couldn't afford to keep pissing money away. The Houllier episode was forgivable, particularly given the state of the managerial market when MON walked out, but the longer we rumble on with McLeish the more I think that Lerner must be either totally incompetent or disinterested, perhaps even spitefully so.

There really is time to save this club and for Lerner to save himself but the manager has to go at the end of the season.

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He gave MON enough to give us a shot at Chmps League, he certainly didn't give him enough to make it likely. Look at the base that the teams around us were at before MON even started, and the amount they also spent around that time.

like Everton?

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Despite the ridiculous situation we find ourselves in I do not want to write of Randy yet. I think that some of the abuse is unwarranted and to some degree, he made and arguably continues to make mistakes based on placing faith in the opinion of often misinformed individuals. A club cannot be run on the whims of its fanbase, but consideratoin must be made to the thoughts of those and that is where McLeishes appointment really does baffle anyone with a remote interest in the club.

That said, all is not lost. The club has a good academey and reserve set up plus some good players in the first team. The problem is, there is way too many players that are legacy to the ONeill era. That problem gets alleviated at the end of this year and opens up a window of opportunity to change the philosophy of the club. I am not going to repeat myself for risk of muppets like CI seizing on aspects of posts in isolation, but if this club is to ever challenge again in the future, opportunities like this need to be seized.

We need to identify a club ethos that takes us forward both on and off the pitch, which doesnt necesserily mean pouring cash into a bottomless pit. The ethos should not be a PR stunt, but a systematic reveiw of how the club functions from its grass routes player identification through to nurturing that talent ready for the first team squad.

McLeish should go, there is no argument for keeping him here. The next managerial appointment should buy into and influence the development blueprint with an aim of top six within the next 3-5 years. Focus should be on creation of a scouting network in emerging footballing nations and the building of player development centres in South America, the Far East and Eastern Europe. The world is full of good UEFA B coaches, but AVFC coach development should focus on our ethos and devlopment blueprint. It increases our overseas footprint and allows us to identify potential talent.

The first team squad should be focused on players in the 20-27 year old age group and preference should be on players who are young and hungry. No more 30 somethings on long term retirement plans. Also, build to keep with long contracts on younger players that warns off bigger clubs should they come calling, or generates a larger transfer fee should their approach be unavoidable. Try to replicate that "Busby Babes" type approach to the squad and make a point of what we are doing. A little like ONeills flawed "UK Only" type approach but hopefully more succesful.

I know we are not going to finish top six for the next few years, but that feeling would be more acceptable if there was a vision for the club. The current lurching from one disaster to the other on the manaqerial side, plus lack of communication and engagement from the club is what is generating this anger towards Randy. He pays Faulkner and McLeish to temper his abscence with a voice from within, but Faulkner talks shite and McLeish can barely string three words together. That is hurting Randy at this time.

The one thing that Stans devasting diagnosis has shown is that the club does monitor the internet forums and social media and therefore, they should be aware of the level of hatred towards McLeish!!!

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